-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday July 20, 1:52 AM

No Expense Spared in JFK Jr. Search

On Saturday, rescue officials assured reporters that the search for John F.
Kennedy Jr., his wife and sister-in-law was being handled no differently
than would be the case for any other American lost at sea.

"The same amount of effort would have been expended for an average citizen,"
said Capt. Sandy Troeber of the Air Force's rescue coordination center in
Virginia. "Every life is as important as the next."

On the other hand, as John Jr.'s father once noted, "Life is unfair."

As far as the Kennedy search goes, the late president seems to be closer to
the mark than Capt. Troeber.

The hunt for JFK Jr.'s plane now involves the Coast Guard, the National
Transportation and Safety Board, the Federal Aviation Administration, the
U.S. Navy, the Transportation Dept., the National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration -- not to mention a whole host of state agencies.

On Saturday, before debris began to wash up on Martha's Vineyard beaches,
more than a thousand searchers spread out over an area covering five states.
By Monday afternoon, NOAA had dispatched it's research vessels Rude and
Whiting to the Vineyard area. The Navy chipped in with The Grasp, which had
aided in the TWA 800 recovery operation three years ago.

According to Sunday's Washington Post, even the White House "situation room"
was alerted the morning before. Several Clinton administration cabinet
members were rousted from bed at 5:00 AM with news of Kennedy's

Plainly, some lost Americans are more equal than others.

Inside Cover contacted the Woods Hole, Mass. Coast Guard base, where some of
the search and recovery operations are being coordinated, in hopes of
getting an estimate of the costs thus far incurred.

A base source who would speak only condition of anonymity said, "It's one of
those deals where it's going to be impossible to come up with a dollar
figure because there were so many agencies involved. I don't think anybody
has actually sat down to figure that out. A cost estimate would have to be
done by each agency and at this point we just don't have those figures."


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