-Caveat Lector-

>From TheIndependent (UK)

> THE DANGER facing Kosovo is no longer starvation but descent into
> anarchy, the Liberal Democrat leader, Paddy Ashdown, warned
> yesterday.
> Mr Ashdown, on a fact- finding mission to the province, the
> latest of many trips to the Balkans, said: "The situation now in
> Kosovo is a race between order and disorder and disorder has a
> head start."
> Speaking from the capital, Pristina, he said: "The world probably
> believes that there is a humanitarian crisis in Kosovo - there is
> a humanitarian challenge but I'm reasonably convinced that it
> will get through the winter. There isn't a humanitarian crisis,
> but there is an administrative crisis and unless we tackle that
> there is a danger that Kosovo will simply descend into Balkan
> chaos."
> Mr Ashdown's remarks reflect growing fears that the international
> forces running Kosovo are failing to keep the province under
> control. Every day, Serbs are driven out of their homes by
> Albanians who have returned to rule the roost. Meanwhile,
> Albanians settle scores among themselves.
> Slobodan Milosevic's Serb-run police are gone; the only Albanian
> force that could replace it is the Kosovo Liberation Army, whose
> supporters include a heavy sprinkling of thugs.
> Kosovo Serbs are so frightened that most have fled. Those who
> stay are deeply scared. Nor is this just ethnic revenge.
> Criminals from Albania and from Kosovo itself have the run of the
> unpoliced province.
> For this problem to be fully addressed, the now powerful KLA,
> with all its murky connections, will need to have its wings
> clipped. But it will be difficult to bring under control a force
> that Kosovo Albanians are more loyal to than ever before.

> RACISTS GANGS in Catalonia are mounting a wave of attacks against
> African immigrants, copying last week's assault on an ethnic
> Moroccan community near Barcelona.
> Three Gambian women, one pregnant, were injured when a fire
> destroyed the ground floor of their apartment block in Girona,
> north-east of Barcelona, early on Monday. One women broke her
> leg, wrists and ribs jumping from a first-floor window. Some 27
> Gambian women who lived in the block were evacuated.
> Hours later, a fire damaged the entrance to a mosque in the
> nearby town of Banyoles. Last week, 300 residents of Banyoles
> signed a petition demanding that the mosque be closed because it
> had been built illegally and attracted "too many" people.
> Yesterday the Civil Guards reported that calm had returned to
> Terrassa, near Barcelona, where 11 skinheads were arrested last
> week after racist attacks against Moroccan immigrants.
> On Monday night police said they had arrested a man in Barcelona
> over a web page on the Internet that threatened a massacre to
> "rid the area" of non-whites.

<<First we have the NATO leadership adventuring in the Balkans
to "cure" ethnic problems; now we find the same kinds of
problems and they're local to the leadership.  In 'winning' the
Cold War, Europe has been left without an identifiable enemy;
and so it appears one (or more) has to be created.  In each and
every one of the 'hot spots' (Iran {Persia} - Turkey also comes
to mind), old (as in almost ancient) feuds are springing forth
like the desert hafter a heavy rainy season:  all kinda stuff
that many had never seen or had forgotten about comes back to
life.  Recall the Spaniards had a little problem with the Moors,
oh, way back when, what?, the Inquisition was on?  And Slobo
must be at least slightly amused that Kosovo has been spun and
now may be spinning out of control.  Any bets on his being asked
to intervene?  >>

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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