-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find an article from

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

The  next  article  shows  the  possible connections between   Mormonism and
Ritual Abuse. Most of the information   for this article was published by the
Utah Lighthouse   Ministry (http://www.utlm.org) P.0. Box 1884, Salt Lake
City, UT. 84110, 801-485-8894., a group that publishes newsletters and books
exposing the Mormons and their practices.

Warning: Rituals are described in detail, read with caution.
Please note: all unproven allegations are alleged.

The following information is taken from Evolution of the   Mormon Temple
Ceremony 1842 - 1990 by Jerald and Sandra   Tanner.

>From pages 143-151 (appendix C), the Tanners  show  that    Joseph  Smith
was originally a Mason. Because the Mormons   made "small innovations" in the
rituals, they were no longer   allowed to have a Masonic lodge.

"There can be no question that the "Five points of Fellowship"   were derived
from Freemasonry." (Page 29) Mormons in Utah were   not allowed to join the
Masons because "Joseph Smith stole   part of the Masonic ritual  and
included it in his temple   ceremony." (Page 144). The book also shows
similarities   between the Mormon "The First Token of Aaronic Priesthood" and
  the Masonic oath in the First Degree, and "The Second Token of   the
Aaronic Priesthood" and the Masonic Second degree. Other   similarities are
shown between other grips, vows, signs, use
  of aprons, anointing ceremonies, etc. "Other parallels ...   could be
shown, but these should be sufficient to convince the   reader that Joseph
Smith borrowed from the Masons when he   established the endowment ceremony."
(Page 148)

The following information comes from "Satanic Ritual Abuse and   Mormonism"
by Jerald and Sandra Tanner. In the book the   Tanners discuss a secret memo
from the church written on July   19, 1990 by Bishop Glenn L. Pace to the
"Strengthening Church   Members Committee" on the subject of Ritualistic
Child Abuse. The memo is found on pages 7 - 18. Here are some excerpts from
the memo.

 "I have met with Sixty victims. That number could be twice or   three times
as many if I did not discipline myself to only one   meeting per week... All
sixty individuals are members of the   church. Forty-five victims allege
witnessing or participating
in  human  sacrifice.  The majority were abused by relatives,   often their
parents . . . One individual has memories of   participating in rituals as a
full-time missionary... Children    are  put  in  a situation where they
believe they are going to   die--such as being buried alive or being placed
in a plastic   bag and immersed in  . . .  the abusers tells the child to
pray to Jesus . . . and nothing happens . . . then she is
  rescued... (by) a representative of  ... they  remember  robes    and
candles... seeing other ...babies ...children are baptized   by blood. They
have been brainwashed with drugs, hypnosis, and   other means to become
suicidal as soon as they start to tell   their secrets. They have been
threatened... that if they don't
  do what they are told their brother or  sister... (or)    parents will
die... They have told me the positions in   the    Church  of  members  who
are perpetrators... Young Women   leaders, Young Men leaders, bishops, a
patriarch, a stake   president,  temple  workers  and members of the
Tabernacle   Choir... Assuming  each one comes from a coven of 13, we are
talking about the involvement of 800 or so ... on the Wasatch   Front..."

The following information comes directly from Merradyth   McCallister. She
(allegedly) came from a family of   generational incest. She was raised by
her father in Salt Lake   City and (allegedly) incested by him until she  was
 17  years  old.  Her  father's grandfather was from Kentucky and was a
Mason, her   father's  aunt from Nevada was in Eastern Star.

Her daughter in a Logan County Police Report alleges that a  bishop (twice)
and his wife (once) raped and drugged her   between the ages of 12 and 13 at
a Christian girl's camp.

Betty Rhoton, the mother of Cinda Rhoton, was (allegedly)  drugged, tortured
and ritually abused by the Mormons and   helped Cinda Rhoton escape from the
Mormons.  Betty and Cinda   witnessed the torture and rape of the children by
the same   bishop and his wife.

