-Caveat Lector-

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Subject: Big Brothers E.T. Injectable Micro-Chip Coming To an Arm Near
Date: 1999/07/14
Author: Derek A. Wholeflaffer A.S.A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Posting History


    From an Oct. 11, 1993 "The Washington Times" article entitled,
"High-tech national tattoo", by Martin Anderson:
    "...there is an identification system made by the Hughes Aircraft
Company that you can't lose.  It's the syringe implantable transponder.
According to promotional literature it is an "ingenious, safe, inexpensive,
foolproof and permanent method of ... identification using radio waves.  A
tiny microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is simply placed under the
skin.  It is so designed as to be injected simultaneously with a vaccination
or alone."     How does it work?  Well, the "chip contains a 10 character
alphanumeric identification code that is never duplicated.  When a scanner
is passed over the chip, the scanner emits a 'beep' and your ... number
flashes in the scanner's digital display."
    True, an implanted transponder can't yet hold anywhere near as much
material as a smart card.  But if the desire is there, larger size implants
and tiny microchips could soon increase its storage capacity.
    Of course, most Americans will find a surgically implanted government
microchip repugnant.  At least for the foreseeable future, the use of this
ingenious device will be confined to its current use: the tracking of dogs,
cats, horses and cattle.
    But there is no difference in principle between forced to carry a
microchip in a plastic card in your wallet or in a little pellet in your
arm.  The principle that Big Brother has the right to track you is inherent
in both. The only difference is a layer of skin.

    From the Sat., Oct. 15, 1994 Dr. Fox "ANIMAL DOCTOR" column in the "St.
Louis [Missouri] Post-Dispatch":
    Dear Dr. Fox: Our local Humane Society has offered, for $25, a lifetime
computer chip to be injected with a needle between the shoulder blades of a
cat or dog.
    Apparently, all new animals adopted get a chip. [....]
    [Dr. Fox:] ...the microchip identification system you describe is an
excellent advance in helping with pet loss, owner identification and pet
    Microchip ID technology is safe...and adverse reactions following
subcutaneous implantation are extremely rare...

    From the "Electronic Leash:  The Implantable Bio-Chip Is Already Here.
Is Big Brother Just Around The Corner?" article by Lisa Crosby in the Vol.
11, No. 14, June 15-June 21 issue of the "Tucson [AZ] Weekly":     [....]
    The size of an uncooked grain of rice, the silicon computer chip...When
inserted underneath the skin, this chip can link an individual to a computer
database, or it can track a person's location via satellite.
    Sound impossible?  Hardly.  Microchip implants are in use as you read
    Today, injecting a microchip into animals is routine.  [....]     [....]
    Microchip pet identification -- technically known as radio frequency
identification (RFID) -- is available to pet owners nationwide.  [....]
    The concept seems simple.  A microchip encased in biomedical-grade glass
and imprinted with a unique, unalterable alpha-numeric code.  Over 34
billion individual code numbers are available.
    [....]  Once implanted, the chip is virtually impossible to remove.
..even surgical removal using advanced radiograph techniques is extremely
difficult.  This is because fibrous tissue adheres to grooves in the glass
surrounding the chip to prevent migration of the chip...
    Since the chip operates with low-frequency radio waves and does not
contain a battery, it remains passive with no parts to wear out.     [....]
    ...the tracking of microchips does occur.  Hughes Missiles Systems
Company uses microchips to track aircraft and vehicles.  [....]
    But what about tracking people?  While the Global Positioning System can
track aircraft, there is a system of satellites in orbit right now that can
track microchips injected into humans.  Dr. Carl Sanders, an engineer for 32
years and the designer of the Intelligence Manned Interface (IMI) biochip
for use in humans, told the "Monetary Economic Review" that "There are new
satellites going up (such as the) 66 satellites that Motorola is putting up
in conjunction with the Russians.  These are low-orbiting satellites."  He
explains that certain microchips can be picked up by satellite.  "We used
this with military personnel in the Iraq war where they were actually
tracked using this particular type of device."
    The concept of tracking children with microchips is already generating
interest.  The Associated Press reports that Dr, Daniel Man, a plastic
surgeon in Miami, Florida could locate lost children or find Alzheimer's
victims...     The device would emit a signal that could be monitored
through a cellular system, and possibly by satellite.  [....]
    But is the microchip actually ready to be injected in large numbers of
people? ...the technology behind today's microchip is "fairly uncomplicated"
and with a little refinement could be used in a variety of human
applications.     Sematech in Austin, Tex., developed a computer chip in
1993 that is only 0.35 microns wide -- roughly 1/200th the size of a human
    Dr. Carl Sanders is especially concerned about Big Brother's
exploitation of the microchip.  Sanders is an electronics engineer,
inventor, author and consultant with extensive background in designing
surveillance equipment for the CIA, FBI and the Customs Department in
Atlanta.  Although he worked on designing the microchip years ago, he is now
concerned that it will be misused.  On a tape he produced to explain his
views on the microchip, Sanders says:  "Thirty-two years of my life was
spent in design engineering with a PhD in engineering, and
electronic-designing microchips in the bio-med field....Working on the
microchip, we had no idea about it ever being an identification chip. ..."
    Sanders feels this chip may eventually used for life-long
identification, possibly against people's will.  The government may have the
legal right authority to do this through the Immigration Control Act of
1986, which gives the president the authority to implement whatever type of
identification is necessary to control the population.  Sanders fears that a
SmartCard, invisible tattoo, or electronic microchip under the skin may be
used to enforce immigration laws.  Currently there are several pending
measures before Congress calling for a social security card for immigrant
identification with a photo, fingerprint digitization, or bar code.
    ... The injectable microchip has been equated with the "Mark of the
Beast" -- a reference to a Biblical prophecy predicting that only those with
a mark on the right hand or forehead in the End times will be able to buy or
sell.  (The supercomputer in Brussels handling worldwide bank clearings for
the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications is
nicknamed "The Beast.")
    [Con't. in next post...]
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bicycle Bob #417 @10)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Biochip Implant Info [2 of 2]
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 95 05:28:58 GMT

