-Caveat Lector-

Kris, you are a master propagandist, as are most jews.
John Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 03, 1999 12:00 AM
Subject: [CTRL] [1] Hitler's Priestess Ñ Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth,
and Neo-Nazism -repost

> -Caveat Lector-
> An excerpt from:
> Hitler's Priestess - Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism
> Nicholas Goodricke-Clarke©1998
> New York University Press
> www.nyupress.nyu.edu
> ISBN 0-8147-3110-4
> -----
> Another fine one from, Mr. Goodricke-Clarke.  A sample.
> Om
> K
> -----
> "Discovered Alive in India: Hitler's Guru!"
> The young German sat on the threadbare sofa listening to the words of the
> woman before him. Through windows opening onto a balcony, shafts of
> dust-flecked sunlight shone into the darkened space of her humble,
> furnished room. Outside the strange, heady tumult of India resounded in
> full glare of the midday heat. All around he could hear the street sounds
> raucous, bustling squalor of this back alley in Delhi. Occasionally, her
> narrative was interrupted by the songs of the exotic birds she kept in her
> room and the young man was distracted by the sudden darting movement of
> many cats, her inseparable companions, that lay at her feet or dozed out
> the balcony in the warm air.
> His attention fixed on the worn and crinkled face of the old woman as she
> carefully chose her words to tell the story of her life. She was dressed
> the fashion of Indian women, wearing a loose white sari and a thin cotton
> shift over her shoulders. Soft gray hair framed her high forehead and was
> gathered behind her ears. While her brow was barely lined, her cheeks,
> and neck blurred in a mass of furrows and wrinkles. Her lips were thin,
> her mouth looked twisted, pointing downward at the right side. But it was
> eyes that held him. Her eyes burned with a strange luminous quality, the
> light of inner vision and missionary zeal. But he also noticed that the
> eye stared with a pained expression, while the right appeared tired and
> liquid, and he remembered with a start that she was now almost blind with
> cataracts.
> The old woman's name was Savitri Devi and the young man had traveled all
> way from Frankfurt to find her in this small bare room in old India and to
> hear in her own words the story of her sacred mission for Hitler and
> This elderly and infirm prophetess of Aryan revival, a philosopher of
> Hitler's cosmic purpose and Nazi pilgrim in the ruins of the German Reich
> the end of the Second World War, had lived for years in poverty and
> in Calcutta and Delhi. Now in November :1978, at the end of a long life
> devoted to the Aryan cause, she had found a new publisher. In late 1982
> Zundel, the founder-proprietor of the neo-Nazi Samisdat Publishers in
> Toronto, publicized the availability of a set of five two-hour cassettes
> live interviews with Savitri Devi and a brandnew edition of her
> classic The Lightning and the Sun (1958). The notice was mailed worldwide
> card flyers and it is worth quoting in its breathless entirety:
> THE HITLER CULT REVEALED. Discovered alive in India: Hitler's guru!
> For serious students of the occult: You can now purchase the complete
> set of tape cassette recorded, live interviews with Hitler guru Savitri
> at her home in India. Hear in her own words the narration of a prophetic
> pilgrimage along the edge of the cosmic abyss. Watch the clouds of evil
> scatter under the lightning of Cosmic Justice and the sun of Cosmic
> Truth.
> Read her shocking and most recently published manuscript, "The Lightning
> the Sun," which exposes the tangled roots of Nazism for all to see.
> through her the secret Nazi pyramid connection with Pharaoh Akhnaton and
> ancient cult of the sun. Learn the real significance of Genghis Khan's
> role in history, his incredible significance in the present. Discover the
> hidden springs of Hitler's manic will to power, his mystical bond with the
> dark forces of time and destiny. Pursue the outlines of evil in its
> cosmic context.
> Decipher now the encoded workings of the Nazi mind. Perceive how Hitler
> the workings of the universe through: Human sacrifice. Vegetarianism.
> Aryanism. The cyclic view of history. The children of violence. The will
> survive and to conquer. The seat of truth. Gods on earth. Kalki, the
> Were ancient sanskrit laws of the universe compiled in the Bhagavad Gita
> secret source of Nazi strength? The amazing answers to these riddles are
> at hand. Read them in "The Lightning and the Sun," Hitler guru Savitri
> huge, illustrated 448 page illumination of occult Nazi wisdom and
> The Samisdat publicity was a resounding finale to a long and eventful
> begun early in the century in the beautiful, old walled city of Lyons.
> When I first read these lines on the card flyer, I knew very little of
> Savitri Devi. But Samisdat Publishers was known to me as a far-right press
> owned by Ernst Zundel, notorious for the publication in 1974 Of the first
> English-language translation of The Auschwitz Lie, a short book that
> the very fact of the Holocaust. However, the Samisdat catalogue mingled
> efforts to glorify the Third Reich, minimize war crimes, and deny the
> extermination of the Jews with odd books about UFOs, incredible German
> weapons, and postwar Nazi bases in Antarctica. Ernst Zundel clearly
> these topics as a potent myth of apocalyptic Nazi revival backed by
> astonishing resources. This myth might appeal to an older generation of
> unrepentant Nazis seeking imaginative relief from the division of Germany
> since -1945. At the same time it introduced a young generation of Germans
> the idea of the Third Reich's achievement and technological superiority
> against a backdrop of neo-Nazi science fiction.
