-Caveat Lector-

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Homosexuality is an abomination and Jesus stated that this is one of the
> > three sins that he despises.
> >
> > Where exactly did Jesus say this?
> Don't expect a response.

This response should do it!  Let's see what God has to say about it........

The Bible gives us all we need to live godly, and it ables us to be “wise unto 
salvation” (2Timothy 3:15).

Homosexuality is not a new thing. As far back as the Bible records in Genesis 13 and 
19 (verses 5-11), we have record of cities
known for this sin. Their names are Sodom and Gomorrah. We know that God spared not 
these cities but turned them to ashes “making
them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly” (2 Peter 2:6). These 
cities and others were destroyed because of their
great mistreating of God's law against such behavior. One such law found in Leviticus 
20:13 states: “If a man lie with mankind, as
he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely 
be put to death.” Are we to say that God no
longer requires such standards as these? It's obvious from these verses that God will 
not tolerate such utter disregard for purity.

>From the city named Sodom, there comes a word which is used to describe those who 
>engaged in these homosexual activities. The word
is “Sodomite.” (The feminine Hebrew form of this word is “harlot” [cf. Genesis 
38:21,22; Deuteronomy 23:17; Hosea 4:14]). Referring
to such we find in 1 Kings 14:24, “And there were also sodomites of the nations which 
the Lord cast out before the children of
Israel.” Here as well as in other places, we can find pagan worship involved in 
homosexuality. There were both male and female
serving in these heathen temples involved in terrible sexual immorality. These were 
giving their bodies in the name of religion. In
the very next chapter (verse 12), God saw it was right to remove the sodomites out of 
the land.

The Bible is so clear in this matter even with just a few verses it is impossible to 
misunderstand or be undecided on this subject.
 Let's now turn our attention to Romans chapter one. Paul begins this letter “a 
servant ... separated unto the gospel.” As
Christians, we are to be different from the world. He goes on to say that through this 
separation to the gospel “the righteousness
of God is revealed” (verse 17). Now let's look at what Paul is directed to say about 
unrighteousness. “For the wrath of God is
revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness.” The text begins a spiral away 
from God.

1. Because of the things God has made, they are without excuse (verse 20).

2. They see yet they do not glorify God (verse 21).

3. Unthankful (verse 20).

4. Leaving God out of their thoughts.

5. Hearts hardened toward right.

6. Self worship (verse 21).

7. Dismissing God, accepting anything else (verse 23). God gave them up to their “vile 
affections: for even their women did change
the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men leaving 
the natural use of the woman, burned in their
lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly...Who knowing the 
judgement of God, that they which commit
such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that 
do them” (verses 26,27,32).

What a vivid picture we have of the depravity of those committing these acts. Though 
the world today calls it acceptable, a choice,
even a “God given lifestyle,” the Bible declares homosexuality is not a disease nor is 
it a genetic condition. It is sin. And just
like liars, backbiters, murderers (sinners), they can repent, turn and become a 
Christian. “And such were some of you... (1
Corinthians 6:11). Here listed with many other sins is the homosexual. They are 
commanded to stop in order to inherit the kingdom
of God.

Someone once said, “Homosexuality cannot exist where people love God and respect His 
word. Rejection of God is the root;
homosexuality is the fruit.” As we continue to see through the pages of scripture 
homosexuality is not a Christian option. God
simply does not tolerate ignorance in this matter. It is a sin “contrary to sound 
doctrine; According to the glorious gospel of the
blessed God” (1 Timothy 1:9,10,11).

It is a sin against the laws of nature. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, 
or Ann and Eve. In Matthew 19:8 Jesus takes us
back to the very beginning and says the intention of God was ONE MAN FOR ONE WOMAN. 
Christian, do not let Satan feed you a lie. In
his subtle way he changes and perverts everything he touches and this is no different. 
He is still using his trickery to devour and

Let us all determine to stand firm on these biblical truths. There is no substitute 
for biblical standards. God has given us the
answers to what is right and what is wrong. His word should be a burning ember 
desiring to speak out against the perversions that
seek to destroy our homes, churches, and country.

In conclusion, homosexuality is not a choice when it comes to matters of 
righteousness. When confronting those who are continuing
in this sin, we should not approach it with a “holier than thou” attitude. It is a sin 
and can be forgiven. Love for the soul is an
absolute with this or any such activity. We must stand firm, speak against, compel 
with love to grasp once again the truth of God's

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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