-Caveat Lector-

 extracted from:

 650 Years Ago: How Venice Rigged the First,
 and Worst, Global Financial Crash
 by Paul Gallagher
 Printed in the American Almanac, September 4, 1995.

 More revealing is the latest work of the historian of Venice,
 Frederick C. Lane, Money and Banking in Medieval and Renaissance
 Venice.  This work shows that it was Venetian finance which,
 by dominating and controlling a huge international "bubble" of
 currency speculation from 1275 through 1350, rigged the great
 collapse of the 1340s.  Rather than sharing the peace of mutual
 greed and free enterprise with their "allies" -- the bankers of
 Florence -- the merchants of Venice bankrupted them, and the
 economies of Europe and the Mediterranean along with them.
 Florence was the fourteenth century "New York," the apparent
 center of banking with the world's biggest banks.  But Venice was
 "London," manipulating Florentine bankers, kings, and emperors
 alike, by tight knit financial conspiracy and complete dominance
 of the markets by which money was minted and credit created.

 This triumph of "free trade" over the potential for national
 government, rigged the fourteenth century's global human
 catastrophes, the worst onslaught of death and depopulation in
 history.  It was not until the Renaissance created the French
 nation state under Louis XI, 100 years later, and then England
 under Henry VII, and the Spain of Ferdinand and Isabel, that
 the human population could recover.  [...]

 Over the century from that 1183 Peace of Constance to the 1290s,
 Venice established the extraordinary, near-total dominance of
 trading in gold and silver coin and bullion throughout Europe and
 Asia, which is documented in Frederick Lane's book.  Venice broke
 and replaced the European silver coinage of the Holy Roman
 Emperors, the Byzantine Empire's silver coinage, and eventually
 broke the famous Florentine "gold florin" in the decades
 immediately leading into the 1340s financial blowout -- which
 blew out all the financiers except the Venetians.


 extracted from:

 by Webster G. Tarpley, U.S. president of the Schiller Institute,
 Address delivered to ICLC Conference near Wiesbaden, Germany,
 Easter Sunday, 1981; appeared in Campaigner, September, 1981

 The primary basis for Venetian opulence was slavery.  This slavery
 was practiced as a matter of course against Saracens, Mongols,
 Turks, and other non-Christians.  In addition, it is conclusively
 documented that it was a matter of standard Venetian practice to
 sell Christians into slavery.  This included Italians and Greeks,
 who were most highly valued as galley slaves.  It included Germans
 and Russians, the latter being shipped in from Tana, the Venetian
 outpost at the mouth of the Don, in the farthest corner of the Sea
 of Azov.  At a later time, black Africans were added to the list
 and rapidly became a fad among the nobility of the republic.


 During the years of the Venetian overseas empire, islands like
 Crete, Cyprus, Corfu, Naxos, and smaller holdings in the Aegean
 were routinely worked by slave labor, either directly under the
 Venetian regime, or under the private administration of a Venetian
 oligarchical clan like the Corner, who owed their riches to such
 slavery.  In later centuries, the harems of the entire Ottoman
 Empire, from the Balkans to Morocco, were stocked by Venetian
 slaves.  The shock troops of the Ottoman Turkish armies, the
 Janissaries, were also largely provided by Venetian merchants.
 A section of the Venetian waterfront is still called Riva Degli
 Schiavoni -- slaves' dock.

 Around 1500, the Venetian oligarch Cristofor da Canal, the leading
 admiral of the Serenissima Repubblica at that time, composed what
 he described as a Platonic dialogue concerning the relative merits
 of galley slaves:  the Italians the worst, Dalmatians better, the
 Greeks the best and toughest of all, although personally filthy and
 repulsive.  In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Venice had
 treaty relations with other states, like Bavaria, by which convicts
 were delivered to the Serenissima to work as life-long galley

 Indistinguishable from slave-gathering operations were piracy and
 buccaneering, the other staples of the Venetian economy.  Wars with
 Genoa or with other powers were eagerly sought-after opportunities
 to loot the enemy's shipping with clouds of corsairs, and victory
 or defeat usually depended more on the success of the privateering
 than on the direct combat of the galleys, cogs, and soldiers of
 the battle fleets.  [...]

