-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, piper wrote:
>> Once again, whatever 2 consenting adults wish to do in the privacy of their
>> bedroom is their own business, whether they are of the same sex or not...
>By consenting, Do you imply1) educated
>2) able to make an informed choice

I meant what I said -- two legal adults, in a consensual relationship --
meaning no coercion...

'Educated' and 'informed' are subjective, not objective, criteria...

>3) not pushing their desion on everyone else

What do you define as 'pushing'?

If a gay monogamous couple wishes to marry, would you deem that desire
of theirs 'pushing their desion [sic] on everyone else'?

_I_ wouldn't.

>4) not leaving us in a position with no way of having
>    a male child naturally?  Any males having to be clonned.

Well, since we have an exploding world-wide population, there does not
seem to be any way that children of either sex will become scarce any
time soon...

But quite frankly, I have NO idea what you are getting on about regarding
'no way of having a male child naturally'?  What is this focus on having
male children, either naturally or otherwise?  What's wrong with female

And what does homosexuality have to do with straight couples having
children of either sex?

>5) Of some ethinic groups being eraticated because they
>    can not clone their males?

Boy, you've lost me on that one...

But WHATEVER you are on about, I still don't see what that has to do with
the right of 2 consenting adults to do whatever they wish in the privacy
of their bedroom, without fear of being discriminated against and
possibly being beaten up and killed because of their sexual preference.

>6) Or are you blind to the fact that in getting us to protect
>    our sexual choice that we soon may not have one???

I guess I am, because your post makes absolutely NO sense to me...

>> >and our children >are being taught to 'embrace' homosexuals when they
>> > >should be taught that homosexuality is a sin.
>I do not think that external sex has to be taught at all!

Do you realize that you are responding to 2, possibly 3, different people
in your post?  You seem to have a problem being able to differentiate
between who posted what....

MY words are the ones preceded by the double '>>' (it wouldn't have had
any '>' in what you replied to), all the other quotes, including that one
above, are not my words...

>There is a saying that if someone is so intent on gossiping to youthat when your
>back is turned they will gossip about you.
>Wonder what this guy does that is so intresting that the Doctor
>it pumping him to tell by giving him these juicy tibits.

And the supposed doctor is violating Standard Practice if indeed he's
sharing such tidbits with a non-medical person not involved with the
case...and such gossip could result in the doctor having his license

So I sincerely doubt such a person exists, other that in the original
poster's imagination...and if indeed this gossiping doctor IS a real
person, _I_ definitely wouldn't want to be treated by him, or anyone else
who would violate a patient's privacy in such a manner...

June ;-)


                So many things you want to see
                And as you ask I'll set you free
                But as you fly
                You'll touch the sky
                And touch the heart
                Within me

                          Fly away.

                    -- Bob Childs
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