-Caveat Lector-

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:              Fri, 02 Jul 1999 18:47:43 -0700
From:                   David Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Fluoride

Post Number 91: Fluoride; another view
Of all of the health issues facing Americans, this is probably one of the
most inane.  It is nearly beyond my comprehension that people do not
understand what it means when a so-called government has the power to
decide if they should be medicinally treated, or not.  For those “in the
fight” to keep the “governments” hands off of herbs and natural
treatments, welcome to reality.  If the government can mandate fluoridated
water, you have already lost the fight, and it is simply a matter of time
until “they” decide how best to “acclimate” the majority into the view
that it is being done “for your own good.”

But there is much more to this story than simply the issue of whether the
“government” has the “right” to decide if you are to be treated (think of
everything else that implies!).  There is also the issue of fluoride
itself, and this is not a pretty story.  For those who are confused, and
actually “believe” that there has ever been any debate about how safe OR
effective fluoride is, welcome to reality.  What you are about to read has
been known and understood by those whose agenda it is to weaken
from the very first.  The problem is that most Americans have no clue as
to just how twisted, perverted and absolutely evil the men to whom they
have entrusted their nation are.     David

Mental Fluorosis: Brain Damage from Fluorides
Courtesy of Sarasota ECO Report         Guy Alland, Publisher
P.O. Box 35500
Sarasota, FL 34242
(941) 9251946

Mental Fluorosis: Brain Damage from Exposure to Fluorides
(environmental retardation)        George Glasser
"Those who are for and against fluoridation have little common ground
other than issues they disagree on. They cannot dialogue objectively
because they have different realities. They see things differently, and
have different criteria in determining validity. Our lives are enriched by
artists for whom "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But our lives are
often endangered when scientific truth is in the eye of the beholder."
(Dr. Schatz, discoverer of streptomycin)

Only now are the insidious facts about Sarin (nerve gas) surfacing as more
comes out about the "Gulf War Syndrome" and the Tokyo subway incident.
appears that with both incidents, the people exposed to Sarin are
suffering with variety of chronic adverse health and lingering neurotoxic
effects such as memory loss.,

Sarin is the most potent neurotoxic substance known. Sarin is also a
fluorinated organophosphate similar to, but more toxic to humans than the
insecticide, Parathion. Sarin is the prime example of toxicokinetics of
the fluoride ion, when the fluoride ion is combined with relatively benign
substances, it often creates a powerful toxicant (toxic synergism). With
Sarin, the fluoride ion is like an arming mechanism for the relatively
benign organophosphate which transforms it into a compound with one

Acute exposure to Sarin, a drop, about the size of a grain of sand,
causes spasms (tetany), heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia), many
other neurological disorders, and possibly, collapse of the nervous system
and death. Production of acetylcholine, the most important chemical for
nervous system function is disrupted. Acetylcholine is responsible for
carrying all neuro-transmissions in the brain and throughout the nervous
system of the body.

Many animal studies of fluorinated organophosphates also suggest a
delayed neurotoxic reaction similar to those experiences by those people
exposed to Sarin.

With water fluoridation, the public is exposed to a variety of
fluorides, and aside from the fluoride ion, some of those fluorides are
neurotoxic. Many scientists discount the fluoride ion as being neurotoxic;
however, the weight of scientific evidence strongly indicates that the
fluoride ion is, if nothing else, the perpetrator. This is evidenced by
the variety of highly effective fluorinated drugs that are used to treat
mental disorders, and the fluoride ion's role in the devastating
effectiveness of Sarin as a chemical nerve agent.,

Many psychoactive drugs are fluorinated. Two of the most noted are
Rohypnol (the infamous date-rape drug, "Roofies") and Prozac. Rohypnol is
fluorinated Valium, which is about 20-30 times more potent than Valium
alone. Essentially, these drugs effect enzyme functions in certain areas
of the brain to achieve the desired effect. The primary ingredients of
most psychoactive drugs suppress enzyme production, and the fluoride ion
is also an enzyme inhibitor. The one particular side effect common to
almost all fluorinated drugs which is mentioned in the Physician's Desk
Reference is memory loss. These drugs include Fenfluramine (a fluorinated
weight loss drug), fluorinated corticosteroids, and fluorinated
psychoactive drugs. Memory loss and learning disorders are associated
the hippocampal area of the brain.

