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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Beast of the Month - July 1999
Wang Jun, Chinese Kapitalist Kingpin

"I yam an anti-Christ..."
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"We really like your president."
General Ji Shengde, Chief of Chinese military intelligence, to Democratic
fund raiser Johnny Chung, before giving him $300,000 to funnel to the
Democratic Party and President Clinton.

During the reign of terror by Janet Reno at the DOJ, the FBI has requested
over 2,000 wire taps.

Only one has been rejected.

The rejection came when the FBI requested a tap on the phone of Wen Ho Lee,
or a search warrant for his house.  They also denied a 1996 effort to examine
Lee's office computer.  Lee was fired this March, accused of transferring
sensitive computer data to an unclassified network, where it was then
transferred to China.

There are two good ways to interpret these facts:

A) Mr. Lee is innocent of the charges against him, and Ms. Reno, fed up and
outraged at the terrible violations of civil liberties that this
investigation would be among, finally put her foot down and declared "Enough
is enough!"

B) Mr. Lee is guilty, and Ms. Reno and the DOJ were applying cover for a spy
operation that was known about and approved by those high up in the federal
government, perhaps thanks to compromise due to financial support.

Given the history of Ms. Reno, which seems like a more logical explanation of
the facts?

For all the hype and sensationalism behind the Cox Report and the
investigation of the Chinese spy scandal, there is undoubtedly more than some
truth to it, no matter what Klintonian apologists may insist.  Yes, there may
be a unnecessary drumming up of the Chinese bogeyman going on, and some of
the accusations leveled in the Cox report can likely lead to a dangerous
witchhunt against people of Chinese descent, but the curious case of Mr. Wen
Ho Lee is as blatant of a smoking gun you'll find for proof of any
conspiracy.  Indeed, when all is said and done, the Chinese spy scandal may
live up to the hype as being the greatest spy scandal since the Russians
stole the atomic bomb from the United States (well-timed considering recent
public revelations of Cold War Soviet spying operations.)

Mr. Lee is a minor player in the scandal, however, which perhaps is why he is
the one name being thrown around with impunity by the korporate media.  He is
not even on the level of Johnny Chung, Charlie Trie, and John Huang, the
three most notorious fundraisers for the Klinton administration with links to
China (as extensively detailed in the book Year of the Rat.)  Of particular
interest is the involvement of Huang, who had been senior U.S. representative
to Indonesian billionaire James Riady, before being appointed to the Commerce
Department.  Riady, owner of the Chinese and Indonesian giant Lippo Group,
was given unlimited access to the White House for his funds late in the 1992
election, which helped Slick Willie get into office.  How much the favors to
Riady was normal payback to a big business supporter and how much of it was
part of the spy scandal is an open question.  Given that the Lippo Group's
joint ventures in China are nearly all in conjunction with the Chinese
government, thus making Riady a King Rat within the Chinese connection, the
distinction is a minor one.  In any case, Huang's trade position in the
Commerce Department offered him access to classified intelligence on China,
and he met with Chinese Embassy officials in Washington at least nine times.

The story of Johnny Chung is even more blatant: in 1996, a $300,000 donation
was funneled to him by Liu Chao Ying, the daughter of China's retired senior
military officer and a lieutenant colonel in the People's Liberation Army.
Liu is also VP of the Hong Kong subsidiary of China Aerospace Corporation, an
organization that manages China's missile and space industry.  According to
the Cox Report, the money was meant to help position Liu to acquire U.S.
computer, missile and satellite technologies.  The actual source of the
donation was General Ji Shengde, Chief of Chinese military intelligence.
Chung would visit the White House more than 50 times.

Still, even Liu and General Ji are dwarfed by Wang Jun (The Konformist Beast
of the Month) as major players in the Chinese spy scandal.  The more one
looks at Wang, the more he looks like the Chinese version of a shagadelic Dr.
Evil, an Ernst Blofeld (or to those hip to the Gemstone Files, an Aristotle
Onassis) who uses a mammoth business empire for world domination.  Longtime
investigator Sherman Skolnick has even fingered him as head of the Te-Wu, the
Chinese Secret Police apparatus that is over 2,500 years old.  Considering
the power and influence Wang holds, that may not be an exaggeration.

Wang Jun is son of the late Chinese President Wang Zhen.  He is connected to
more than $600,000 in illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats,
according to the Cox Report.  He is also chairman of the China International
Trade and Investment Company (CITIC), as well as president of
Polytechnologies Corporation.

Polytechnologies is China's major international arms-trading broker and the
largest corporate structures owned by the People's Liberation Army (PLA.)
Among the allegations against Polytechnologies is that the firm sold cruise
missiles to Iran, traded weapons for heroin in Burma and brokered a number of
other deals with "rogue" nations.  After a June 1996 sting operation in the
San Francisco Bay Area, Polytechnologies was indicted for trying to smuggle
2,000 Chinese AK-47 assault rifles into the United States, business that one
would expect to not be approved by proponents of gun control.  The street
value of the weapons was $2 million to $4 million, and law enforcement
agencies have repeatedly targeted Polytechnologies for similar smuggling
activity in Los Angeles, Miami and other cities.

The ship carrying the arms was the PLA-owned and operated COSCO, the China
Ocean Shipping Co.  Investigators believe that the shipper has also delivered
nuclear-weapon components to Pakistan and chemical and biological weapons to
North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Syria.  COSCO would later apply for a permit to
build a cargo terminal at California's decommissioned Long Beach Naval
Station.  Local officials, eager to expand commercial port activity, jumped
at the opportunity and prepared to invest $200 million in developing a
145-acre site.  Had they received the permit, COSCO's neighbor would have
been the Sea Launch Company, an international consortium developing an
advanced deep-ocean rocket launch and assembly system for the Pentagon.  (In
late April, the COSCO proposal was turned down for environmental reasons and
pleas to preserve the heritage of the former military base.)  As it turns
out, Johnny Chung once introduced a COSCO representative to Clinton.

