-Caveat Lector-

"Mr. Fisher, the No. 2 man at the Federal Reserve Bank  of
New York,
was stunned by what he saw.
The ailing  Long-Term Capital, the huge, secretive, and
  investment partnership
founded by John Meriwether, was  `a lot bigger than anybody
' he says, and far  more
intricately interwoven with major markets and  major
players. The
fear of `this layer cake
becoming  unglued' and putting the world's financial system
risk, as Mr. Fisher puts it, led him
and his boss, New  York Fed President William McDonough, to
up the  biggest names on Wall
Street to inject $3.625 billion  into Long-Term Capital a
days later.

"The move thrust 42-year-old Mr. Fisher out of the  shadows
where Fed staffers usually reside and
into the  public spotlight. It also set off a barrage of
for Mr. Fisher, his boss. and the Fed.

"W. Lee Hoskins, former head of the Cleveland Federal
 Bank, sums up critics' reasoning: `A
perverse  kind of incentive could be put in place that
 can continue to make these bets on
the hopes that the  government will limit the downside
risk.' He
 adds: `As  a general rule, one
should err on the side of letting  the market solve the

"Before the Fed was created by Congress in 1913, there  was
government entity charged with
maintaining  financial stability. When the collapse of the
 Trust Co. threatened to
unleash a panic  in 1907, the task fell to J.P. Morgan, the
  banker, to rally Wall Street to
keep markets  functioning. In a sense, Messrs. Fisher and
 are Mr. Morgan's successors.

"Mr. McDonough, 64, a former commercial banker, gets  the
 office and the big title. Mr.
Fisher's  primary job is to run the Fed's trading operation.
 Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan
decides to cut interest  rates, Mr. Fisher and his staff
actually do
it by  buying and selling
government securities to maintain  the desired rate in the
When Treasury
Secretary  Robert Rubin decides to help prop up the value of
 Japanese Yen, Mr. Fisher sells the
dollars and buys the  yen.

"In that capacity Mr. Fisher is the Fed's eyes and ears  on
 inner working of stock, bond, and
currency  markets and is given a wide degree of latitude
 when certain events pose broader

"In mid-September the New York Fed's traders were
witnessing unsettling developments. After
Russia's debt  default and currency devaluation, investors
 shunning risky assets; even in the
United States  trading volume was thin, and prices were

"`These shocks were, in their own way, not unlike what  the
market suffered in October
1987,' Mr. Fisher  says.

"Amid the turmoil, Mr. Fisher heard frequent rumors  about
 numerous firms in trouble, but one
name was  coming up with increasing frequency" Long-Term
 Management in Greenwich,
Conn. Thus it was that on  Sept. 20 he left his parents'
party in
Cambridge and  headed for

"After looking at Long-Term Capital's books, he  realized
some of
the recent bond market turmoil
flowed  directly from the hedge fund's dumping its
 to raise cash. It underscored how
much worse the  markets would be if the firm collapsed. `I
had an  epiphany,' he says. `I realized
they would be in the  eye of the hurricane.'

"Based on that assessment, Messrs. Fisher and McDonough
the next three days putting the
rescue plan in  place. On the night of Sept. 22, while Mr.
 was returning from London,
where he had delivered a  previously planned speech, Mr.
 summoned some of  the biggest
names on Wall Street to the nearby imposing  stone
 of the New York Federal
Reserve  Bank.

"He offered warm sodas and no food to his guests, who
 stayed past 10 p.m. He spoke for just a few
minutes at  the outset of the two-hour meeting, but what he
 was potent. He didn't ask any firm
outright to do  anything. He didn't even hint at the
possibility of
 using public money. He just
observed that a collapse of  the investment partnership
could be
 chaotic for markets  and that
there was a `public interest in a collective  industry
option' to
keep Long-Term Capital
afloat,  according to participants in the session.

"The decision to give that nudge -- the crucial one --
to have been made largely by Mr.
Fisher and Mr.  McDonough. Mr. McDonough consulted with Mr.
 Robert  Rubin and Mr. Greenspan
by phone. But Mr. Greenspan  told Congress that the decision
based on `the  judgement of the
officials at the Federal Reserve Bank  of New York.' The
Fed's board
of governors was informed  but
not consulted.