On page 125 of the Toxicological Profile for Fluorides it is stated:
"Neurotoxicity: Because fluoride interacts with calcium ions needed for
effective neurotransmission, fluoride can affect the nervous system." This
statement is reinforced by recent studies performed by Dr. Robert Isaacson
and Dr. Phyllis Mullenix which were concluded shortly after the
publication of the profile…

Since 1992 there have been three studies confirming that fluorides
affect brain functions. Dr. Robert Isaacson, Binghamton University, New
York conducted two studies using low levels of aluminum fluoride and
sodium fluoride. The levels were similar to the amounts people are exposed
to on a daily basis from fluoridated toothpastes and drinking water.
Results showed that both types of fluorides were neurotoxic. The most
recent study, Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats, Mullenix, et al,
published in Neurotoxicology and Teratology 1995, was done using larger
doses of sodium fluoride and corroborated the results of both Isaacson
studies (1992 & 1994).

All the studies demonstrated that the hippocampal region (learning
center) of the brain was the most susceptible to the effects of

It was also stated in the study published in Neurotoxicology and
Teratology, 1995, Mullenix, et al, that: "Hyperactivity and cognitive
deficits are generally linked with hippocampal damage, and in fact, the
hippocampus is considered to be the central processor which integrates
inputs from the environment, memory, and motivational stimuli to produce
behavioral decisions and modify memory." However, the researchers said
that although the behavior of rats does not extrapolate to humans; the
generic behavioral patterns created in rats from fluoride exposure can and
probably do occur in humans. They also said the problems that might occur
in humans from typical chronic fluoride exposure during pregnancy and
early childhood are: "motor-sensory dysfunction, IQ deficits' and/or
learning disabilities" (environmentally induced retardation of brain

While Dr. Mullenix's study dealt only with sodium fluoride, Dr.
Isaacson's studies focused on aluminum fluoride compared to sodium
fluoride and were performed to determine if fluoridated water's effect on
leaching aluminum or combining with the aluminum sulphate added to some
water as a clarifier had an impact on the development of Alzheimer's
Disease. Alzheimer's studies had determined that there was a significant
build-up of aluminum in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.
Population studies also suggested that there appeared to be a higher
incidence of Alzheimer's disease among people who lived in fluoridated
areas which was the impetus for Dr. Isaacson's study.

Isaacson's study indicated that the aluminum fluoride was more
neurotoxic than the sodium fluoride.

Recent studies in China, where coal containing fluorides is used for
cooking and heating, determined that fluorides released during burning and
inhaled by young children were responsible for lowered IQ's.

Documents with regards to the neurotoxic effects of fluoride exposure
among the workers who processed uranium for the first nuclear bombs in
1944 were recently declassified by the government. These documents
indicate that the US Government has known for more than fifty years that
fluorides are neurotoxic. Other studies dating back to 1949 indicate that
exposure to fluorides can have neurotoxic effects on animals.

The first form of nerve gas, Soman, was developed by the Germans in the
during World War-2 which indicates that scientists were well aware of
neurotoxicity of fluoride compounds almost sixty years ago.,

Through water fluoridation, the general population, especially children
who are most susceptible to developmental changes, are exposed to
fluorides. In the Toxicological Profile for Fluorides, 1993, page 90, it
states, "The fluoride ion carried in human blood serum exists in two
forms, namely as an inorganic ion (F-)_ and in combination with an organic
molecule. The toxicological significance of the latter form is unknown. A
portion of circulating fluoride acts as an enzyme inhibitor because it
forms metal-fluoride-phosphate complexes that interfere with the activity
of those enzymes requiring a metal ion cofactor. In addition, fluoride may
interact directly with the enzyme or the substrate. It is a general
inhibitor of the energy production system of the cell...."

