-Caveat Lector-

This column ran on page 1 in the 7/12/99 edition of The New York


Radar Shows 'Getaway Boat' Fleeing Flight 800 Crash

by Philip Weiss

The third anniversary of the crash of Trans World Airlines Flight
800 is July 17, so it's a good time to look into what even the
Government reluctantly concedes is a mystery about the crash:
"the 30-knot track." The 30-knot track is the radar trail of a
boat that was the closest vessel to the 747 when it exploded and
that then headed out to sea on a beeline from right under the
burning wreckage.

"That boat is extremely suspect," said William S. Donaldson, a
retired Navy commander who supports the missile theory of the
plane's destruction. "He not only doesn't turn to render
assistance, he runs."

"It's like the getaway car," said Graeme Sephton, an electrical
engineer who is active in an Internet researchers organization
that is highly critical of the Federal investigation.

The Government doesn't think the unidentified boat is such a big
deal. "It does not intrigue me," said Peter Goelz, the National
Transportation Safety Board managing director. F.B.I. spokesman
Joseph Valiquette added, "In an ideal world, it would be nice to
know everything, but I don't think the F.B.I. or the N.T.S.B.
claims to know everything that happened in the crash."

This is a convenient position for the F.B.I. to adopt now. The
most unsettling thing about the 30-knot track is that the F.B.I.
essentially suppressed knowledge of it when the crash was
foremost on the public agenda. Two years ago, the F.B.I. closed
its criminal investigation into the crash, and James Kallstrom,
then the lead F.B.I. investigator, testified before Congress that
the agency's "exhaustive" efforts had included "tracking of all
air and waterborne vessels in the area at the time of the
explosion followed by appropriate interviews."

Mr. Kallstrom later held a lengthy press conference saying that
agents had "left no stone unturned." He went into great detail
about suspicious boats.

"Who is there in the water? Who could be escaping in any
direction?" he said. "We identified 371 vessels in the Long
Island area and did investigation on those vessels. For the
one-month period, we identified 20,000 records of vessels that
entered New York Harbor and did an investigation of those
vessels." The F.B.I. even seized some boats to inspect the
flooring for burns characteristic of backfire from a
shoulder-fired rocket.

Mr. Kallstrom's press conference was aimed at discrediting the
missile theory, and it worked. In an editorial titled "Conspiracy
Inoculation," The New York Times congratulated him for an
"extraordinary" performance. The F.B.I. had shared its
"voluminous evidence" with "admirable thoroughness and openness."

The closing of the criminal investigation allowed the N.T.S.B. to
hold hearings on the crash, one month later, where it offered
hundreds of exhibits, a few of which depicted a "30-knot track"
10 miles out in the Atlantic. Radar data collected during the
last minute of the T.W.A. flight revealed the two closest objects
to the plane, both between three and four miles away, as a Navy
P-3 airplane and what the exhibit called simply a "30-knot
target." Radar data for the next 20 minutes showed the mystery
boat heading on a beeline out to sea, on a south-southwest
course, even as other boats rushed to the crash to try to help
out. It was nearly 9 o'clock at night, not the usual time for an

"I looked at that and said, 'Wow, what is that guy doing leaving
the scene?'" Commander Donaldson said. "And of course I assumed
he was identified."

Commander Donaldson called Steve Bongardt, an F.B.I. agent and
fellow Navy veteran who was active in the investigation. "It was
a pilot-to-pilot exchange," Commander Donaldson said. "I said, I
want you to tell me if you have a 302 [interview] form for every
single boat out there. He said, 'I can't answer that question
without higher authority.' I said, 'Steve, you have answered the

Commander Donaldson was then working closely with Representative
James Traficant Jr., Democrat of Ohio, who was looking into the
investigation for the House Aviation Subcommittee, and at the
commander's prompting, Mr. Traficant sent a list of questions to
the F.B.I. One asked if the F.B.I. has "been able to positively
identify every single aircraft and surface vessel that was in the
proximity of T.W.A. Flight 800 at the time of the accident."

It took more than three months, but in July 1998 an acting
assistant director answered the Representative: No. Lewis
Schiliro acknowledged the presence of the mystery boat, which he
said was at least 25 to 30 feet long and reached speeds of 35
knots, close to 40 miles per hour. "Despite extensive efforts,
the F.B.I. has been unable to identify this vessel," he said.

The response is somewhat alarming given the F.B.I.'s assurances
that it had turned over every stone-and given the fact that many
eyewitnesses on Long Island said they had seen a flarelike object
streak up from the horizon before the explosion in the air. Yet
the speeding mystery boat goes unmentioned in the mainstream

I first learned about it in a scientific report on "anomalies" in
the Government investigation that has been widely circulated on
the Net. "I show this data to physicists and their jaws drop,"
said the report's author, Thomas Stalcup, a graduate student in
physics at Florida State University who heads an Internet group
of 40 people with a technical background, called Flight 800
Independent Researchers' Organization, or F.I.R.O.