"Critics complain that by pulling together the Wall  Street
Messrs. Fisher and
McDonough gave  Long-Term Capital's Mr. Meriwether good
reason to  rebuff a buyout bid from
billionaire Warren Buffet.  That bid would have wiped out
Merriwether and his  partners,
including a former Fed vice chairman, David  Mullins. The
 move left them with their jobs and
10 percent stake in the partnership. Messers. Fisher and
say that it would have been
for Fed officials to help Messrs. Buffet and Meriwether
terms of a buyout and that the
rescue came  together only after the Buffet bid evaporated.

"`If you save a baby from getting hit by a truck, and  the
baby gets
slightly bruised, you're going to
get  some criticisms for the bruises,' Mr. McDonough says.
`The baby
we were concerned about was
the credit  markets, not Long-Term Capital. And we think the
 were worth it.'

"After Peter Fisher heard reports of distress at Long-  Term
he sprang into action. Sept. 20:
Fisher  leads a delegation of Fed and Treasury department
 to meeting at Long-Term
Capital headquarters  Sept. 22, 7:30 a.m.: Fisher gathers
from  Goldman Sachs, Merrill
Lynch, and J. P. Morgan at New  York Fed headquarters to
 bailout. Sept. 22,
8:30 a.m.: At New York Fed, Fisher warns Wall Street's
firms of market turmoil if bailout
fails. Sept

23: Agreement reached at New York Fed around 6 p.m."

The question GATA would like the Banking Committee to
 is whether the New York Fed
is "bruising"  another baby (the gold market) to help other
 markets and thereby harming
millions of innocent  parties.

A 12-year-old Wall Street Journal article involving  former
 Governor Robert Heller is of
particular  interest here.

"Have good intentions about intervening in markets gone

"Have Fed Support Stock Market Too

"By Robert Heller, Oct. 27, 1989.

"The stock market correction of Oct. 13, 1989, was a  grim
reminder of the Oct. 19, 1987, market
collapse.  Since, like earthquakes, stock market
will  always be with us, it is prudent to
take all possible  precautions against another such market
collapse. In  general, markets function
well and adjust smoothly to  changing economic and financial
circumstances. But  there are times
when they seize up, and panicky sellers  cannot find buyers.
That's just what happened in
the  October 1987 crash. As the market tumbled, disorderly
 market conditions prevailed. The
margins between buying  bids and selling bids widened;
 in many stocks  was suspended;
orders took unduly long to be executed;  and many
 stopped trading altogether.

"These failures in turn contributed to the fall in the
 averages; uncertainty extracted an
extra risk  premium and margin calls triggered additional

"The situation was like that of a skier who is thrown
 slightly off balance by an unexpected bump
on the  slope. His skis spread farther and farther apart --
just as buy-sell spreads widen during a
financial panic  -- and soon he is out of control. Unable to
stop his  accelerating descent, he crashes.

"After the 1987 crash, and as a result of the
 of many studies, `circuit
breakers'  were devised to allow market participants to
regroup  and restore orderly market
conditions. It's doubtful,  though, whether circuit breakers
do any real good. In  the additional time
they provide even more order  imbalances might pile up, as
would-be sellers finally  get their
broker on the phone.

"Instead, an appropriate institution should be charged
with the job of preventing chaos in the
market: the  Federal Reserve. The availability of timely
assistance  -- of a backstop -- can help
markets retain their  resilience. The Fed already buys
and sells foreign  exchange to prevent
disorderly conditions in foreign- exchange markets. The
Fed has assumed a similar  responsibility
in the market for government securities.  The stock
market is the only market without a market-
maker of unchallenged liquidity of last resort.

"This does not mean that the Federal Reserve does
not  already play an important indirect role in
the stock  market. In 1987 it pumped billions into
 the markets  through open-market operations
and the discount window.  It lent money to banks
and encouraged them to make  funds available to
brokerage houses. They, in turn,  lent money to their
 customers -- who were supposed to  recognize
the opportunity to make a profit in the  turmoil and
buy shares.

"The Fed also has the power to set margin requirements.
But wouldn't it be more efficient and
effective to  supply such support to the stock market
directly?  Instead of flooding the entire
economy with liquidity,  and thereby increasing the
danger of inflation, the Fed  could support the
stock market directly by buying  averages in the futures
markets, thus stabilizing the  market as a

"The stock market is certainly not too big for the Fed
 to handle. The foreign-exchange and
government  securities markets are vastly larger. Daily
trading  volume in the New York foreign
exchange market is $130  billion. The daily volume for
Treasury Securities is  about $110 billion.

