-Caveat Lector-

Calif. Fires Destroy Homes

JULY 03, 22:13 EDT  By JOHN HOWARD  Associated Press Writer
   LEWISTON, Calif. (AP) - A fire that federal authorities set to thin
brush got out of control and roared through a mountain hamlet,
destroying two dozen homes and forcing 500 people to flee.
   High winds and hot weather Friday fanned flames of the "controlled
burn" beyond a 100-acre expanse of brush and weeds and into Lewiston.
There were no injuries, but many homeowners who fled returned Saturday
to little more than smoking rubble.
   "It just exploded," said one resident, Rod Robinson. "We had a few
minutes to get out of there," he said as he examined the smoldering
debris of his home. "I grabbed our coats, I grabbed our guns out of the
cabinet. I got the '57 Chevy." Besides the house, Robinson lost his
workshop, several automobiles, motorcycles, and a collection of
85-year-old china.
   "I apologize for this. It just happens sometimes," said Doug Held,
who was in  charge of the fire set by the Bureau of Land Management to
thin out fire-prone overgrowth. "I think we're going to have to
re-evaluate our prescription burn program."
   By Saturday, the fire had blackened more than 2,000 acres of brush
and forest land. It was 50 percent contained by the afternoon, but
there was no estimate of when it would be  completely under control.
Falling temperatures and lighter wind were aiding the effort, however.
   Air tanker planes, helicopters and more than 2,000 firefighters were
at the scene, a rugged swath of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest
about 300 miles northeast of San Francisco.
Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may
not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed

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