-Caveat Lector-

I just came across a magazine many of  y'all will be interested in. It's a
Goth magazine called <Morbid Curiosity>. Issue 3, 1999 ($5.50) contains no
music reviews or fashion spreads. It's available at:

Bound Together Books
1369 Haight St.
SF CA 94117

There were no vampire stories, in <MC>, in fact no fiction whatsoever. But
these important but essentially superficial cultural touchstones  are far
from all that Goths are interested in. <MC> does contain some ads for mail
order CDs. Goth music is extremely difficult to find. It's never on MTV
and can be found on the radio only in the middle of the night on a few
college stations.

Even harder to find are serious articles, especially first hand accounts,
about some of the more esoteric subjects which Goths find interesting. A
(perhaps) surprising number of these subjects are also of interest to mind
control aficionados, psy-war buffs, psych majors, anthropologists,
paranoids (both clinical and practical), survivors in general, and
government agents who monitor people with such interests. You know, like
the people who read this list.

Goths get a bad rap in the media, but it's not deserved. The Hollywood
Goth is no more like  a real Goth than a Hollywood Indian is like a Native
American. Stereotyping is the first step towards scapegoating. For a
number of years I shared a collective living situation with a bunch of
Goths (and a variety of other misfits and outcasts) and we got along fine.
OK, OK, they do make a gawd-awful racket in the middle of the night when
you're trying to sleep sometimes, but hey, so do I. They also turned me on
 to a hell of a lot of fine art and literature I never would have stumbled
upon by myself. They're a never ending source of witty repartee and and
gourmet cooking. They tend to be much smarter than average, extremely well
informed and pretty good in the sack, too. They pay their rent on time and
don't leave a mess in the kitchen. Worse roommates I've had, much worse,
believe me. I respect 'em. I keep up on their doings and follow their
literature. I recommend that y'all at least give one of their magazines
the benefit of the doubt. Forget all the crap you hear about them in the
media. Just forget it. It's worse than useless; it's in the way.

I read a lot of magazines, many of them obscure. Seldom if ever, even in
niche mags addressed to a niche I'm down with, do I find more than one or
two articles really worth reading. I went through <MC> Issue 3 from cover
to cover. When something like that happens, I feel compelled to share my

<MC> Issue 3 contains a fascinating first hand account of the adventures
of an X-Files staff researcher attempting to fact check by phone a story
about MKULTRA. Of course he was given the classic bureaucrat/intelligence
agency run around we're all so familiar with. He just took it with a
greater sense of humor than most of us do. The article is titled "Proof of
My X-istance" by Lee Smith and is worth the price of the mag all by

It has a sidebar  written by a guy named Bruce Young which is a very
cogent review of Alex Constantine's <Psychic Dictatorship in the USA>.

"Prison: 1 in 137" by Geoff Walker, on page 75, in succinct and
insightful. Jasmine Sailing's article on page 56, "Self-Mutilation:
Destructive or Therapeutic?" is quite an eye-opener, as is her review of
Christopher Hyatt's <Secrets of Western Tantra: The Sexuality of the
Middle Path> on page 100.

There are also six or seven first hand accounts of the psychological side
effects of suffering from various diseases, both common and obscure.
There's a great account of firing a pistol for the first time as part of a
thirtieth birthday celebration, and another on how bad it hurts to kick
heroin and why it's a good idea anyhow.  There's an interesting article
comparing the merits of chewing betel, eating durian and drinking kava.
Another is about the delicious chill that ran up the spine when Grandpa
told ghost stories, and why we still seek it out. Loren Rhoads explains
why San Franciscans aren't afraid of earthquakes. Michael Hemmington
visits the Barbie Wrecking Yard.

There's more.

There's also a call for submissions:

"Morbid Curiosity is looking for TRUE, first-person stories about
encounters with the unsavory, unwise, unorthodox, or unusual -- all the
dark elements that make life truly worth living.

No poetry of fiction will be considered.

Reviews of nonfiction books would be appreciated. 500 words maximum.

Deadline for submissions for issue #4 is October 1, 1999.

Automatism Press
Attn: Loren Rhoads
P.O. Box 170277
San Francisco, CA 94117-0277


Tell 'em <nessie> sent ya.

Oh yeah and don't forget to check out their website:


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