"The combined value of daily trading on the New York
 Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and
the NASDAQ  over-the-counter market ranges
between $7-$10 billion.  The $13 billion the Fed
injected into the money markets  after the 1987 crash
 is more than enough to buy all the  stocks
traded on a typical day. More carefully targeted
might actually reduce the need
for  government action. And taking more direct action has
the advantage of avoiding sharp
increases in the money  supply, such as happened in
October 1987.

"The Fed's stock market role ought not to be very
 ambitious. It should seek only to maintain
the  functioning of markets -- not to prop up the Dow
 Jones  or New York Stock Exchange averages
at a particular  level.

"The Fed should guard against systemic risk, but not
 against the risks inherent in individual
stocks. It  would be inappropriate for the government
or the  central bank to buy or sell IBM or
General Motors  shares. Instead the Fed could buy the
 broad market  composites in the futures
markets. The increased demand  would normalize trading
 and stabilize prices.  Stabilizing the
derivative markets would tend to  stabilize the primary
market. The Fed would eliminate  the cause
of the potential panic rather than attempting  to treat
the symptom -- the liquidity of the banks.

"Disorderly market conditions could be observed quite
 frequently in foreign exchange markets in
the 1960s and
1970s. But since the member countries of the International
 Monetary Fund agreed in the
to Floating' in 1974, such difficulties have been  avoided.
I cannot recall any disorder in
currency  markets since the 1974 guidelines were adopted.
 Thus,  the mere existence of a
market-stabilizing agency helps  to avoid panic in

"The old saying advises: `If it ain't broke, don't fix  it.'
this could be a case where we all might
go  broke if it isn't fixed."

GATA believes it is reasonable to ask whether something  is
 amok in the gold market. We are not
making any wild  accusations about the Federal Reserve. We
 are just  searching for some answers to
valid questions.

Another compelling question concerns Fed Chairman
 Greenspan's comments on July 24, 1998,
before a House  Banking Committee and on July 30, 1998,
before the  Senate Agriculture Committee
that "central banks stand  ready to lease gold in increasing
 quantities should the  price rise."

GATA and many in the gold industry would like to know
 what Greenspan meant here. Was he
signaling the bullion  dealers that the U.S. government
and other governments  would not let the
price of gold rise so that they could  short-sell gold with

The collapse of the price of gold is causing extreme
 hardships around the world, yet the
Clinton  administration has gone out of its way to support
the  IMF gold sales idea. Meanwhile the
opposition in  Congress to the IMF gold sale has created

 the most  unusual of political alliances.

Consider who is opposed to the IMF gold sale: 1) Rep.  Jim
Saxton, chairman of the Joint Economic
2) Sen. Jesse Helms, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
chairman; 3) Sen. Tom Daschel, Senate
minority leader;

4) Rep. Dick Armey; House majority leader 5) Tom DeLay,
House majority whip; 6) Democratic
senators such as
Richard Bryan, Tim Johnson, and Harry Reid; and 7) the
  Congressional Black Caucus.

While many of the leading figures in both political  parties
 are against the proposed IMF gold sale,
who is  for it? Just the Clinton administration and its big-
 money supporters who are short gold.

The reaction to the outrage of Africans and their  request
 for support from the Labor Party in
Britain is  even stranger. Consider this recent story from
 London Daily Telegraph:

"Golden opportunity missed to show African solidarity."

"Let them eat aid. New Labour's sympathy for the gold
 miners of South Africa is strictly limited.
You would  have thought that when the leader of their
union turned  up in London, he would be
feted all the way from  Islington to Millbank, which would
be relabeled James  Motlatsi House in his
honour. Not a bit of it.

"Sentiment counts for nothing when it conflicts with  the
 Government's suddenly invented policy
of selling  off the gold reserves. In two months this
 has  lowered the price of gold by
one-tenth, and 100,000  miners stand to lose their jobs. Mr.
Motlatsi is here  with Bobby Godsell
from the Chamber of Mines to plead  their industry's cause.
In the House of Commons this  week
the prime minister could not find a single  sympathetic word
 for them. We had sold, so he said,
on  the technical advice of the Bank of England, and got
 the best deal for the country -- this
country, that is.  Gold sales were just the Tories' latest
obsession, and  their party had supported
apartheid, so who were they  to talk?

