-Caveat Lector-


Sunday 11 July 1999
Fury as CIA admits spying on British minister
By Andrew Gilligan, Rob Evans and Greg Neale

CIA agents have secretly investigated the environment minister Michael
Meacher, The Telegraph can reveal.

Mr Meacher said last night that he was "astonished" after the US
government confirmed that the CIA keeps a file on him. Compiled
recently, it is believed to contain details of Mr Meacher's reservations
about genetically-modified foods, which Washington promotes in Europe.

The CIA last night refused to release details of the contents of its
file, described by another department as a "biographical profile".
Inquiries by The Telegraph have uncovered no other files compiled by the
CIA on British ministers.

Environment groups expressed alarm over the CIA's actions. Charles
Secrett, director of Friends of the Earth, said: "The immediate fear is
that the CIA is working hand in glove with Monsanto [the US
biotechnology company] to do anything they can to force this technology
down our throats whatever democratic politicians say. It would be
dynamite if this file has anything about Michael Meacher's track record
on genetically modified crops and foods. What business is it of the
CIA's to worry about any politician's views about biotechnology

 With the US pressing for GM products to be allowed more freely into
Britain - despite British consumers' worries - GM food is emerging as a
potential source of conflict between the two countries. President
Clinton is known to have had several conversations on the subject with
Tony Blair and US diplomatic missions abroad have been ordered to
promote the GM industry.

The existence of the CIA file on Mr Meacher came to light after The
Telegraph conducted inquiries using the US Freedom of
Information Act to ask whether Government agencies held any information
about British ministers. Most agencies and
departments said they had nothing. A small number of departments replied
that they had drawn up conventional briefs to
prepare their own staff for visits to Washington by British ministers.
The briefs, which were drawn from published and embassy
sources, were freely disclosed to The Telegraph.

However, the US Environmental Protection Agency - Mr Meacher's
counterpart department - said it held a file on him but
could not disclose it because it "originated within the Central
Intelligence Agency". The EPA could not say whether it held the
complete file, or whether its holding was part of a larger CIA file. A
spokesman, Lynn Schoolfield, said: "We have a
biographical profile of Mr Meacher which was compiled by the CIA. But I
don't think it's of any great concern. There's nothing
to worry about here."

The CIA said that it could not release Mr Meacher's file. A spokesman
said: "We never comment to the press on the contents
of files."

 Mr Meacher said he had "no idea" why the CIA had information on him. "I
am astonished. I find it interesting, but I have no
idea what the reason might be." Mr Meacher refused to comment on the
action he may now take, but he is likely to raise the matter with the
Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, and with the Cabinet Secretary,
Sir Richard Wilson.

 Within the Government, Mr Meacher has been the most cautious on GM
crops, insisting that none should be grown commercially before trial
plantings establish whether they pose an environmental risk. He is also
reconstituting the main committee advising ministers on GM foods to
reduce the number of members with links to the biotechnology industry.

 Mr Meacher's background is on the Labour hard Left, but no more so than
several other key figures in the Blair government. He led Tony Benn's
campaign for the Labour deputy leadership in 1981 and was a member of
the shadow cabinet before the 1997 election, but was not appointed to
the Cabinet after Labour's election victory. He is well regarded by



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