-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, 13 July 1999 22:34
Subject: [CAUS updates] - Crop Circle Report--Dutch Eyewitness

Dear CAUS Members;

On this Tuesday, CAUS shares with you an interesting report about the most
logical and realistic form of contact between intelligent
species....pictures.  These worldwide planetary pictograms created on the
surface of the planet for all of us to see and hopefully understand appear
be an obvious attempt at contact from an intelligence that understands the
art of interspecies communication. Fascinating that people more intelligent
than I continue to ridicule and debunk these mysterious messages.

CAUS thanks Ron ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for this report:

Dutch eyewitness says two crop circles created by pink-purple light.

6/9/99 Hoeven, Holland - I have received a report from Europe about an
extraordinary event: an eyewitness to the creation of two crop circles
in Hoeven, a southern Holland farm community about 90 minutes from
Amsterdam. It was early Monday morning, June 7th at about 12:15 am. This
is the first formation in Holland this year. A 19-year-old named Robert
woke up and felt compelled to look out his bedroom window. What happened
next was phoned to me by Nancy Talbot, director of the BLT crop circle
research team in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nancy has worked with
biophysicist W.C. Revenged in Michigan for the past several years to
analyze plants from formations in Europe, Israel, Australia, Canada and
the U.S.

Levengood hypothesizes that plants in some sampled formations were
affected by a spinning plasma vortex that contains microwave energies.
The microwaves heat plant cells, softening and collapsing the stems into
the fluid patterns we have come to associate with genuinely mysterious
formations. But Levengood does not know the source of the spinning
plasma vortex. This eyewitness in Holland has now seen two different
phenomena associated with the creation of fresh formations which
suggests there might be different mechanisms for different patterns.


Nancy Talbot, director, BLT crop circle research team, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: "This is in southern Holland - and it's concerning again
this boy, Robert, who has the ability somehow to know when these things
are getting ready to happen and who has been in the middle of a
formation when it occurred - this was a couple of years ago. And
subsequently, there has been a lot of crop circle activity around where
he lives. And Sunday night - actually for several days - the entire
weekend, he was having these anxiety feelings that he gets, pacing back
and forth, feeling unwell physically which is a phenomenon that occurs
prior to one of these situations. And his parents insisted that he go to
bed finally Sunday evening, which he did. They in fact checked on him
before they went to bed and he was sound asleep.

But what happened is that at 12:15, he woke up and knew to go to the
window. He opened the curtains and looked out. His window overlooks this
little garden out back and this huge farm field which is directly behind
their garden. And what he saw is just incredible! He describes a small,
misty, pinkish-purple light - not a sphere, more football shaped - and a
little bit smaller than a football, which was coming in over the field
at a height of about 10 feet, maybe 12 feet over the field from quite a
distance away. It's quite an enormous field. He watched it as it came
closer and closer and closer to this spot that is about 50 meters behind
his house. And this is where one of the snow circles occurred a couple
of years ago. There was a circle in mustard seed there last spring. He's
had a couple of circles in other crops in that general area. came right
back to this area and stopped - the word he used was "hanging" - just
stopped in the air and hung over this spot. Then, it started to
elongate, spread out is the easiest way to describe it - and it
apparently spread out and spread out becoming thinner and thinner
looking like a disc, was then how he described it.

When it was about 30 feet in diameter, again, still hanging there - not
moving at all except for this expanding motion - then he observed what
he calls (Nancy makes sh, sh, sh sound) in Dutch for electrical
discharge. He and I have these signals we give back and forth because he
doesn't speak English too well and I don't speak Dutch at all. And what
he means is that he watched electrical discharges coming from the
underside of this disc-shaped, misty, pinkish-purple cloud or ball of
light for -- I would gather -- it sounded like six or seven, eight, maybe
ten seconds immediately over the field.

Then the light phenomenon simply dissipated, was gone. he was very
excited, threw on some clothes and went running out the back and
squeaked through the hedge and into the field and lo' and behold, right
smack where that thing had been was a 30 foot diameter circle - I think
it's wheat. They say grain and I'm not sure which kind of grain they
mean. And a 10 foot circle very near by, both of which had not been
there at 10 o'clock PM when he went to bed. It's still light in Holland
at 10 and you can see out whether it was there and it wasn't. And here
they were.

Q. Did it disappear, fade out or what?

As best as I could get it, the electrical activity stopped and then it
just like poof!

