-Caveat Lector-

Let's not forget infant formula for all the damage it has done to
children. 1.5 million babies die every year from not being breastfed.
Mothers are bullied by formula company propaganda into believing that
their product is superior to breast milk. Then they don't have enough
money to buy enough formula so they dilute it and the babies die from
marasmus, or they don't have clean water to make the formula or
sterilize the bottles and the babies die from rotavirus--something that
one of the biggest formula pushers in the world, American Home Products
(SMA, Nursoy formulas, biggest customer the federal WIC program), has
just come up with a vaccine for.
Even in the US, with enough money to buy formula & "clean" water,
babies get sick & die from formula. Bottle-feeding contributes to ear
infectons, poor dental development & food allergies.
Details: Milk, Money & Madness, by Naomi Baumslag and Dia Michels
Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey 1995
ISBN 0-89789-407-3
If you, or any mother you know needs more information, contact 
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