Bigelow/Psi-Tech connection, and more...

    For the past couple of months (at both Bruce Widaman's St. Charles MUFON
meetings and at Forest Crawford's Collinsville, IL MUFON meetings,and,
occasionally at Spence Wolling's UFO Study group of Greater St. Louis'
meetings, too) I've been commenting on Dick Farley's [aka:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writings in regards to the Laurence Rockefeller/C.B.
"Scott" Jones Human Potential Foundation ["mass mind-control/manipulation"]
and John Alexander ("Mr. Non-Lethal")/Ed Dames Psi-Tech ["remote-viewing"]
possible/probable [definite, according to Farley...who *should* know!]
connections.  As Farley says:  "Watch/follow the money!"

    Coincidentally, at Forest Crawford's Dec. 17 Collinsville, IL MUFON
meeting he mentioned something that should be of particular
interest/curiosity to all.  Forest said that he had been told (by a
trusted/reliable source, whom he said would need to remain anonymous for
now) something that he found "disturbing" in regards to current activities
of Bob Bigelow, the real estate tycoon who operates out of Las Vegas, NV
where he owns a couple of casinos.  (Bigelow originally funded John and
Susan Carpenter and Susan Bedell's first two years of Springfield, MO
"TRIAD" UFO Conferences.)  Forest said that Bigelow has reportedly started a
purported "UFO umbrella organization" called the Phoenix Foundation (or
Phoenix Project...can't remember for sure what it's called, but "Phoenix"
was the first part of it's name.)

    Forest said that he has been told that Bigelow has apparently recruited
George Knapp to be the "PR" ("front man"?) for Bigelow's new foundation.
Forest said that Bigelow's new group had recently contacted Linda Moulton
Howe to "join forces" with the group.  Forest said that after Linda did
"some checking around" she politely declined the offer/request.

    Forest went on to say that he was also pleased to hear that after Peter
Davenport also "did some checking around" he had flatly turned down "an
offer he couldn't refuse" to join forces with Bigelow, too.  According to
Forest, Bigelow had offered Peter Davenport a "six-figure annual salary" if
Peter would move his National UFO Reporting Center [NUFORC] "lock, stock and
barrel" down from Seattle to Las Vegas, and essentially get paid a huge
salary to "just sit there and answer the phones."

    As if that apparent Bigelow attempted usurption of the NUFORC wasn't
disturbing enough, Forest told us that Colin Andrews said that George Knapp
had contacted him about possibly joining forces with Bigelow's group.  Since
Colin was already acquainted with Knapp, he agreed to Knapp's proposal that
he meet with some of Bigelow's group representatives at his (Colin's) place
(in New Hampshire, I believe.)  Guess who Bigelow sent to Colin's home...4
or 5 guys from PSI-TECH!!!

    Colin told Forest that after his "visit" from those Psi-Tech folks he
felt like he had been "raped and pillaged!"  He said the Psi-Tech guys had
spent at least 4 hours at his place and literally insisted (apparently,
rather forcefully...from what I gathered nothing physical, just "mentally"
intimidating) upon seeing all of Colin's files, and everything else he had.

    Colin also told Forest that during the visit by the Bigelow/Psi-Tech
representatives that one of the guys "just sat there without saying even one
word and stared at him the whole time without blinking once!"  Finally,
Colin said he got so mad/disgusted that he kicked them out and told them to
never come back again!!!  --- [Since it's obvious that Colin couldn't keep
track of/his eye on all 4 or 5 Psi-Tech guys at the same time, I wonder what
they may now be "remotely viewing" at another location other than Colin's

    By the way, Forest publicly said he had previously met (presumably, at
UFO conference in the past) some of the folks from Psi-Tech.  He said didn't
like them one bit, and that they were "spooky."

    Speaking of "spooks"...at another one of his meetings, someone had asked
Forest if there were "government moles" in MUFON.  He said that, at least on
the national level, he was sure of it and that such infiltration had
occurred. He also said that he wouldn't doubt that someone (or, someones)
is(/are) also paid to attend such meetings as his to monitor what goes on
and is said.

    In light of the newly revealed Bigelow/Psi-Tech connection, and
following up on Forest's previous statement about "government moles" in
MUFON National, I couldn't resist finding out more.  At this last (Dec. 17)
meeting I publicly asked Forest point blank if two of the "government moles"
were (as has been implied by Dick Farley in his publicly posted on the
Internet information) Thomas Deuley and Dennis Stacy, and he unhesitatingly
"Yes." ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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