The following information comes from "Occult Ritual Abuse -   Fact or
Fantasy?" also written by Jerald and Sandra Tanner.   The information comes
from Chapter VIII -Ritual Abuse in   Oklahoma and  a lot of the information
was originally   submitted by  Merradyth  and  Jack McCallister  of Oklahoma
 City (pages 179-198).

 "In June of 1963, my husband Jack, had (allegedly) been   sexually molested
by his bishop (a bishop of the Oklahoma    Ward who died in the 1960's) for
two years between 15 - 17...   In June of 1993, our son, Scott, was 23 years
old and recently
  returned from an honorable mission. He told my husband about   (allegedly)
being sexually molested between the age of 15 - 17   by the same bishop as
Rhoton's children...In September of   1993, the three of us talked to our
Stake President.  He
  threatened us to "either stop talking to Church members about   this or
I'll draw up the papers to have you excommunicated."

  "...we went to the police and filed felony charges against Ron
Phelps....they believed Scott and recognized the deception   used by typical
pedophiles with multiple....a criminal    background  check revealed Ron
Phelps had been arrested for     indecent exposure prior to being called as
bishop in 1980 (the   charges were later dropped). He was recently arrested
in an   Oklahoma University restroom in Norman, Ok. on December 3,   1993. He
did 'unlawfully, willfully and wrongly solicit,
induce and entice one John Bishop, an undercover police   officer, to commit
an act of lewdness..."'

Mr.  McCallister,  who also  served as a Mormon bishop, claims   that there
were three other persons molested by Bishop   Gardener . . . The  Oklahoma
newspaper,  The Yukon review   reported   "Yukon's Jack and Merradyth
McCallister and fellow
church member Mary Plourde, realizing they face   excommunication for
speaking out against the church, have   accused Ron Phelps and other unnamed
church leaders of   ritually and sexually abusing children."

"In a letter to another bishop, dated July 29, 1994, Mrs.   McCallister wrote
the following:....This issue is not about   vengeance  or  forgiveness.  I
love  my Church . . . 1 have  decided if I can't warn the parents within the
system the only
  other choice is to warn them from sources outside the Church's
information network. I am willing to sacrifice my membership   in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rather than   be bound by silence from
spiritual intimidation."

  "On August 2,  1994, the same  bishop she wrote the letter to   sent a
letter to Mrs. McCallister informing  her  that  she    had  been
excommunicated.... Jack  McCallister  beat the   church to the punch and
withdrew his membership ...  he wrote:    "... I refuse to place the
reputation of the church ahead of   the safety of our children. I refuse to
protect child sexual   molesters in high places."

  "Another member of a Surrey Hills church has publicly accused   church
leaders of sexually abusing her children - both at the    church  and  during
 youth  group  ...  Mary Plourde...   believes   her children have been
abused since 1989 by the ex-bishop of the Surrey Hills church... (she was )
excommunicated    ... August 9, 1994"

  "...church  members  who  sided  with ... (Cinda Rhoton) have   now
implicated 15 to 20 other families in the church as being   part of the
alleged Satanic ring, and allegedly committing   ritual abuse against the
three  children  and herself... her
  children were kept in cages,...witnessed a 'wicked'  witch   stab a baby,
and were forced to have oral sex with their   father... she  had  been
forced  to  prostitute herself...   and had been a victim of mind control."
(The Surrey, Feb. 26,   1994)

  "Cinda Rhoton  ... was interviewed on KFOR-TV.  When she was   asked if she
had ever seen a baby killed, she replied, "Yes I   have." ... treatment of
the children: They tortured them with   needles. They used ropes.... they
also (allegedly)  sexually
   abuse children... that sexual abuse was verified when Cinda   Rhoton's
children  were examined: "And, indeed, medical   examinations of the children
state sexual abuse. The eighteen-month old boy with rectal scarring, the
four-year old boy with
  a hernia scar and an abrasion across the back of his head, and   the
five-year old girl with a callused vagina . . . The   Piedmont Police chief,
Don Payne... (said)  'There's not much   doubt in my  mind  that  the
children were physically  and
  sexually  assaulted  and molested and... (it) may have been in   a cult or
satanic manner, and may include multiple suspects."'