The fluoride ion has a negative electrical charge while metal ions have a
positive electrical charge, and they readily combine to form
metal-fluoride-complexes.  Both metal ions and fluoride ions are very
small. Consequently, they can easily pass through cell membranes. Once in
the cell, a natural chemical reaction occurs where the fluoride ion is
released from the metal ion. The fluoride ion interferes with the enzyme
function and continues on while the metal ion is left behind. It is also
possible for the fluoride ion to attach to a trace mineral such as zinc
which is essential to enzyme function and remove it from the cell. This
same scenario is how fluoride acts as a delivery mechanism for
psychoactive drugs, but with water fluoridation the passenger is a
neurotoxic substance such as lead, mercury or aluminum for which the brain
is the target organ.

Because the poisoning of the brain is accomplished from chronic, low-
level doses of highly potent (synergized) metal-fluoride-complexes,
conventional standards used to determine intoxication would be inadequate
(a linear dose-response to a particular neurotoxic substance). Like
Rohypnol or Sarin, the neurotoxic substances may well be synergized with
the addition of the fluoride ion.  Consequently, lead or mercury fluoride
could be much more neurotoxic than the independent metal ion.

While symptoms may indicate that a person is suffering from
neurotoxicity, the method and standards used to measure toxicity and/or
serum levels of substances would not indicate toxic levels in the body.
The present accepted method used by researchers to determine adverse
effects is to attempt to target a single substance as the causative rather
than address chemical interactions that can and do occur when chemicals
are metabolized in the human body or through environmental reactions. The
consequences of not considering synergized chemical interactions would
misdiagnoses and possibly the prescribing of a medication that may
exacerbate the condition. To further confound the problem, there are only
several animal studies available on the neurotoxic effects of
metal-fluoride-complexes on which to base any diagnosis.

The present thought among most pro and anti-fluoridation scientists and
researchers is that since the neurotoxic metal-fluoride-complexes are only
found at trace levels in fluoridated water, they are of little
significance. Most scientists are only concerned with how much of a
specific toxicant will cause an adverse health effect, not how little of a
synergized toxicant will cause an adverse health effect with prolonged
(chronic), low-level exposure.

The problem with fluorides is that it is difficult to prove that the
fluoride ion had anything to do with a metabolic crime involving
neurotoxic damage related to metal-fluoride-complexes. This is because
fluoride ion is the vehicle that carries the neurotoxic substance,
effectively delivers it to the target area of the brain where it will do
the most damage and continues on its metabolic journey.

With lethal doses of poisons such as Sarin or sodium fluoroacetate, it
would be almost impossible to determine that a person had been poisoned
from the fluorinated toxicants. This is because of the bioactivity of the
fluoride ion which is in a constant state of transition as it travels
through the body. With these fluoride compounds, the examining physician
would have to know that a person was exposed to these substances to
determine the cause of death, otherwise, it would be written off as heart
failure. Diagnosing the effects of chronic, low-level exposure to fluoride
compounds would be almost impossible unless appropriate research was
to determine what those adverse affects were and that the physicians were
aware of the research.

In essence, it can be said that the ubiquitous fluoride ion when
combined with another substance could be the perpetrator of almost
perfect neurological or biological crimes. This is because: 1. Neither
toxic levels of the fluoride ion nor the accomplice substance can be
placed at the scene of the crime in significant amounts to indicate
intoxication; 2. scientists generally discount toxic synergism as a factor
with chronic fluoride toxicity; and 3. there is no research data on which
to base a diagnosis.

The weight of scientific evidence suggests that the fluoride ion is the
most logical perpetrator of neurotoxic damage. It is also a scientific
fact that the fluoride ion has a particular affinity for metal ions of
which some, such as lead, aluminum and mercury are neurotoxic and
accumulate in brain tissues. And it is a well known scientific fact among
toxicologists that the fluoride ion acts as a synergizing agent for many
toxicants. Consequently, it is only logical to assume that the neurotoxic
metal-fluoride-phosphate complexes act as potentiated neurotoxicants.

The only adverse effects most scientists are interested in with regards to
water fluoridation are the effects of the fluoride ion which is an
intangible and accumulate in endpoint tissues after the fact (the
metabolic damage has been done). The fluoride ion, alone, only exists
instantaneously in a transitional phase during a chemical reaction. Long
term effects of low-level, chronic exposure to synergized fluoride
compounds/complexes are considered inconsequential although the
is exposed to low-levels of these chemicals on a daily basis via
fluoridated water, residual fluorinated insecticides, pesticides,
herbicides and fungicides on fruits and vegetables along with
environmental fluoride pollution.