 The Venetians also goaded forces out of the East to attack
 Christendom.  Venice was the manipulator of Saracens, Monogols,
 and Turks, and got along with the slave-trading factions in each of
 these groups about as well as a power like Venice could get along
 with anybody.  In particular, the Venetians were more willing to
 see territory -- excepting Venetian territory -- be occupied by
 the Turks than any other power.  Venice was thus the past master
 of the more exotic permutations of the stolid old British DIVIDI
 ET IMPERA, "divide and conquer."


 extracted from:

 Venice: The Methodology of Evil - Part I
 by Donald Phau
 Printed in The American Almanac, May 16, 1994.

 The Serenissima Republica

 A myth started over 500 years ago by the Venetians themselves,
 was that Venice was the "model republic."  At a time when most of
 the world was ruled by monarchs or despots, Venice was ruled by a
 Grand Council, usually comprised of 1,000 to 2,000 members.
 Venice's Doge was a ceremonial figurehead.  But Venice's "republic"
 was hardly one open to an educated citizenry, participating in
 free elections.

 The Grand Council was open to only 180 noble families and their
 descendants.  To graduate from the Grand Council to the smaller
 Senate, was a rigorous process starting at age 20.  At that age
 every boy of the noble class had to claim admission to the larger
 Great Council.  Clement writes of the young noblemen:

    "He could follow no personal tastes in studies or pursuits...
    At the age of twenty five, the beginning of manhood, he must
    enter the Great Council, serve on laborious committees, go
    thence to the Senate."

 After the League of Cambrai, the Grand Council's powers were
 assumed by the Council of Ten.  From among the Ten came the
 "Inquisitors" -- the Council of Three.

 Two of the "Three" dressed in black; the Doge, their chief and the
 seat of state power, dressed in scarlet.  Operating out of a small
 chamber in the Doge's palace, next to the torture chamber and above
 the city's dungeons, the Three were a terrible sight to behold.
 The saying was "The Ten send you to the torture chamber, the
 Three to your grave."

 Sometimes the Three's justice was too swift to permit a burial.
 A victim would be found floating in the Grand Canal, his throat
 slit open by one of Venice's paid assassins.  Sometimes the enemy
 of the state was made into a public example: His body could be
 found in the public square of St. Mark's, hanging between the
 cathedral's famous "columns."

 The Three ruled with the help of an elaborate network of agents and
 informers.  The city was divided up, with a set number of informers
 for each ward and parish.  One historian writes of the Three's
 all-pervasive spy network:

    "Venetians and visitors were to amuse themselves and cease to
    bother their heads about serious matters; and to make sure that
    they did so, the agents of the Three were increased in number
    until they became an invisible enemy.  It would be difficult to
    overestimate their number or their omniscience.  It can
    confidently be stated that in every great noble's palace there
    was at least one informer, and no man in his senses would have
    talked politics in front of a waiter or servant.  Pretended
    priests, your trusted retainer, your own familiar friend:
    they could all be paid spies."

 The "Serene Republic" pioneered racist laws, predating the Nazis by
 at least 500 years.  Jews were forbidden to own property and enter
 the professions, and were forced to live in special sections of the
 city; one of these was called "The Ghetto," (the origin of that
 now-familiar term).  All Jews had to wear special badges on their
 clothes and no Jewish home could close its doors at any time.
 Synagogues were forbidden, and for a period of time Jews could
 not bury their dead.

 Even the nobility were not protected from the prying eyes of the
 Three.  After Gasparo Contarini, the famous Venetian who was to
 become a cardinal and play a future pivtoal role in the
 Reformation, was appointed to the Council of Three in 1530, it was
 ordered that no more than eight nobles assemble together privately.
 The historian Rawdon Brown wrote of the Council of Ten:

    "More terrible than any personal despot, because of impalpable,
    imperious to the dagger of the assassin, it was no concrete
    despotism, but the very essence of tyranny.  To seek its
    overthrow was in vain.  Those who strove to wrestle with it
    clasped empty air; they struck at it, but the blow was wasted on
    space.  Evasive and pervasive, this dark unscrutable body ruled
    Venice with a rod of iron."



    + Clement, Clara Erkstine, Venice, Queen of the Adriatic.
      Boston: C.H. Simonds & Co., 1893.

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