  The following information comes from Cinda Rhoton's court case   against
her husband, where she won custody of her children   from him. (Pages 184 -

  In the  court case,  allegations of physical and verbal abuse   against the
husband are mentioned. He also threatened that her   parents would kill her
(Cinda) and threatened that someone   would kill her youngest son.

  "Kay Gillette, who worked with Cinda's children,  has  a    Master's
degree  in psychology. She felt that it was likely  they had been ritually
abused... Gillette then graphically   describes  that  Blake (Cinda's three
year old son) told her   he was forced to perform oral sex on the man....
(Gillette   also testifies) In ritual abuse.... cages are used because   they
are terrifying  and  because  children  are isolated.
  Sometimes they use cages to leave them for a long period of   time where
they don't get to sleep and they don't get to eat    . . . whoever finally,
quote, rescues the children from the   cages... the child bends a little bit
because they are so   relieved to be out of the cages."'

  "... Kay Gillette then said that Blake demonstrated with the   dolls how
his father had anal sex with him..."  The children   also had ropes put
around their necks and much of the   testimony is about the children being
put in cages.

  A witness testifies that Cinda was also put in cages and that   she was
given shots in the cages. One of the children also   drew a picture showing
the bishop previously mentioned as an   alleged abuser in a robe with a
pentagram on his head, and
  another drawing show the children and Cinda in cages. Several   people also
testified that Cinda was a battered woman.

  The social worker Beula Love testifies, 'Cinda is a very   suggestible
person. She grew up in an authoritarian home, she   went to an authoritarian
university. She was very compliant .   . .  she's never been taught how to
confront an issue'....Mind
  control certainly could have been a factor in her remaining in   the

  Dr. Richard Sternlof... PH.D. in clinical psychology from the   university
of Oklahoma, worked with Cinda and her children.   (he testified):....Sad  to
 say,  that  these things... have   happened to these children. It's not a
fantasy, it's not an
  imagination. It's something that, in my opinion, very strongly
  believed that actually happened to the children.... (Heath's   (Cinda's
son) statement about the abuse) was done in a way and   with the level of
anxiety in this child that my clinical   assessment would be that it was true.

  A witness  testified:  "Dr. Sternlof claimed that Jennifer   said her
father forced oral sex upon then ... what Kay   Gillette, I  think, told me
was that when she (Jennifer)
  finished the drama, the baby was taken and the witch stabbed   the baby and
then put the baby in the ground."

  The case ended with a settlement that there would be no   contact between
the father and the children. The Piedmont   Police Chief wanted to bring the
abusers to justice. But "it   would put a great deal of pressure on Cinda
Rhoton and her
  children and could cause more trauma than they would be able   to
withstand.... It  is certainly deplorable that crafty   people can sexually
abuse children to the point that they are   unable to testify against those
that have abused them."

  On page 162 and 163 of "Occult Ritual Abuse: Fact or Fantasy",    "a
former Mormon.... claimed  that  his  father was involved    in  Masonry when
he was  a child. ... (they showed him) a copy   of I) Duncan's Masonic Ritual
and Monitor. When he arrived at   page 119... he was shaken to the core. The
drawing on that
  page is supposed to represent...Hiram Abiff is shown lying   blindfolded
with a group of men  encircling  . . .  lost   control of   himself   and
began   to  weep
  uncontrollably.... (he) explained that when he was young he   went through
the ritual pictured in the  . . . The ritual he   was forced to participate
in was apparently something derived   from Masonry that was extremely
terrifying. Even though his
  father had broken some of his limbs, he felt that he loved him   and
eventually rescued ..."

"When we discussed this...  she stated that   a Mormon woman had sent the
same material from "Duncan's   Masonic Ritual and Monitor." She alleged that
the Mormon woman   had also taken part in this type of  ceremony  and  was
actually  buried alive . . . one of the victims of satanic   ritual abuse
claimed that the group his mother was involved   with had combined elements
of both Mormonism and Masonry into   their ritual." The Tanners conclude that
they have no reason   to believe that most Masons would have anything to do
with   this type of ritual abuse.

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