Q. And now what's the time lapse between that poofing out and their
discovering the circles?

Well, he went immediately - he literally took about 5 minutes to throw
on some clothes. He was in the field within 10 minutes, I would say, and
there it was. He said he could see it from his window after this light
had gone. He could see there was at least one circle, and he thought
there were two - and they were in fact there. And it looks like the
whole situation - as it was coming in from way in the distance - that
might have taken a minute or so to get up near his windows. But once it
was there, everything that happened subsequently didn't take longer than
another minute - the spreading out and then the discharge of whatever
this was, and the whole thing happening.

Q. Did he hear any sound whatsoever as this transforming took place?

He didn't comment on sound. I think he would have commented if he heard
anything, but he didn't mention. What he did say was that when he got in
it, he felt this very strong energy and it was very positive, he said.
"love, love, love!"

Q. In the circles?

In the circles. This wonderful surge of energy and his parents told me
that he came to wake them up after he had been in the circles - he just
sort of sat in this big one, I think, for awhile and then he went to
tell his parents because he was so excited. They went and looked at it
and they said it was remarkable because every time it happens with this
kid, he feels very ill. He is not a happy camper at all several days
prior to the event. And it was a transformation -- he was full of beans
and feeling great and energized and all the illness forgotten completely
-- which they've seen happen before.

This is very interesting. he was very clear that it was not a UFO. It
was a light, a misty, foggy light, and it apparently retained that
character, even when it became disc-like looking. In his opinion, it did
not look metallic or solid the way I know many of these reports are. In
his mind, or to his eyes, it retained this sort of misty character, even
when it became disc-shaped rather than football-shaped.

Q. So it remained the pink, glowing?

Yeah, and he said he had never seen a color quite like that -- it was
amazing to him. Pinkish-purple.

Q. Did he ever feel at that point that he got any images in his mind as if
there was any kind of telepathic communication?

He didn't say anything about that either, although he has had encounters
in the past - this time when he was in the field and these small, sort
of grapefruit-sized whitish balls were in the field - that was a daytime
encounter, two years ago now, and he was simply riding in the field on
his bike and had stopped off in this one field that he particularly
likes. And observed hundreds of these grapefruit and tennis ball-sized
white - milky white sort of opaquish balls, some of which approached him
and began circling around him. At which point, he became unconscious and
when he woke up he was in the middle of this crop circle - a brand new

At that time, he also saw an entity - a form - that he perceived as
female and it did transmit information to him, or he had the impression
of that. And that figure has returned at least one more time - I think
two more times - once to the garden out back of his house and once in
his bedroom actually. He has a name for it. He thinks he knows its name
which iIbelieve he prefers to keep private. He has a name for it he
prefers to keep quiet. And it does transmit some sort of telepathic
communication about the crop circles being very important for mankind to
be paying attention to and he thinks that it has something to do with
the environment and deceit - that the crop circles are somehow or other
an antidote or there is something about the crop circles that is to
fight deceit.

Q. To fight deceit as lying and hiding?

Yes, in humankind generally. That something like that - he doesn't
understand it all. It's not clear. And he has no idea why he himself is
involved, but as a parallel to all this - what has happened with him is
that he has developed this incredible apparent healing abilities and he
has people coming - he makes appointments all day long - now they've
limited it to, I think, three days a week - where people come with all
sorts of physical and mental problems and he has some ability that he
doesn't understand at all to identify what their trouble is and often to
heal them. In fact, apparently in the majority of cases, they become
well after a session with Robert. And that happened - all this came
about after he started getting involved with the crop circles.

Q. It's interesting that he would say that they might have something to do
with fighting deceit because the thing that has struck all of us over the
past decade is they are worldwide, they are right there in front of you, and
it is as if something has been trying to do signaling or communication
outside of the restricted paradigms of political systems.

Yeah. I have to say, I know this boy pretty well. I know his family
pretty well. These are very straight, middle-class Dutch hardworking
people. There is nothing flamboyant, there is nothing foolish about
these people at all. And they have questioned and questioned all this up
until fairly recently. And now they have just accepted that it's
happening and are doing their best to cope with whatever it means. But I
am about as sure as I can be that Robert is simply telling exactly what
he saw to the best of his ability. And he himself is trying like crazy
to understand why it happens where he is, what he's supposed to do about
all of this, and then just proceed.

Have a communicative Tuesday and of CAUS...watch the skies!

Peter A. Gersten
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