-Caveat Lector-

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News Article: U.S. Army To Use 'Green' Tungsten Bullets

LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. army is to manufacture and use
tungsten-based bullets, rather than traditional lead slugs which
are environmentally unfriendly, the International Tungsten
Industry Association (ITIA) said.
Around one million 'green' bullets will be produced this
year, rising to five to ten million in 2000, and up to 200
million in the years that follow, the ITIA said in its latest
"The bullets, which are used primarily for shooting
practice during peace time, are as deadly to humans as their
predecessors but less deadly to the Earth," it said, quoting an
article published by the Water Environment Federation.
"Two hundred million tungsten bullets a year, using an
ounce of tungsten each...that makes more than 5,500 tonnes or
one-eighth of existing annual tungsten consumption in the
world," the newsletter added.
Lead bullets tend to cause a build-up in the environment,
often ending up in sediments, surface water and groundwater.
This accumulated lead can harm wildlife, as well as people if
they get their water from a contaminated source.
"Although tungsten is more expensive than lead, the
clean-up of the manufacturing process will result in savings of
$0.01 to $0.05 per round, or $5 million to $20 million a year,"
the ITIA said.

Mitchel adds: Think of it. At $.05 per round at $5 million a year, that's
100 million rounds of ammunition the Army plans on shooting this year  (the
lowest figure). Or, the maximum, 2 billion rounds! Question: At whom?

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