In the Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 69, Feb. 1990, pg. 584, there is a
mention of toxic synergism and concern over metal-fluoride complexes in
Recommendations from Session IV, Needed Research, # 7, "Consider
variations in physiological, nonphysiological, and pathological changes __
for example, diet, ambient temperature, altitude, environmental pollution
and disease states. Environmental pollutants __ heavy metals, for example
__ should be monitored not just for their effects on F but for their other
effects per se".

The effects of long-term, low-level exposure to these metal-fluoride
complexed neurotoxicants and organophosphates are contingent on
factors: The age of the person, diet, health, vitamin and mineral
deficiencies, genetic disposition, ethnicity, length of exposure, previous
exposure to neurotoxicants, medications, and environmental factors. Not
all people react the same.

There is much research data on the neurotoxic effects of lead, mercury and
aluminum: Lead is associated with environmental retardation (learning
disorders); mercury is associated with various nervous disorders ("mad
hatter" syndrome); and aluminum has been associated with memory loss
(presenile dementia, Alzheimer's disease). However, since there are only
several studies about neurotoxic metal-fluoride-complexes, one can only
speculate what effects chronic, long-term, low-level exposure to
combinations of these complexes could be.

In reviewing pharmaceutical, agricultural and chemical warfare research
data, it appears safe to assume that the neurotoxic effects of
metal-fluoride-complexes would be magnified as with the case of Rohypnol
and other psychoactive drugs. It is also logical to believe, that like
soldiers suffering from Sarin exposure ("Gulf War Syndrome"), there might
not be an antidote for the adverse metabolic reaction caused by
organophosphates that are also used used in agricultural products or
metal-fluoride-complexes. Possibly, continued chronic exposure to
low-levels of fluorides might well exacerbate the initial effects.

(As you will be able to see below, there are many who are becoming aware
that something is wrong.  Until recently, fluoride was not a major problem
in California, then, that great Republican Governor Pete Whatshisname
signed a new law mandating it.  After reading the above, think about how
you run after the Republicans to “save” you!  You can not petition those
who are the authors of your misery and expect relief.  For reference, see
Post #4; Real Republicans.   – David)

Subj.: Urgent Alert
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 1999 04:16:30 AM

Support LA Citizens for Safe Drinking Water at the hearing of the case
against LA city council. STOP THE FLUORIDATION OF WATER in Los
Pack the court to show the judge how many citizens will not tolerate
fluoridation. Judge John Reed will hear the case FRIDAY MAY 28, 1999 AT
8:15 A.M.. The demonstration will begin at 8 a.m. Meet at Los Angeles
Superior Court, 111 N. Hill, Department 55. The Red Line stops at Civic
Center, so if you’re anywhere near a train, you can skip the traffic and
parking problems. Call MTA 213/922-2000. We are merely relaying
information, so any necessary questions should be addressed to LA
for Safe Drinking Water, 818/780-3330. We do not know anything. We do
expect any changes in the time or place, but you might check your email
just before you leave. If we hear of any changes, we will try to send out
email. Also, if you hear of any changes, please send an email to this
number, because we will not necessarily know. You can also call
55 on Thursday afternoon. 213/974-5683. Case number BC207490.

May 29 and 30 are important dates too. MAY 29 IS THE CLOSE OF THE
COMMENT PERIOD on the members of the National Academy of
Sciences panel,
proposed May 10, that will ASSESS THE RISKS OF GENETICALLY
charged with
assessing the risks of the genetically modified crops. If you have not
commented since May 10, you will need to do so again. The comments you
submitted in April will not be considered regarding the panel proposed May
10. To send comments online, go to the National Academy website:
www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/ and click on BANR099-02-A
your written comments to: Michael Phillips, National Academy of Sciences,
Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Harris Bldg., Room 394,
Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20418 Re: 2101 BANR-O-99-02-

You can FAX 202/334-1978 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you don’t have time for anything else at least call and give your
comments over the telephone.  Jennifer Kuzna, 202/334-2396.  Late at
night is okay. Just leave comment on the voice mail.

As more and more people begin to starve to death around the world,
because of actions directly related to Washington, DC, perhaps more
Americans will begin to understand why judgement will come against them.

