From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After lurking for 2 months, I finally was able to straighen out an anomaly at
onelist so I can now post - I hope.

I want to start by thanking Dan Hopsicker, Mike Ruppert, Catherine Fitts, and
everyone else who contributes. It has been very enlightening. This is the list
to be on if on none other. A year ago I knew none of what I've learned here,
and all I can say is it fits. It explains what I've observed on my own. And
today's interview of Antony Sutton was tops. I have only one correction, Kris.
I believe it was John Dewey, not Thomas. John was the great (?) educator and a
founder of the influential Columbia Teachers College, a real wolf in sheep's

I found some material referenced in one post - on Bohemian Grove a bit much
however, but then Sutton did too. My father was a guest at BG in 1953; his host
was a cousin who had been the leading portrait photographer in Washington, DC.
My father spoke afterword of the great food served in a beautiful setting, and
the camaraderie of his cousin's campmates (each shack was built by a small
group of men who gloried in not shaving or dressing up - remember this was
40-some years ago and older gentlemen born in the 19th c. almost always wore
coat & tie in public). He also spoke of the talks given by notables and
concerts given by leading artists - Lauritz Melchior the great Wagnerian was
one such. My father was an upright ethical man, and he would have been
noticeably shocked if he had found any wierdness at BG.

I do think however that BG would have been great for networking, and the movers
and shakers were there and could make contact with one another - in between the

As an additional piece of reading for those inclined, for one take on the
world-wide drug busines I suggest you go read the book
Dr. John Coleman at
I believe it's worth you while to look at it - then come back with your
opinions. A friend who knows a lot says much of the info with which she is
personally acquainted rings true.

And finally, as a response and an endorsement for Mr. Sutton's beliefs in the
common sense of the American individual may I send all you good people Thomas
Sowell's column de jour

Jewish World Review; July 2, 1999

Thomas Sowell

The Fourth of July --

THE FOURTH OF JULY is more than the
commemoration of America's independence. It
commemorates the beginning not only of a new
country, but of a new kind of society, in which
the common man achieved a degree of freedom
and opportunity undreamed of in any other
country before.

That is why the emergence of America attracted
international attention and the war which led to
American independence was begun with what
was aptly called "the shot heard round the

The echoes of that shot continue to be heard
around the world to this day. The worldwide
significance of the American revolution led to
France's donating the Statue of Liberty on the
one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of this
country that had led the fight for the rights and
freedom of ordinary people. Its international
symbolism is also why a replica of that statue
was used by those fighting for such rights in
China's Tiananmen Square a decade ago.

The only people who seem not to understand the
worldwide significance of American society are
our own intelligentsia. To them the Fourth of July
is at best an embarrassment, if not something to
sneer at. The flag-waving, the proud speeches
and the Horatio Alger stories are just part of a
nationalist "myth," as far as the intellectuals are

They could not be more wrong. The prosperity
that we -- and they -- enjoy today is in large part
a product of many, many real-life Horatio Alger
stories about ordinary people who rose from humble circumstances to
achieve success for themselves by creating a more abundant life for
millions of other Americans.

Why are the masses of ordinary people in this country able to drive
automobiles? Because Henry Ford, who began work at lowly jobs to
support himself as a teenager, eventually rose to create efficient
mass-production techniques that brought a luxury of the rich within the
means of the masses.

Why do airplanes exist? Because two bicycle mechanics from Ohio, who
never went to college, got the first plane off the ground on a beach in
North Carolina, while others around the world were still trying to iron out
the bugs.

Often it was not the invention or production of a new product that was
crucial. Figuring out efficient methods of distribution is what brought the
prices of many goods and services down to a level where millions of
people could afford them.

At the beginning of the 1930s, most American homes did not have
refrigerators but, by the end of that decade, most did. One of the things
that made this possible was that the Sears department store chain was
able to sell refrigerators at less than half of what they had cost before. A
more efficient distribution system made this possible, not only for
refrigerators, but for many other products and services, ranging from
stoves to automobile insurance.

The man who founded Sears did not come from an elite background.
Neither did the founders of such rival stores as Montgomery Ward and
J.C. Penney. Nor did Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew
Carnegie, John Jacob Astor or David Sarnoff. None of them went to
college and all of them began working as teenagers in lowly occupations,
the kind our clever and smug intellectuals like to call "dead-end jobs."

There are no dead-end jobs. There are only dead-end people-- and
most Americans do not fall into that category.

Economics is not everything, nor even the main thing. America
symbolizes, above all, freedom and opportunity for ordinary people. That
is what makes it a beacon to those in other lands who are seeking
freedom and opportunity.

But this individual independence that attracts others is also what turns off
the intelligentsia. Those convinced of their own superiority and itching to
run other people's lives -- "making a differences," as it is called -- can
never feel comfortable in a country where other people can live their own
lives in their own way, without bending the knee to the environmentalists,
the radical feminists and all the other self-anointed saviors and avengers.

These smug elites are not overtly plotting the repeal of the American
revolution. They are just dismantling it piece by piece, in pursuit of their
own particular goals.

No wonder the Fourth of July makes the intelligentsia uncomfortable. It
celebrates the revolution that gave ordinary people freedom from the
rampaging presumptions of their "betters."

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