-Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Hitler's Priestess — Savitri Devi, The Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism
Nicholas Goodricke-Clarke©1998
New York University Press
ISBN 0-8147-3110-4
Another fine one from, Mr. Goodricke-Clarke.

The new anthropogeny of the gifted white European races was complete by 1819,
when Friedrich Schlegel applied the term Aryan to this as yet anonymous
Indic-Nordic master race. The word had been derived from Herodotus's Arioi
(an early name for the Medes and Persians) and recently used by French and
German authors to designate these ancient peoples. However, Schlegel's new
usage caught on as he linked the root Ari with Ehre, the German word for
honor. Again, he was philologically quite correct because one also finds the
same root with a similar meaning in the Slav and Celtic languages. However,
the anthropological implications of the new word for the ancestral European
race were much more exciting and flattering: as Aryans, the Germans and their
ancient Indian ancestors were the people of honor, the aristocracy of the
various races of mankind. It should be noted that Friedrich Schlegel was
neither an extreme German nationalist nor an anti-Semite. He campaigned for
the emancipation of the Jews in Germany and married the daughter of the
distinguished Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. Nevertheless, his ideas
in due course stimulated the boldest ideas about Aryan supremacy among
German, French, and English scholars.

Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century famous and obscure German
philosophers and philologists alike worked tirelessly to develop and refine
the Aryan myth. Many more speculations were supplied by Julius von Klaproth
(who coined the term Indo-Germanic), Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Jacob
Grimm, and Franz Bopp. In 1820 the geographer Karl Ritter described the
Indian armies breaking through to the West across the Caucasus. As the
originator of the famous dictionary, Grimm exercised a lasting influence on
literary and historical textbooks. He described the arrival of the Greeks,
Romans, Celts, and Germans in Europe in successive waves of immigration from
Asia. However, the Aryans were not yet set against the Jews in these
accounts. The outlines of the Aryan- Semitic dualism first became apparent in
1845, when Christian Lassen (1800-1876), the pupil and protege of the
Schlegel brothers, contrasted the Semites unfavorably with the Indo-Germans
as unharmonious, egotistical, and exclusive. His emphasis on biology, the
triumph of the strongest, the youthful and creative nature of the most recent
species, and the superiority of the whites provided the basic ingredients of
all subsequent thinking about the master race. Such notions were soon
combined with a virulent anti-Semitism by the famous composer and author
Richard Wagner (1813-1883), who enjoyed a fervent following in Germany and

Through the lectures and books of the great philologist Max Muller
(1823-1900) in Oxford and Ernest Renan (1823-1892) in France, the Aryan myth
had become established dogma throughout European learned society by about
1860. From this time on most educated Europeans came to know that the
European nations were of the Aryan race, which had come from the high
plateaus of Asia. The common ancestors of the Indians, Persians, Greeks,
Italians, Slavs, Germans, and Celts had dwelt in this region before migrating
across Asia and Europe to found their respective ethnic groups, which in due
course became the nations known to ancient and medieval history. The idea
that the Europeans had an origin distinct from the Jews was also implicit and
indeed survived any ensuing revisions of the Aryans' geographical origins.
Linguistics, anthropology, and biology had combined with the cultural and
political achievements of the European powers to underwrite their sense of
confidence as world leaders. They were all Aryans and the Aryans were the
superior race, the highest form of humanity.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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