"His flinty response was misleadingly worded. It is a
 gold ingot to a china orange that this
clearance sale  was not proposed by the bank. The official
reserves are  not the bank's but the
state's, and making policy for  them is the responsibility,
with the bank as its agent  in the market.
It has been left to make the best of a  bad job.

"New Labour's next good cause is to make the
International Monetary Fund sell gold and use the
 proceeds to relieve poor countries of their
debts. It  does not seem to cross ministers' high minds
 that some  of these countries have gold in
the ground and make  their living, or hope to, by digging
it out. There  would be no point in telling
Zambia to dig for Special  Drawing Rights or Mali to open
an internet cafe.

"Zambia and Mali (and, of course, South Africa) will be
 represented here next week, when their
governments will  try to make the industry's point
for it. They are not  asking for aid. Africa's best
hope must be to work its  way out of poverty -- if
 only the conceit and  condescension of New
Labour will let it."

It is understandable that many people recoil when they
 hear the words "manipulation,"
"collusion," and  "conspiracy." Yet many of the potential
 players in the  gold market manipulation
have been charged publicly  with manipulations of
some sort before, so why should  it not follow
that they may be involved manipulating  the price
 of gold?

After all, anyone who has borrowed gold the past
several years at 1 percent interest and has sold it
 has  had the opportunity to re-invest the funds
and earn  substantial returns and then return the
 principal at  much lower prices and reap windfall
gains there too.

Let us examine some recent commentary about the
behavior of current bullion dealers and associated

1) Counterparty Risk Mangagement Group member
Credit Suisse:

"Tokyo, July 13 (Bloomberg) -- Credit Suisse Group,
Europe's sixth-biggest bank, was humbled
today when  Japan indicated it may revoke the
 banking license of a  financial subsidiary -- the most
severe punishment of a  financial firm since World War II."

2) The Commodities Futures Trading Commission fined
 LTCM bailout partner Merrill Lynch
millions of dollars
for helping Sumitomo manipulate the copper market

3) Goldman Sachs is being investigated for its
underwriting fees.

"Washington, April 30 (Bridge News) -- The U.S.
 Department of Justice served investment Bank
Goldman  Sachs & Co. with a civil investigative
demand Thursday  requesting information
concerning an `alleged  conspiracy among
securities underwriters to fix  underwriting fees,'
according to a Securities and  Exchange Commission
filing from Goldman Sachs released  today.

"The request from the Justice Department marks
an  escalation of charges that were filed in a
private  class-action suit in November, a source
familiar with  the investigation told Bridge News."

Consider this article from the July 1999 issue of
 London's Business Age magazine:

"The recent dramatic fall in the gold price could
have  been triggered by the Bank of England
irresponsibly  signaling a massive unloading of
bullion onto the  market, amid suspicions that a
global cartel has been  attempting to manipulate
values, writes David Guyett.

"When the Treasury announced in early May that it
 was  going to auction over half the nations 715
tonne gold  reserves, it caused eyebrows to be raised
 in many parts  of the world. It also triggered a
steep decline in the  market price of gold from just
below $290 an ounce to  $281.50.

"In the blink of an eye over $90 million was wiped off
 the value of the gold the Treasury has
earmarked for  sale. Ordinarily, central bank gold sales
are conducted  in the utmost secrecy and
are then routinely announced  after the event.

"This ensures a stable market price for the bank to
 sell into. Effectively talking down the gold price
by  announcing `future' sales is considered curious,
especially for a nation possessing a long
history of  managing its gold reserves with skill and

"More recently, Gordon Brown's public comments in
favour of the proposed sale of 10 million
ounces of IMF  gold have merely added to the

"Unsurprisingly, the prospect of an additional large
official disinvestment saw an even more
dramatic plunge  in the market price to under $260.
The chancellor's  comments, said to be aimed
at raising funds to  alleviate the horrendous debt
burden of impoverished  third world nations,
wiped a further $300 million off  the value of British
gold reserves.

"While many market analysts ponder just what the
 chancellor hopes to achieve by apparently
cutting off  his nose to spite his face, an independent
 American  gold pressure group believe they
know the answer.

"Formed earlier this year, the Gold-Anti Trust Action
 Committee, known simply as GATA, claim the
gold market  is in the grip of a powerful cartel of leading
 Wall  Street and European banks. These
are said to have  colluded to manipulate the price of
gold to their  commercial advantage.