Mr. Sephton, a F.I.R.O. member, said, "It's really weird that
there are no eyewitnesses reporting from that vessel. These are
the people who are pulling out from under the flaming debris, and
none of them calls the 800 number that is set up by the F.B.I."

The N.T.S.B.'s Mr. Goelz disputes the suggestion that the boat
was fleeing.

"It's perfectly reasonable to assume, because they were on a
direct course and the explosion didn't occur in front of them,
that they didn't see it," he said. Given the boat's speed, those
on board may have heard nothing over the engine noise.

"They would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to have seen
something," Mr. Sephton said. Commander Donaldson pointed out
that the explosion was "a huge physical event" that filled the
night sky behind the boat with a curtain of burning fuel. "It
would be like having the sun come up at midnight right behind
you," he said. "You would feel heat on the back of your neck. And
you're going to feel the concussion. The explosion rattled
windows on the beach 10 miles away."

It would seem that even the F.B.I. secretly regarded the 30-knot
track as suspicious. For six months, the Government conducted a
$5.5 million trawling operation of the waters surrounding the
crash, using scallop boats. Commander Donaldson has obtained
documents left by the F.B.I. on one scalloper, showing that the
F.B.I. was specifically looking for shoulder-fired Stinger
missile parts-notably a Stinger ejector motor-in what the F.B.I.
called a "possible missile launch zone" 2.7 miles from the crash.
That circle included the mystery boat.

"If it's a legitimate criminal investigation, with a possibility
of 230 homicides, how do you close the investigation when you
haven't identified the boat that was within missile firing
range?" said Commander Donaldson, who investigated a dozen
crashes in the Navy. "To me that's egregious. I don't see how you
justify it."

An aide to Representative Traficant said the F.B.I. and N.T.S.B.
should have been more open about the mystery boat. Paul Marcone
said, "Kallstrom should have come out and said, Here are some
things we haven't been able to explain."

Now an executive with the banking company MBNA, Mr. Kallstrom
said he had no intention of misleading anyone at his press
conference. "I wish I knew who it was," he said of the 30-knot
track. But there are always loose ends in any investigation, and
mentioning them is not helpful: "If you say you're 99.9 percent
sure, people think you're opening the door, or that you're
playing games."

Representative Traficant's report concluded there was no
Government cover-up. Such a conspiracy would have required
hundreds of participants, Mr. Marcone reasons. He interviewed 40
or 50 investigators and they all struck him as sincere. If there
had been a cover-up, he added, "Why would the F.B.I. admit to a
U.S. Congressman that they couldn't identify the 30-knot track?"

Commander Donaldson said a cover-up wouldn't require those
numbers. Tasks in the Flight 800 investigation were parceled out
amid an air of state secrecy, with pre-emptive suggestions from
on high that the Government had found no evidence of a missile.
In this climate, individual teams' reports could be honest and
insufficient, because technicians were not in a position to put
what they had seen together with other evidence.

For instance, the N.T.S.B. held public hearings on the crash, but
refused to allow eyewitnesses to testify about what they'd seen.
Meantime, the F.B.I. presented a C.I.A. animation of the plane's
breakup that purported to explain what the eyewitnesses had seen,
and merely infuriated them.

It's not hard to imagine ways this investigation could have
become politicized. The Atlanta Olympics were to start days after
the crash. A leading terrorist was then on trial in New York.
There were threats; three weeks before, an apartment complex in
Saudi Arabia had been bombed, killing 19 American servicemen. And
it was election year for an administration that has shown it will
do just about anything to win. What if voters saw the country as
being vulnerable to terrorists?

The N.T.S.B. likes to point out that Commander Donaldson is a
right-winger, funded by Accuracy in Media. Yes, and Mr. Stalcup
and Mr. Sephton are lefties. They have lately obtained more radar
data which they say challenges the Government findings.

The real distinction here is between the old hierarchical
information order and the new one. For some time now, the
mainstream media has been able to write off Internet
investigators as ill-trained, people who are unable to sort out
rumor from fact, and, when they do have facts, have no sense of
their proportion. This criticism has often been true, but the
Internet gets less hysterical one month to the next, and meantime
the mainstream media have found themselves in an odd position.
They are corporate authorities, who tend to accept the word of
other authorities at face value. They don't seem to see the
revolution at the door: The Internet is a growing society of
people who are comfortable challenging authority.

"You're focusing on minutiae," the N.T.S.B.'s Mr. Goelz said to
me. "Ninety-five percent of the wreckage of the plane has been
recovered and it shows no missile."

"Let's see," Commander Donaldson said, getting out a calculator.
"Five percent of the wreckage is 8 tons. You can put a lot of
holes in that much stuff. It's like saying the Empire State
Building fell over and we've found all but five floors."


           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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