> Samisdat's presentation of Savitri Devi was evidently part of this
> designed to entice new audiences with the neo-Nazi message. Ancient
> and pyramid secrets, Eastern religion, vegetarianism, and Green ideas-the
> very currency of the burgeoning New Age with its interest in exotic
> spiritual- truths, and a worship of nature-could be exploited as bait for
> young, unwary, or simply curious. By the late -1970s the historical
> experience of the Third Reich was quickly receding into the past. As
> literature and films ably demonstrated, Nazism was becoming something
> mythical, even fantastic and also plastic, that could be molded and
> with novel associations and thereby given new meanings. By republishing
> work of Savitri Devi, Zundel aimed to create a new cultic interest in
> linking him to ancient mysteries, the world of nature, and powerful
> symbols drawn from the Orient.
> Her ideas have since built unlikely bridges between neo-Nazism and the New
> Age. Savitri Devi viewed nature in the Hindu fashion, as a violent pageant
> creation and destruction in which man held no special rights. A cloyingly
> sentimental love of animals stood in marked contrast to her misanthropic
> contempt for non-Aryan humans, the weak, and infirm. Himmler and
> among other leading Nazis, also combined a concern for animals with their
> monstrous blueprints to eliminate all "unworthy" human life. The
> of Man
>  (1959), her book, devoted to a thoroughgoing rejection of the
> creeds" of Judaism and Christianity, was republished by the far-right
> Noontide Press in America in 1991. Here the brutality of Social Darwinism
> meets both the Green cult of nature and the antisocial excesses of "animal
> rights" activists. Again, the amoral worship of beauty and force implicit
> Nazi thinking finds new alliances with Hinduism, the cult of Shiva, and
> Ecology, that radical current of ecological thought that condemns modern
> as the scourge of nature.
> Savitri Devi was a Frenchwoman of Greek-English birth who had become an
> admirer of German National Socialism in the late 1920s and was obsessed by
> the Aryan myth. Deeply impressed by its racial heritage and caste system,
> had emigrated to India in the early 1930s to acquaint herself at firsthand
> with what she regarded as the cradle of the Aryan race. There she spent
> years of the Third Reich and the Second World War in expectation of a
> Axis victory, after which she and her Brahmin husband expected to help in
> establishment of a racial New Order in the subcontinent.
> During these years Savitri Devi elaborated an extraordinary synthesis of
> Hindu religion and Nordic racial ideology involving the polar origin of
> Aryans, the cycle of the ages, and the incarnation of the last avatar of
> Vishnu in Adolf Hitler. She regarded the Third Reich as "the holy Land of
> West, the Stronghold of regenerate Aryandom." Her ideas were actually
> representative of a certain section of high-caste Brahmin Indian society
> hated the Raj and was impressed by Hitler's dramatic challenge of British
> imperial power. Such Indians were fascinated by the Nazi swastika-a holy
> Indian symbol-and fondly recalled the German tradition of Sanskrit
> scholarship since the early nineteenth century. However, it seemed
> that these ideas, so foreign to the actuality of National Socialism, could
> ever find supporters in the West.
> The situation changed with the total defeat and collapse of the Third
> in 1945. In its wake Savitri Devi pursued a long and busy career as a
> neo-Nazi apologist and ideologue in Europe. She was arrested by the
> occupational forces in Germany for Nazi propaganda activities and
> Her extravagant Hitler cult, her Hindu-Nordicist doctrine of the Aryan
> and unswerving loyalty to the Nazi cause found numerous devotees among her
> fellow prisoners and demoralized Germans. After her release she befriended
> leading personalities of the Nazi regime such as the air ace Hans-Ulrich
> Rudel and the commando
> leader Otto Skorzeny, who both played an active role in maintaining a
> Nazi support network. She met with Nazi emigres and fugitives in Spain,
> Egypt, and the Middle East. She wrote books hymning the Third Reich and
> National Socialism, accounts of her propaganda campaign and detention, and
> highly charged emotional memoir of her "pilgrimage" to Hitler shrines and
> other places of Nazi association in Austria and Germany during the 1950s.
> Savitri Devi, a foreigner who had not even directly experienced life under
> National Socialism, supplied a new religious cult for the vanished Fuhrer
> an international rationale for Nazi-Aryan ideology that effectively
> transcended the narrow realities of German nationalism and anti-Semitism
> the Third Reich. Defeated and humiliated Germans who could neither grasp
> disgrace of their country nor accept the vilification of an idolized
> found comfort in Savitri Devi's rapturous approval. Hardened practitioners
> Nazi terror and persecution were flattered by her doctrine of universal
> mission. The prosaic and gruesome aspects of Nazi practice during the
> of tyranny yielded before a mythological tableau in which Hitler was
> and his regime invested with new religious significance.
