-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thursday, July 08, 1999 2:31 PM
Subject: Toronto Star: `NAFTA' for military proposed - July 7, 1999

>Subject: Toronto Star: `NAFTA' for military proposed - July 7, 1999



>U.S. war college report urges joint command with Canada, Mexico
>By Linda Diebel
>Toronto Star Latin America Bureau
>MEXICO CITY - A United States military report advocates a joint command
>American, Mexican and Canadian forces, in the same way the three countries
>are united under free trade.
>The report, by Lt.-Col. Joseph Nunez for the U.S. Army War College in
>Carlisle, Pa., also suggested a North American peacekeeping force,
>headquartered in the U.S., with deputy commander positions rotating
>Canada and Mexico.
>``Moving from bilateral arrangements to a (military) organization that
>reflects regional economic and security concerns is a better strategy,
>particularly considering our burgeoning trade through NAFTA (North
>Free Trade Agreement) and the growing threat of terrorism that can
>penetrate through our borders,'' the report said.
>The war college study is the first to publicly advocate the sensitive
>of integrated military command - a matter of sovereignty in Canada and
>Mexico, as well as countries throughout the hemisphere.
>Such a command would co-ordinate military action on terrorism, insurgency,
>security threats and drug trafficking.
>`It's an important issue and it's time to take a good, hard look at how we
>currently operate. If we fail to change our current strategy, the country
>could become less stable . . . . '

>- Lt.-Col. Joseph Nunez,
>for the U.S. Army War College
>Nunez said the joint command would replace, for example, NORAD (the North
>American Aerospace Defence command) which ``is getting pretty out-of-date
>when it comes to drugs, terrorism and other threats.''
>``The U.S. does not have the kind of working arrangement with Canada and
>Mexico that it should.''
>Nunez admitted the proposed unified command ``may be a U.S. defence
>arrangement, but a lot of things would evolve to the benefit of Canada and
>Mexico - that would be my hope.''
>Most major initiatives in Canada in recent years - from free trade with
>United States to the ongoing initiative of a hemisphere-wide economic pact
>- began with reports from think-tanks or academia.
>The report comes during debate over other controversial free-trade issues,
>such as whether Canada should adopt the U.S. dollar as advocated in a
>recent report by the C.D. Howe Institute, a conservative think-tank in
>`A lot of the geographic considerations are a bit out-of-date'
>Canadian nationalists have seen free trade as the tip of an iceberg that
>put Canada at risk in other areas, from culture to monetary policy.
>``A lot of the geographic considerations are a bit out-of-date and do not
>reflect current realities,'' Nunez, 43, a former West Point instructor,
>told The Star yesterday.
>He said his report, which carries a stamp saying it does not necessarily
>reflect the views of the U.S. Defence Department, has garnered a lot of
>attention in recent days.
>The war college has received requests for copies from the Canadian and
>Mexican governments, as well as several U.S. government departments,
>including state and defence.
>``It's an important issue and it's time to take a good, hard look at how
>currently operate,'' he said.
>In Ottawa yesterday, Lt.-Cmdr. Denise Laviolette, defence department
>spokesperson, said she had never heard of the study, adding it was not an
>ongoing concern of the Canadian Forces.
>She added the report would carry more weight if it had come from the
>Pentagon, rather than the war college, a teaching institute that focuses
>strategic perspectives.
>Nunez, a 22-year army veteran, said a joint North American command would
>expand as free trade involved more countries in the hemisphere. If, for
>example, the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas becomes reality, the
>military command would stretch from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
>Asked whether he foresaw the joint command leading to an integrated armed
>force, with everyone marching under one flag, Nunez said: ``I see it
>growing, with all of the change and integration of new ideas . . . what it
>achieves depends on the types of missions it is assigned.''
>`It's time to take a good, hard look at how we currently operate'
>The report has created a stir in Mexico since it was published by the
>Mexico City daily, El Financiero.
>Nunez' report is called ``A New United States Strategy for Mexico,'' and
>details current revolutionary movements in Mexico and the threat to U.S.
>national interests here.
>``If we fail to change our current strategy, the country could become less
>stable, thus jeopardizing the viability of NAFTA and the Free Trade Area
>the Americas,'' it said.
>Nunez said yesterday a joint peacekeeping force could be deployed wherever
>it was needed, ``without people thinking the United States - or any other
>country - was trying to influence things too much.''
>U.S. intervention is a touchy subject in Latin America. Because of the
>history of U.S. involvement in the region, any kind of military
>co-operation, or shared duties with the U.S., is viewed with suspicion.
>Whenever the Mexican government approves joint manoeuvres with the U.S.,
>for example, there is a storm of opposition and media criticism.
>Recently, the U.S. has been criticized for taking a stronger military role
>in Latin America after an apparent cooling-off period.
>In his report, Nunez said a new North American peacekeeping force - which
>might be funded 60 per cent by the U.S., 25 per cent by Canada and 15 per
>cent by Mexico - would be used for everything from human rights work to
>hurricane disaster relief.
>David E. Parsons
>Denver, CO
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>ICQ - World's Largest Internet Online Communication Network
>Watch the UN rag burn!
>Do you remember what William Wallace said to the rag-tag army that
>the first time, in the first battle scene in the movie, Braveheart? He
>this when the army began to retreat:
>"Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace and I see a whole army of my
>countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men
>and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"
>One of the men said, "Fight, against that? No, we will run and we will
>To which Wallace replied: "Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll
>at least awhile. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be
>willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for one chance, just
>one chance to come b ack here and tell our enemies that they may take our
>lives but they'll never take our freedom?"
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