-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.27/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City Times
Laissez Faire City Times
July 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 27
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
Jack Parsons

The Curious Origins of the American Space Program

by The Magician

Part 19: Axe Me No Questions

I dozed off for a while. When I awoke, I could see bright sunlight at
the top of the tunnel. I looked around but there was no Trisha, no
copper door. I wasn’t surprised. Still, I checked the wall carefully and
clawed away some of the dirt. Nope. No copper door here. Just daylight
and sanity.

I looked at the tunnel with some suspicion. I had crawled down the
tunnel, with gravity trying to pull me back up. So, logically, I would
have to work my way up the tunnel, being careful that gravity didn’t
accelerate me along and spit me out to the external world. I tossed a
rock part way up the tunnel. It came rolling back down toward me.

I stuck my torso partly into the tunnel. No suction. Gravity was pulling
me down. So, it was a weird tunnel. No matter from which direction you
entered it, it pushed you back. Get out of me! it seemed to be saying. I
worked my way through it, and stood up outside in the warm sunlight. It
was mid-afternoon.

Down below, my car stood on a dirt road that ended at the cliff. For off
in the distance I could see a highway with two-way traffic.

I sighed, looked for the baseball bat, and took it down with me. I got
in the car and tossed the bat against the other door in the front seat.
The gas gauge told me I had 1/8 of tank left. I started the car and
headed back to the highway. There I turned back in the direction of Los
Angeles. At least that part was easy. Los Angeles was always to the
west, as long as you weren’t at the beach.

I turned on the radio and found a station. They were playing a song by
Shocking Blue. I laughed out loud. Venus. Then came the news.

"And now the news from KJIZ, brought to you by Dusty Trail Carburetors,
the carburetor of the future.

"There has been a bizarre new development in the Oral Jerry Swagger
case. Early today the body of one of the television evangelist’s
employees was found on the front lawn of Swagger’s Pasadena mansion.
According to police sources, the man’s throat had been cut and he had
been disemboweled with a butcher knife.

"A church spokesman, attorney Randy Stader, suggested that Satanists
were responsible for the killing."

(The voice of Randy Stader.)

"We regret immensely the tragic death of Mr. Craig Knowles, and extend
our condolences to his friends and associates at this time of sorrow.
Mr. Knowles was recently engaged in an important investigation
concerning what appear to be a coterie of Satanists linked to the U.S.
military, who were believed to be responsible for a wave of cattle and
even human mutilations throughout the western part of the U.S. We can
only speculate that members of this group took revenge on Mr. Knowles
for getting too close to the truth."

(The voice of the newsreader again.)

"However, confidential police sources tell KJIZ that the Pasadena police
are pursuing the possibility that Craig Knowles’ death was the result of
a love triangle. These sources speculate that at the time of his death,
Mr. Knowles was having a homosexual affair with the older Mr. Swagger,
and that he may have been killed by a jealous lover. KJIZ has been shown
photographs of what appear to be Mr. Swagger as a young man, engaged in
sex with another unidentified man. These sources imply that Mr. Swagger
has been a practicing homosexual for much of his life, and that the
death of Mr. Knowles has to be considered in that light. While these
sources say Mr. Swagger is not a suspect in the case, a note found in
the shirt pocket of the deceased reads: "I can’t live without your

"In other news, Israeli police reported today that they have arrested a
group of orthodox extremists who have been planning to blow up the
Temple Mount. According to Israeli authorities, the group had hoped the
incident would precipitate an apocalyptic war between Jews and Arabs,
and hasten the coming of the Messiah . . ."

I turned off the radio and drove in silence for a while. Much as I tried
to suppress it, the news report on Oral Jerry Swagger was bothering me a
lot. Finally, I could stand it no longer and stopped the car beside the
road and opened the trunk. Killed by a butcher knife.

I checked each compartment of the travel bag for the chef’s knife. I
couldn’t find it anywhere. I had wrapped it in protective covering and
put it in with the rest of my things back at the Hilton. Hadn’t I? Well,
it wasn’t there now. I checked the passing traffic, and waited for an
appropriate gap. Then I slipped the axe out of the trunk and tossed it
out to the side of the road. I got back in the car and drove on.

I entertained myself with some consoling thoughts. Even if I had left
the knife in the room, and the maid had found it, there was nothing to
connect me to Oral Jerry Swagger. Just my thoughts. And thankfully no
one could read those. I had speculated that someone like Oral Jerry
Swagger might have killed Parsons. That was all. And I didn’t think that

Except. Except for the notebook. I had left my notebook in the park when
the two ghouls attacked me. It was my last entry: Oral Jerry Swagger. It
seemed obvious to me now. I was being set up for a murder charge. True,
it hadn’t been Oral Jerry Swagger that had been killed with a butcher
knife. But my butcher knife was missing. The police had probably found
it near the body of this Craig character. The story would be: I was
stalking Swagger, hiding out near his mansion. But I had run into Craig,
the noble investigator of Satanic matters, and killed him. Look: here is
the purchase order for the knife. Look: here is the notebook. Look: he
bought an axe also. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what do you think
was on this Satanist’s mind?

Jesus. The more I fled, the bigger the trail I left behind. My fear has
come upon me. Job 3: 25. The land of Uz, I muttered to myself. I drove
for a while checking the exits.

Well, I have no choice, now, do I? There is nothing I can do. I have to

* * * * *

Sheri slept late. She looked at the clock. She was supposed to be at the
office in a few minutes.

She didn’t move, but instead snuggled a little deeper into the pillows.
With Trisha and Hermes gone, Sheri felt at a loss. Her life seemed
directionless. As much as she hated to admit it, her purpose in life was
basically defined by her roommate and her employer. Who knows? Maybe
they were working together. Way out there, somewhere, in Los Angeles.

She didn’t really believe that, but the thought left her feeling left
out, lonesome, and depressed. Trisha could have anyone she wanted. Leave
Hermes alone.

Sheri sighed. She got out of bed and looked in the mirror. Her hair was
disheveled and her face looked a little puffy. Why can’t I be like
Trisha? Well, maybe I can, she thought, with sudden determination. I’ll
wear something sexy to the office. Just for me. Maybe the short skirt I
wore when Hermes took me to Copa. Okay, maybe I took him, but he had
said yes, hadn’t he? But something more than that. What?

No panties! Brazilian-style. The thought made her feel moist inside

And she would leave work early and hit South Street. Maybe meet someone.
That would teach Hermes, off on the west coast.

And gradually, as she showered and dressed, her natural enthusiasm
returned full force.

(to be continued)

from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 3, No 27, July 5, 1999
Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
Copyright 1998 - Trademark Registered with LFC Public Registrar
All Rights Reserved
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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