> Nor was her appeal confined to die-hard German Nazis and survivors of the
> Third Reich. The existence of small but persistent neofascist and neo-Nazi
> movements after 1945 in Europe, the United States, and South America is a
> well-documented fact. While these tiny groups and parties continue to
> racism, anti-Semitism, and appeals for an authoritarian state, the
> postwar condemnation of Hitler and National Socialism is a major obstacle
> their ever gaining popular acceptance. The extermination of European Jewry
> has become the horrific hallmark of the Third Reich, forever tainting any
> attempts to rehabilitate National Socialist ideology. By her outright
> inversion of this accepted moral scheme, Savitri Devi became a heroine of
> neo-Nazi scene. In emotionally laden prose she transformed the negative
> attributes of Nazism into a religious cult of cosmic significance. The
> Reich was presented as a rehearsal for the Aryan paradise, and Adolf
> was celebrated as an avatar, a supernatural figure whose intervention in
> cycle of the ages was essential to the restoration of the Golden Age.
> Powerful ideas of anti-Semitism as a form of world-rejecting gnosis, Aryan
> paganism as a global religion of white supremacism, and Hitler as a divine
> being within a cosmic order together compose an unholy
>  theology of the Aryan myth. Seen in this light, neo-Nazism has all the
> characteristics of an international sect with a religious cult. There are
> devotional practices, initiates and martyrs, prophecies and millennial
> expectations, and even relics. By entering the strange world of Savitri
> we catch a glimpse of the fatal attraction of neo-Nazism and Hitler cults
> their followers. Above all, we may understand their perennial capacity to
> transmute religious energies and hopes for cultural revival into anger and
> violence.
> Through her divinization of Hitler and National Socialism, Savitri Devi
> became a leading light of the international neo-Nazi underground from the
> early 1960s onward. She was a confidante of Colin Jordan, the flamboyant
> leader of the National Socialist Movement in Britain, and his henchman
> Tyndall, who heads the British National Party today. She knew Lincoln
> Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party, and in August 1962 she
> attended the notorious Cotswold Camp in Gloucestershire that acted as the
> founding meeting of the World Union of National Socialists (WUNS). In the
> late 1960s her books were reprinted- in National Socialist World, the
> of the WUNS published by Lincoln Rockwell and William Pierce. In the pages
> the magazine she was credited with a "mysterious and unfailing wisdom
> according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the
> primeval forest and of the ocean depths and of the spheres in the dark
> of space ... [which Adolf Hitler made] the basis of a practical
> policy of worldwide scope."[2]
> By the 1980s Savitri Devi had assumed the status of a cult figure herself
> the neo-Nazi scene. Her eclectic ideas deriving from Hinduism, the myth of
> the Aryan race, Germanophilia, and adoration (the word is not too strong)
> Adolf Hitler supplied a new mystique for that sinister minority of Nazi
> apologists in various countries around the world. Following her death in
> 1982, her ashes were placed in a Nazi shrine at Lincoln Rockwell's
> headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Ernst Zundel the German-Canadian
> publisher of Holocaust revisionism, sold her books and taped interviews in
> mass editions to young German neo-Nazis. Miguel Serrano, the former
> ambassador and pioneer of "Esoteric Hitlerism," paid fulsome tribute to
> inspiration in his own books about the Hitler avatar. Nazi satanist groups
> and skinheads in Europe, America, and New Zealand cultivate her memory and
> ideas today. In Savitri Devi and her entourage one finds an articulate
> statement of the Hitler cult that defines the unholy theology of
> Chapter 1
> Savitri Devi was born Maximiani Portas on 30 September 1905 in Lyons. Her
> mother, Julia nee Nash, came from Cornwall, one of two surviving daughters
> one William Nash, an Englishman, who had married his first cousin. Her
> was of mixed Mediterranean stock with an Italian mother from London and a
> Greek father who had acquired French citizenship on account of his
> in France., Although Maximiani was a French national by birth, her early
> sympathies lay with Greece. Her father was a respected member of the
> Greek community in Lyons, and she enjoyed their-company. Her given name
> Maximiani, the female form of Maximian, a name borne by several Roman
> emperors including Marcus Aurelius, also reinforced her own sense of Greek
> identity.
> Her mixed ancestry and residence in an adoptive country was quite possibly
> strong factor in her long quest for a true fatherland. In her youth
> sought her roots in Greece, but later she embraced the idea of a
> supranational Aryan race, first in India and then in Germany, the country
> her idol and exemplar, Adolf Hitler. Although her physical appearance was
> Mediterranean, she later comforted herself that she was of predominantly
> Nordic stock. Her maternal grandfather was the descendant of tenth-century
> Vikings from Jutland, while her father's Italian forebears came from
> Lombardy, a part of north Italy settled by the Germanic Langobard tribe
> during the migrations of the Dark Ages.
> pp. 1-7
> -----
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> Kris
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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