While U.S. law enforcement agencies were reviewing allegations against
Polytechnologies (and a few months before the sting operation), Wang sipped
coffee with President Klinton in February 1996 at the White House.  He met
the next day with Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown, who would soon after die
in a mysterious plane crash.  Even President Clinton has since admitted
Wang's White House visit was "clearly inappropriate."

Meanwhile, CITIC, Wang's other PLA-owned commercial juggernaut, is a $23
billion financial powerhouse.  CITIC has raised hundreds of millions of
dollars in the U.S. bond market, which some experts claim has been partially
funneled to military-run businesses, going to PLA firms and helping establish
credit operations for China's international weapons sales.  As it turns out,
just hours before visiting with President Klinton, he had a business meeting
with Ernest Green, who had just contributed $50,000 to the DNC.  Green is a
managing director with the Lehman Brothers investment bank in Washington, and
was looking to develop business with CITIC.  He was also a good friend of
President Klinton.

Given these facts, the Cox Report managed to point out the obvious in its
pages: "Princelings such as Wang and Liu present a unique technology transfer
threat because their multiple connections enable them to move freely around
the world and among the different bureaucracies in the People's Republic of
China.  They are therefore in a position to pull together the many resources
necessary to carry out sophisticated and coordinated technology acquisition

Despite the evidence of political malfeasance, don't expect Klinton and Janet
Reno to launch a serious criminal prosecution of the Chinese spy scandal, as
their hands are clearly quite dirty in the mess.  And don't expect the
Republicans to launch one either, as shenanigans involve their party as well,
extending to the Reagan-Bush years (albeit not as blatant.)  Furthermore, in
case you're wondering where "Independent" Counsel Ken Starr is on this issue,
it turns out that he reportedly has as a private law client none other than
Wang Jun himself.

Of course, with all this talk about Chinese spy networks, the whole scandal
sounds somewhat exotic, a tale of treason and international intrigue.
Perhaps it is a little less foreign than that.  Two of the top donors to the
two political parties are Hughes Electronics and Loral Space & Communications
Ltd.  Soon after major donations were made by the defense industrial giants
to the DNC, they both were given waivers allowing them to sell their products
to China.  The United States had imposed sanctions against China in 1993 for
selling M-11 missile components but lifted them the following year at the
urging of the late Ron Brown and aggressive lobbying of C. Michael Armstrong,
Hughes chairman.  In 1995, Klinton named Mr. Armstrong to the influential
Export Council, where he worked hard against trade controls designed to
protect national security, producing a lengthy paper arguing against imposing
sanctions on foreign trading partners that engaged in illicit weapons sales.
Bernard L. Schwartz, chairman of Loral, also lobbied hard to ease
restrictions on satellite sales to China.  Later, China took advantage of
what is termed as "security lapses" to obtain information on satellites
launched in China through Hughes and Loral.

Incredibly (but perhaps unsurprisingly), with the spy scandal giving China
vital information on computer, missile and satellite technologies, there is a
big push in Washington to spend more on newer computers, missiles and
satellites to keep ahead.  The main beneficiaries of such a push would be
none other than Hughes and Loral themselves.

Given all this, maybe this isn't the case of some alien menace threatening
the American way of life.  In fact, it looks more like an old, predictable
pattern of the Pentagon and the Military Industrial Komplex (MIKkie for
short) financing and building enemies for their own benefit.  After all, if
there is no threat in the world to peace and security, how can the
establishment justify exorbitant American expenditures on defense?  If a
threat doesn't exist, we will create one.

All that said, maybe Wang Jun isn't merely a super-agent working for China:
he appears just as much in league with the American MIKkie mouse club.  Or
maybe, like a Dr. Evil, or a Blofeld, or even like a Onassis (or like
countless other big-time players), he is just working for himself, at the
disposal of whoever can get him ahead at the moment.  Shagadelic, baby.

That's the biggest shame of the "discovery" of the Chinese spy scandal: all
it is likely to do is increase public paranoia, and demand more money to the
Pentagon to battle the manufactured threat.  Indeed, for all the debate
behind the scandal, it has only heightened jingoistic values, when a more
logical analysis would lead to the realization that institutions like
Polytechnologies, CITIC, Hughes and Loral have more in common than the
countries they're supposedly representing.  Rather than thinking of China and
the United States as an "Us versus Them," perhaps it would be better to think
of the giant commercial firms as the them screwing all the rest of us,
Americans, Chinese and the people of all other nations.  Unfortunately, there
is no money to be made in such logic.

In any case, we salute Wang Jun as Beast of the Month. Congratulations, and
keep up the great work, Wang!!!


Thanks to Jim Martin of Flatland Books ( ) and
Clayton Douglas of The Free American ( ) for
information on the Chinese spy scandal.

Betrayal: How the Clinton Administration Undermined American Security
Bill Gertz

Year of the Rat
Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II

The Cox Report

Why the Cox Report Went Nowhere
Christopher Hitchens, Salon ( ) June 28, 1999

The Chinese Secret Police In The United States
Sherman H. Skolnick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), June 19, 1999
Courtesy of Sightings ( )

Mr. Wang Goes to Washington: Mixing Business with Weapons
David Phinney, ( )

The Slow Boat From China
David Phinney, ( )

The Great Stonewall of China
Justin Valente, Political Insights ( ) April 30, 1999

China's 'Princelings' Sought US Technology
John Whitesides, Reuters (May 25, 1999)

The Konformist
Robert Sterling
Post Office Box 24825
Los Angeles, California 90024-0825
(310) 737-1081

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