-Caveat Lector-

Sunday July 11 1:10 PM ET

U.S. To Send Envoy to Cuba

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration has given the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce approval to send its president, Tom Donahue, to Cuba this week to
promote private enterprise, the White House said Sunday.

The Donahue delegation will include Craig Fuller, chief of staff when George
Bush was vice president, Time magazine reported.

P.J. Crowley, a spokesman for the National Security Council, said a license
for the trip was issued by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign
Assets Control, which ruled the visit a ``people-to-people'' exchange and
not an effort to support the government of Cuban President Fidel Castro.

``It is a private initiative that is consistent with the president's policy
of finding ways to help the Cuban people while continuing to isolate the
Castro regime,'' Crowley said.

As head of the Chamber of Commerce, Donahue has opposed U.S. trade sanctions
against any country, including Cuba.

He is described as seeking contact with Cuban entrepreneurs and laying the
foundation for an independent Chamber of Commerce in Havana, the Cuban
capital, according to the magazine report.

"Those who want to hear the voice of pagan gods in wind or thunder, who
want to see the fairies dance in the moonlight, who can believe that
faith can move mountains, can follow the thread on the pages of this
book. It is a fragile thread; it cannot bear the weight of facts and
    -Kate Seredy, "The White Stag"
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