"According to Bill Murphy, a commentator on the gold
 market and GATA Chairman, up to 20
leading banks may be  party to a cartel arrangement.
Murphy says that many of  these banks have
leased gold from central and other  gold banks at strike
prices as low as $290. The lending  banks,
according to the insiders, charge little more  than 1
percent per annum as a leasing fee.

"This amounts to `a virtually interest-free loan,'  Murphy
says. By selling the leased gold, the
banks  receive a hefty cash `pool.' That is then invested
in  U.S. Treasury securities or placed in
other overseas  markets.  With Treasury yields climbing
above 6  percent, the net 5 percent
`windfall' returns earned by  the borrowing banks
generate huge profits. Later  covering their short
positions at lower strike prices  will generate additional

"GATA believes that short sales of this type
collectively total as much as 8,000-10,000 tonnes.
Others believe it could be higher and amounts
of 14,000  tonnes are mentioned. Meanwhile, one Wall
Street bank  is rumoured to be short 1,000
metric tonnes, worth  about $9 billion. This is believed
 to be Goldman Sachs,  America's largest
investment bank. Goldman refused to  comment but
 insiders at the bank deny the position is  as
large as claimed.

"The risk of this short sale strategy is if the gold
price shoots up beyond the $290 level. With
annual gold  mining production of 2,500 tonnes per
year, it could  prove impossible for those short
banks to buy  sufficient quantities of metal to
 repay back their  loans. Locked into a trap of their
own making, this  could stampede the banks and
cause the gold price to  skyrocket, turning easy
profit into crippling losses.   Were just one of these
banks to fail under the burden  of such losses it
could trigger a systemic collapse of  the international

"This, Murphy believes, is the underlying reason why
the Treasury took the unusual step of
announcing a gold  auction in advance, and why
Gordon Brown is so strongly  committed to an IMF
sale. At the time the Treasury  issued its announcement,
the gold price was preparing  to penetrate
the $290 level. Forcing down the price  enables the
banks involved to extricate themselves
from  their now suspect trading positions.

"Murphy admits that he cannot prove his case.
However,  he says the circumstantial evidence is
overwhelming in  support of his view. Not least he
points to testimony  given by Federal Reserve
Chairman, Alan Greenspan, who  told the House
Banking Committee last summer that  `central
banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing
quantities should the price rise.'

"`What else could the Fed be up to?' Murphy asks,
other  than the wholesale manipulation of the
gold price"

"Whether Murphy's group is ever able to prove
that the  market is a rigged roulette wheel remains
to be seen.   Meanwhile GATA's efforts constitute
 the only truly  independent attempt this century
to penetrate the  mysteries of one of the most
secretive of all financial  markets."

Others are crying out for transparency, truthfulness,
and accountability:

"Basle, Switzerland, June 7 (Reuters) -- Nine months
 after the near bankruptcy of U.S. hedge fund
LTCM shook  the world, bank regulators still do not
have the tools  to judge accurately the risks that
financial market  speculators are running, the Bank
for International  Settlements said on
Monday.... The inference of the  rescue, the BIS
commented, is that U.S. bank regulators  and
LTCM's principal creditors considered that a non-
bank financial institution was `too complex to
fail'  .... `This might be thought a worrisome message
sent  out to much bigger banks and dealing
firms with their  own proprietary trading operations,
' the BIS said....  So intricate are the trading
strategies used by  sophisticated investors such as
LTCM that existing  statistics cannot readily
measure how much market and  credit risk they are
 exposed to."

GATA believes that Congress easily can investigate
this  matter and get the answers that are
necessary to  protecting the international financial
system against  collapse.

If all the bullion dealers and parties involved in the
 Long-Term Capital Management bailout are
asked to  disclose their gold trading books, you easily
 could  determine if our suspicions are correct
and if  excessive gold loans pose an unacceptable
threat to  financial stability.

My former associate, Frank Veneroso of Veneroso
Associates, can assist your committee as he has
compiled the most comprehensive study on the
gold loans  in the world. In his 1998 Gold Book
Annual he  determined that the gold loans were
about 8,000 tonnes  in total (7,000 to 7,500 tonnes
of official swaps and  deposits and 500 to 1,000
tonnes of private deposits).  Since then he has
received more information about the  positions of 9
bullion dealers. Three were about as  expected. Six
were higher too substantially higher
than  expected.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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