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Publisher Must Lay Down the Law
 by Oscar S. Cisneros

While the press and the tech world concentrated on the Microsoft antitrust trial, a 
quieter legal battle was being waged for access to society's source code: the full 
text of the law.

The case involved West Publishing, a tremendously powerful legal-information vendor 
that claimed a copyright on law's written word as printed in its publications. For 
generations, the Minnesota-based company jealously guarded its role as the almost 
exclusive publisher of federal court opinions.


On 1 June, West lost its claims when the US Supreme Court declined to hear its 
arguments that it owns the text of the law as compiled in its books. The development 
effectively put the law back in the public domain.

Armed with the latest technology, companies can now bring court opinions to the Web 
without fear of copyright-infringement suits from West. The upshot: easier and cheaper 
access to the law.

"Within five years, all this information will be available for free," said Carl 
Hartmann, an attorney who argued and won the case against West.

West, for its part, disagrees with the ruling.

"Nobody should be able to rip off our products," said West spokesman Patrick Sexton. 
"We took what's absolutely public and made it so that lawyers can find the information 

If the courts won't allow West de facto ownership of American case law, the company 
may seek the succor of database legislation to achieve its ends.

For all practical purposes, West and its cozy competitor Lawyers preparing for trial 
must turn to the companies to cite previous court rulings to bolster their cases. Why? 
Because the page numbers of West's books have become the standard for legal citation 
and are required by almost all courts.

West didn't always have a reputation as a bully. In fact, at the turn of the century, 
many courts made the company their official court reporter based on its sterling 
reputation. The courts needed someone to take care of their paperwork headaches. As 
more courts turned to West, the page numbers in its publications became signposts to 
specific cases.

It proved a lucrative situation for West, whose court-sanctioned monopoly put the bulk 
of the printed law exclusively in its hands, Hartmann said. Its books even became a 
symbol of prestige at law firms: attorneys paneled their walls with the latest and 
most complete West collections.

By the mid-1980s, technological advances made it possible for online databases to 
search the law. What's more, West's huge revenue chummed the waters for would-be 

One such competitor was Lexis-Nexis, a giant online publisher of academic and 
professional documents that tried to muscle into West's business.

West sued, but the companies settled out of court and, according to critics, 
practically split the market between them. The pair came to be known as "the Wexis 
Cartel" by frustrated lawyers.

With Lexis in the picture, Hartmann said legal researchers had two options: pay West a 
lot of money, or pay Lexis a lot of money.

"Every man, woman, and child basically pays a database tax to West or Lexis," said 

Other companies tried to bring competition and lower prices to the legal-data market. 
But West threatened lawsuits, asserting it owned the copyright to the text of court 
opinions printed in its books, Hartmann said.

West also claimed a copyright on its page-numbering system, the standard way to index 
the law. Without access to its page-numbering system, rivals couldn't compete, he 

Undeterred, HyperLaw, a publisher of inexpensive legal CD-ROMs, fought West for almost 
10 years, eventually winning a judgment in 1998 that declared West's copyright claims 

West tried to appeal the ruling before the Supreme Court, but the court refused to 
hear the case.

In light of that development, nimble competitors, such as HyperLaw, VersusLaw, won the 
right to add West's page-numbering system to their databases.

"Overall, this will make access to legal information easier and cheaper for the 
average person," said Alan Sugarman, president and founder of HyperLaw. "If the lawyer 
has to pay for access to legal information, he's going to pass it on to his client."

West doesn't simply republish rulings and opinions, said Sexton, the company's 
spokesman. It employs dozens of expert legal editors who add enhancements, such as 
case summaries and cross-references to other cases. The editors also research specific 
points of law -- insurance fraud, for example -- and collate sometimes hundreds of 
relevant decisions to help lawyers build their cases.

These products can't be replicated with software or search engines, so "the financial 
impact of the ruling is insignificant" to West Publishing, Sexton said.

"We obviously don't have a copyright over the words that are in the original opinions, 
but we do have a copyright on the improvements we make," he said, adding that the 
opinions are available to the public outside of West's books.

Sexton also derided claims that West and Lexis split the market, which he said were 
akin to Trilateral Commission conspiracy theories.

"I simply can't buy the argument, on its face, that this is not an open market," 
Sexton said and pointed to West's recent battle with Lexis over competing online 
legal-citation search engines.

Asked how West could assert a copyright over the text of public opinions reprinted in 
the company's books, Sexton said improvements such as cross-indexing added to the text 
of the opinions. The fact that all the opinions were gathered in one place by West 
made the end product, including page numbers, its property.

Hartmann said the company asserted its copyright claims for so many years that 
Internet-based law databases and other data vendors were reluctant to take on West, 
which had US$1.3 billion in revenue last year.

"Nobody else could really produce these products while West is making these threats," 
Hartmann said.

Stung by West's suit in the 1980s, Lexis also felt vindicated by the Supreme Court's 
action in early June.

"Lexis-Nexis believes that the decision from the Supreme Court validates the position 
that we've long held, which is that there is no copyright in page numbers," said Lexis 
spokesman Mark Fieghery.

Whether the string of court decisions will encourage a major player to enter the 
legal-information market remains to be seen. But for the first time, small competitors 
have the opportunity to compete with West and Lexis.

"I think it'll certainly impact the way online publishers present their cases," said 
FindLaw CEO Tim Stanley. "They'll probably start inserting the West page numbers."

Even though West lost in the courts, the company won't go down quietly. West is using 
its political connections to lobby Congress to pass a database protection law that 
would give database vendors absolute ownership of their compilations.

There are two bills before Congress, both offering some form of protection for 
database vendors. But critics say they're concerned that if West and Lexis get their 
way, basic functions of the Internet, such as linking and hosting, could be disrupted.

Meanwhile, upstarts are considering ways to charge more deeply into the legal market. 
HyperLaw will update its CD-ROM library to include West's page numbers. And FindLaw 
plans to expand free services on the Web.

"Whatever case law we put online is going to be free, and that's just the way the 
company feels about it," FindLaw's Stanley said. "It's public information.

"If the government is not going to do it, we'll do whatever we can with scripting and 
technology to get it up on the Web for free."

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