This just in from Barry Chamish...

Another Kennedy Hit??? by Barry Chamish

Alright, it's early in the game, but the media is already telling us that
John-John was a lousy pilot who lost his bearings. That his plane was too
fast for his dull reflexes. etc. etc. This smells of prepared disinformation.

That Kennedy fell on the 30th anniversary of Chappaquidick suggests a ritual
murder. What was the motive?

John Kennedy Jr., publisher of George Magazine, was quietly, or not so
quietly, depending on the reader, exposing political conspiracies to the
masses. He was the only publisher of a major American magazine, to publish a
full report on the Rabin assassination conspiracy and to name Israel's
Secret Services, the Shabak, as the perpetrator. This eight page article,
purportedly written by the patsy Yigal Amir's mother Geula, was commissioned
and ghost written by two Jerusalem-based writers, one of whom has impeccable
credentials in Israeli left wing circles.

Lately he was trying his best to get to the bottom of the George Wallace
conspiracy of 1968, which knocked the former Alabama governor out of the
Presidential race. Of interest was Wallace's exposure of America's hidden
rulers throughout his campaign. Kennedy had just, personally, conducted long
interviews with the aging Wallace, who spelled out his information on who
was behind his shooting.

Nosy, influential Kennedys, convinced the tragedies that befell kinsmen
John, Robert and Edward were wide-ranging political hits, will develop
mechanical problems in mid-flight.

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