-Caveat Lector-

Latest Revelations from NSC consultant Dr. Michael Wolf

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.


Late last week I received a phone call from Dr. Michael Wolf, consultant to
the National Security Council's Special Studies Group, (popularly known as
MJ-12.) He provided new information, and expanded on some previous

Wolf expanded on his previous revelation that a secret military spacecraft
retrieved an extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith, from its
position in space, and brought it back to Earth in 1972 for study. The
U.S.'s removal of the powerfully-energized Monolith has caused our Moon to
destabilize 2% from its normal axis. This in turn has adversely affected
Earth's climate. Top International Security officials in communication with
extraterrestrial representatives have requested them to restore the Moon to
its proper axis. But the ETs have declined to help until the U.S. restores
the space beacon to its original position in space. This is consistent with
general ET policy of providing helpful advice, but not rescuing humankind
from taking responsibility and action to correct our previous folly.

The conversation turned to a rash of recent reports of large anomalous
objects spotted within our local region of space. Dr. Wolf minced no words
about what is known within the highest National Security circles. "There are
several large UFOs in our solar system."

I spoke with Dr. Wolf next about an experiencer I know, who has had frequent
communication from a humanoid extraterrestrial identifying himself as
originating from the

Altair system. (Altair is a very bright, variable double star in the
constellation Aquila, 15.7 light- years from Earth.) This woman experiencer
had met this extraterrestrial in the 1950s, in the course of her training
for highly-classified intelligence assignments. Wolf was nonchalant about
such human-extraterrestrial interactions, having himself worked side by side
in classified government laboratories with a human-appearing ET from the
Altair system and a "Grey" humanoid scientist from the Zeta Reticuli system.
"Altair's fourth and fifth planets are inhabited. In fact, the people from
Altair colonized the Pleiades system long ago. The human-looking Pleiadean
extraterrestrials some people meet are actually ancestrally Altairians.
There are two variants, the Semitic-looking ones and the Nordic-looking
ones. The 'Semitics' are the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base
(New Mexico) in the '60s, and conversed with some generals there."

Dr. Wolf also revealed that, as a military-intelligence Colonel-physician,
he has worked with some very-high military officials who have had close
extraterrestrial encounters, and needed some counseling to adjust to their
paradigm-shattering experience.

We also talked about extraterrestrial-human hybrids, who have been
genetically engineered by certain extraterrestrial cultures. More recently,
secret U.S. national security projects have attempted to also bioengineer
such hybrids, having some success. Wolf characterized such hybrids as having
three-helix-strand DNA and fore-lobe brains. "Europa [Jupiter's seventh
moon] is a place for such hybrids [to live]."

The conversation turned to information I received from an National Security
Agency source about NSA's ability to monitor an individual's brainwave and
thought activity from special surveillance satellites. Dr. Wolf did not deny
such technology, and added, "The government can create confabulated
[contrived] memory in a person through Amytal [sodium amobarbitol, a
hypnotic drug] and microwave [brain] scrambling."

Wolf brought up the current week-long series of specials on the Learning
Channel about UFOs and extraterrestrial-human encounters. He touted that as
part of the government's conditioning program, which he calls the Processed
Release of Information. We got into our on- going argument about the pace
and timing of public acknowledgment by officials of ET contact, with my
arguing that such time has come. Wolf demurred, saying that the
national-security Old Guard, with which he identifies himself, feel the
public is not yet ready, and needs more such conditioning. This writer
vigorously disagreed, pointing out that the government has consistently
misread the public as fools, whereas the public is generally well ahead of
government estimates. Dr. Wolf noted that the national security community is
divided. The Old Guard of scientists, military and intelligence officers
with access to UFO secrets is nearing retirement and want the reality of ET
contact to come out, but slowly. The Cabal, a rogue group of young generals,
intelligence officers and defense contractors, opposes disclosure, and wants
to enjoy for themselves the power, prestige and profit that comes from
continuing the monopoly on ET information and technology. Wolf said, "They
are the ones who shot a [Star Wars] weapon at a UFO near [Space Shuttle]

[If you feel that the time for official acknowledgment has arrived, prove
the Old Guard wrong, and fight the Cabal's selfish agenda, by deluging the
White House with demands for official UFO acknowledgment. You can E-mail the
President at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call the White House at: (202)

Dr. Wolf concluded the conversation cordially, despite our differences on
policy. He anticipates being authorized to make further disclosures in the
near future.

End Note: More information provided by Dr. Wolf, and about UFOs and ETs
generally, is available at the Articles section of this author's website:

Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor,
certified clinical hypnotherapist, and researcher into
extraterrestrial-human encounters.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC 2826 O Street, Ste. 2, Sacramento, CA 95816, USA
(916)455-0120 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WEBSITE: www.jps.net/drboylan/

Dr. Boylan also communicates regularly on the UFOTruth internet reports and
communications list; (you may subscribe at: http://UFOTruth.listbot.com.)

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