I urge you to pass this post on to others, or post it as you see fit,
unaltered in any way, as others may need to understand what is going on.
We all have a moral obligation to help understanding and knowledge
across America.   "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does
blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life
of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will
hold the watchman accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance; this is the lesson that
America forgot in the enjoyment of the excess of materialism.

I am now selling copies of the book “Strategic Withdrawal; the Peaceful
Solutions Manual.”  If you would like a copy of the paper “Strategic
Withdrawal in a Nutshell,” please E-mail me and request it at

There is now a Web page with my writings on it.  You may go to:
and click on DIRECTORY.

The Web master is William Kern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  The first 9 parts of
series are up on the site, and soon Parts XI through XVIII will be up as
well.  In addition, we will be setting up at least some of the Posts
there, and quite possibly other related information such as the referenced
file from Part II showing the original Constitution of 1787 before it was
sent to England for approval.

I have now established a new E-group.  This group is monitored only to the
point that I approve of new members to the group.  I do have some common
sense rules; No language that is offensive No flaming or name calling And
if you post information, source it. If you do not follow these rules, I
will remove you.

I would wish, as the name of the group implies, that most who join the
group are readers of the Series, or interested in finding out about the
Series so that they can decide if they should read it.  However, it is
certainly no requirement that you have read the Series or are going to
read the Series to being a member of the group.  The only requirement is
that you be willing to learn, just as I am.

I set the group up so that there is no list of members.  If you join, you
may listen to the group without revealing yourself.  My intent here is to
share information and help everyone, including myself, learn and change,
for a better future, based on a better understanding of yesterday. Group
address: the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Group Name: the [EMAIL PROTECTED]

“An information sharing group dedicated to the knowledge and
understanding of the True history of America and of their status as free
men and women, and dedicated to bringing about the changes necessary
personal freedom.”

Users can send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
automatically         subscribe.

http://www.egroups.com/group/theseries/.    This is the archive for the

It also appears that I will be working on the Internet newsletter
American Taxpayer as a contributing writer and/or editor.  I have agreed
that the writing that I do for this Newsletter will be proprietary
information, which means I will not release it elsewhere.  I will bring
you more details on this as arrangements are firmed up.  If you are
interested in subscribing, please contact me.

My new ICQ number is 42549688

Is information in this post for real?  I assure you it is.  If you do not
understand, I suggest you begin reading the papers that I have prepared
for people just like you (no cost; no obligation).  There are currently 18
papers in all and they cover health, cancer, nutrition, the Constitution,
citizenship, law, case law, nature, and many other subjects.  Currently,
there are at least 5 doctors, 2 lawyers, 1 judge (that I know of), 3
college/university professors and many others reading the information.
They read because they are learning; maybe you should as well.  Your first
paper will be about United States citizenship, and what case law says
about it. Case law from the Supreme Court, for instance.  The second paper
is on the Constitution.

To understand the world around you it is necessary to understand
Scripture, and one piece of information from Scripture is particularly
telling; “the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil.”  Not some evil; not
most evil; ALL evil.  Private courts the IRS uses are simply another way
to prey on the uninformed; please, do not stay uninformed.  Learn what is
really going on in America.  Learn why the United States government (a
corporation [in bankruptcy]) allows abuse of people like the fraudulent
IRS.  I will be sending other Posts I consider important; please pass them
on to those you consider in need of information. Please pass them on
unedited.  Please watch for them.  David

If you are interested in my series, please E-mail
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and let’s get started!  Or, visit the web page
listed above and get started!  Whatever you do, just get started!  And for
those of you who have been reading and stopped for some reason, any
reason, please continue.  Believe me, the real information begins after
Part X!  There will be a total of 20 parts, and those who are finishing
are learning much more, and this learning is changing how they look at the
world around them, in some ways, drastically.  God Bless, David

"Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across truth. Most jump up,
brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had
happened." - Sir Winston Churchill

When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit
being mistaken or cease to be honest.

Lawyers: 99.9 percent of them give the rest of the profession a bad

I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislation.
You've got to work on his conscience.  And his lack of conscience is
what makes him a lawyer -- Will Rogers (1879-1935)

It also can be said better: When do you know a lawyer is lying?  When his
mouth is open.

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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