-Caveat Lector-

> WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan War
> Was CNN involved in a NATO effort to assassinate the Serbian
> information minister?
> By Chris Marsden
> 8 July 1999
> Back to screen version
> On Friday, July 2 the Independent newspaper in Britain ran an
> article by its Belgrade war correspondent Robert Fisk entitled
> “Taken in by the NATO line”. The article presents a devastating
> picture of the role of the press corps in the war against
> Yugoslavia.
> Fisk shows how, with rare execptions, reporters abandoned any
> standpoint of objectivity and adopted uncritically the official
> rationale for the war. For the most part infected themselves with
> the anti-Serb hysteria of US, British and NATO officials, they
> sought to justify the bombing campaign by reporting NATO
> propaganda as fact and accepting without question the statements
> of NATO spokesman Jamie Shea, President Clinton and Prime
> Minister Blair.
> He cites the example of a CNN reporter in Belgrade who “astouned
> one of his English colleagues after NATO had bombed a narrow road
> bridge in the Yugoslav village of Varvarin, killing dozens of
> civilians, many of whom fell to their death in the River Morava.
> ‘That'll teach them not to stand on bridges,' he roared.”
> Fisk notes, “This was not the kind of language he used on air, of
> course, where CNN's report on the bridge killings was accompanied
> by the remark that there had been civilian casualties ‘according
> to the Serb authorities'—all this when CNN's own crew had been
> there and filmed the decapitated corpse of the local priest.”
> The Independent correspondent goes on to suggest that the
> collaboration of major media outlets with the NATO military
> campaign went beyond dishonest and unethical journalistic
> practices. At the end of the article he suggests that CNN and the
> network's Larry King Live show may have been complicit in an
> attempt to assassinate Serbian Information Minister Aleksander
> Vucic.
> Fisk writes: “Two days before NATO bombed the Serb Television
> headquarters in Belgrade, CNN received a tip from its Atlanta
> headquarters that the building was to be destroyed. They were
> told to remove their facilities from the premises at once, which
> they did.
> “A day later, Serbian Information Minister Aleksander Vucic
> received a faxed invitation from the Larry King Live show in the
> US to appear on CNN. They wanted him on air at 2:30 in the
> morning of 23 April and asked him to arrive at Serb Television
> half an hour early for make-up.
> “Vucic was late—which was just as well for him since NATO
> missiles slammed into the building at six minutes past two. The
> first one exploded in the make-up room where the young Serb
> assistant was burned to death. CNN calls this all a coincidence,
> saying that the Larry King show, put out by the entertainment
> division, did not know of the news department's instruction to
> its men to leave the Belgrade building.”
> The World Socialist Web Site has sought to obtain a response from
> the Larry King Live program in Washington and CNN headquarters in
> Atlanta, Georgia to the description of events provided by Fisk.
> The publicist for Larry King Live and the press spokesperson for
> CNN News have failed to return repeated calls.
> Meanwhile, Fisk has come under attack from sections of the
> British media. On July 4 Henry Porter of the Observer, one of the
> newspapers most fervent in its support of NATO's war, published a
> reply to Fisk's piece, all but accusing the Independent reporter
> of being a stooge of Yugoslav President Milosevic. Porter asserts
> that Fisk “was undeniably aided by the Serb authorities” and
> filed reports on the war “refracted through the lens of Serbian
> interest.”
> Porter grants there was “almost universal concern among editors
> and reporters about the level of accuracy of NATO briefings” and
> admits there is good reason to conclude that “the alliance was
> bent on an almost racist crusade against the Serbs”. This,
> however, does not prevent him from indulging in a bit of
> anti-Serb racism of his own, noting that Fisk was given the
> sobriquet “Fiscovic” by some of his colleagues.
> Porter is outraged that Fisk appears to believe “NATO is
> motivated by congenital imperialist tendencies,” but even more
> intolerable is Fisk's decision to bring a dispute within the
> media to the attention of the public.
> The attack on Fisk indicates that his exposure of the deplorable
> performance of the press corp has hit a raw nerve, and, in
> particular, his revelations concerning CNN's role in the bombing
> of the Serb TV center have provoked considerable concern in high
> places.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

> WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : The Balkan War
> No reply from CNN
> By Barry Grey
> 8 July 1999
> Back to screen version
> Strange things happened when this reporter telephoned the Larry
> King Live program in Washington and CNN headquarters in Atlanta
> in an effort to get their side of the story reported by Robert
> Fisk in the British newspaper, the Independent. (See “Was CNN
> involved in a NATO effort to assassinate the Serbian information
> minister?”)
> I asked to speak to Larry King's press spokesperson and was
> connected to Deirdre Kline, the publicist for the Larry King Live
> program. After identifying myself as a journalist with the World
> Socialist Web Site, I drew Ms. Kline's attention to the
> Independent article, whereupon she declared, “Oh, I have to take
> another call. It will just be a minute and I'll call you right
> back.”
> Some twenty minutes later I telephoned CNN's office in Washington
> once again and asked for Deirdre Kline. “Deirdre Kline doesn't
> work here anymore,” said the voice on the other end.
> “But I spoke to her not twenty minutes ago,” I replied. There was
> a pause and a flustered question: “Who does she work for?” I
> explained that Ms. Kline is the publicist for the Larry King Live
> show.
> Next I found myself speaking to a man, who apparently knew of Ms.
> Kline and was even able to put me through to her extension. I
> can't say I was shocked when I failed to get the live Ms. Kline
> and instead got her answering machine. I left the obligatory
> message, and have since left one or two more, without receiving a
> reply.
> Next I called CNN headquarters in Atlanta. There I spoke with
> Megan Mahoney, a public relations official for CNN News. She knew
> of the Fisk article, and would be happy to respond to its
> suggestion that Larry King Live, in coordination with NATO
> military planners, sought to lure the Serbian information
> minister into the TV center in Belgrade at precisely the time it
> was to be bombed.
> “If you don't mind, I would like to reread the article and get
> back to you shortly,” said Ms. Mahoney. Her last words were to
> the effect that she might refer the matter to her boss.
> No surprise, Ms. Mahoney never called, and subsequent telephone
> calls to her office have never gotten beyond her answering
> machine.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
> Copyright 1998-99
> World Socialist Web Site
> All rights reserved


<<Then there's the Amanpour-Rubin connexion ...>>

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own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
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                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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