-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:539596">VICTIMS OF MASONIC ILL
From: William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 24 July 1999 09:49 AM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

VOMIT UK 30/99

Victims Of Masonic Ill-treatment 24 July 1999


Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed
right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the
Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to
suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are.


Lord McCluskey, a senior Scottish judge, has called for new thinking on
whether cannabis should be decriminalised. He states that cannabis users
waste police time and court time and that prison sentences have little
deterrent effect. Occasionally a decent judge rears his head in Scotland
but, by and large, they are pretty bad people. Lord McCluskey is
unlikely to be one of the Mafia. What he does not understand is that
decriminalising cannabis use could kill the cocaine/heroin market. We do
have an official hard drugs business. That is another reason why drug
dealers receive such harsh sentences. Charlie Kray was prosecuted
because he changed from an official supplier of cocaine to an unofficial
supplier. We would make all drugs available over the counter with health
warnings. Anyone administering drugs to another by deception or force
would deserve severe punishment.

McCluskey, in 1997, suggested that a well-known Glasgow criminal could
have become a judge had his social environment been different. He said
that the man was intelligent, witty and good-looking. Hand on heart we
must say that we have never known an intelligent, witty and good-looking
judge. Lord Denning could not have been described as "good looking". The
thing that impresses us about judges is the furtive manner in which they
go about their business and then creep away from the bench like thieves
in the night. Again hand on heart we would say that litigants would
receive fairer judgements from gangsters than from the wigged Mafia.

There have been several cases where major drug dealers have been
acquitted on technicalities. Could it be that there are many drug
dealers who appear to have official approval? In our region there has
been an officially approved cocaine network for years. Some people in
high places are undoubtedly accepting bribes from the drug barons and
some people in high places are allegedly drug barons. Most of the drug
money is recycled through the Seychelles. Bernie Ecclsestone visited 10
Downing Street at Christmas in 1997. He was offering donations and was
looking for a sympathetic ear. Gebr Hellmann Gmbh of Osnabruk, owners of
Hellmann International Forwarders contributed a further £20 million to
its UK subsidiary at Christmas 1998. No respectable politician visits
the Seychelles. There is always the suspicion of bribery.


People in glass houses should not throw stones. Margaret Beckett was off
message when she decided to smear Michael Ashcroft, Tory Party
Treasurer. Ashcroft is operating in Belize to standards adopted by
Gargoyle Blair in the UK. It is being alleged that he his part owner of
ships that transport cocaine into Tampa and Miami and that he has
arranged for Belize to be a haven for recycled drug money. Blair will
see nothing wrong with that.

For a number of years the UK authorities have had at least one official
drug importer. The drug site is now occupied by H Hearn & Son Limited
working in partnership with Hellmann Parcel Systems. It has been
virtually impossible to link Hellmann International Forwarders in South
Africa, UK and USA. Communication with the different offices including
the Miami , Florida head office is blocked in Osnabruk, Germany. We
believe that the government is benefiting from the illicit drug trade.

The main location for recycling drug money or Sierra Leone diamonds and
other hot money are the Seychelles. There is so much hot money in the
Seychelles that the World Bank is anxious about world currency


Letter dated 15 July 1999 to VOMIT from CK 0635 A. Dryden, H M Prison
Garth, C Wing, Ulnes Walton Lane, LEYLAND, Lancs. PR5 3NE (Edited)

### This is just a line to say that I am OK but it is a long way for my
visitors to come. It is 140 miles each way costing them 27 pounds for
petrol. Norman is 75 miles away. It is not so bad for him.

The jury at my trial said that they had not seen the incident on TV or
read about it in the newspapers. My QC found this hard to believe. So do
all my supporters. They showed the two videos every day of my trial. The
jury took the videos into the room to help them make up their minds.
They were out only 23 minutes after a 3-week trial.

The judge said in her summing up that I was guilty of murder and that
the jury should take no notice of what the doctors say. She said, "We
all know what they are don't we?" Albert. ###

Comment: We find it almost impossible to believe Mr Dryden's version of
what happened at the trial but knowing how he had defied the Masons
anything was possible. It is a simple matter to load a jury with people
who will dictate to and advise less experienced jurors. It is possible
that potential jurors were told that Mr Dryden would not stand trial for
a most horrific murder if they did not deny prior knowledge of the
event. No judge would behave as Mr Dryden says but again Butler Sloss
is, in our view, capable of seriously misdirecting herself. She even
misdirected her car and seriously injured another lady though her
careless driving. Whereas the ordinary person would have been fined,
disqualified or even imprisoned Butler Sloss was punished with driving
lessons. In the meantime a young woman goes through life hiding her
facial scars. We do not know who the judge was in Mr Dryden's case. Who
was she?


We hesitate to criticise Mr Kellett's solicitor who is Charles David
Hughes of Harding, Swinburne, Jackson & Co. (Fax 0191 510 0334). Either
he is a bent Mason or is in a similar position to Mr Kellett. WE were
concerned when Mr Hughes told Mr Kellett at the last minute that he
would have to defend himself because his legal aid certificate had not
come through. Miraculously, after we intervened, the certificate was
authorised. Since then Mr Kellett, accompanied by Mr Hughes, has given a
long statement to the police about the Masonic corruption, which has
resulted in injunctions, divorce, ill health, imprisonment, police
frame-ups and fraudulent bankruptcy proceedings.

On 21 July Mr Kellett was to meet barrister Mr T Spain at Trinity
Chambers. The judge against whom Mr Kellett has made the gravest
allegations uses Trinity Chambers. Mr Kellett reported this to Mr
Hughes. 2 hours before the time of the meeting Mr Kellett's solicitor,
Miss C McBride standing in for David Hughes on vacation, telephoned to
say that Spain had withdrawn on account of a conflict of interest since
Spain was acquainted with Fryer-Spedding. Since Freemasonry was involved
one is bound to ask whether David Hughes knowingly used a barrister
friend of Mr Kellett's chief persecutor or whether he had no choice in
the matter. There are always coincidences and weird happenings when
Masons are involved.

As Lord Denning famously stressed "Fraud unravels everything". It is
important therefore when the police are informed about fraud in cases
that are before the courts that the police act promptly. It appears that
the only reason the police take statements is to frustrate exposure of
frauds until litigants through homelessness, bankruptcy or death are no
longer able to pursue their legitimate claims or defend themselves
against illegitimate claims. Currently Chief Constable Jane Stichbury is
or should be investigating about six complaints of corruption and
misconduct in public office. Indeed she should be investigating the
"suicide" of solicitor David Dolton. Who drafted his "suicide" note. Why
did Mrs Dolton and the daughter who lived with Mr Dolton not give
evidence at the coroner's enquiry? Why was the enquiry held less than
Kellett's case the police again framed him and also took a long
statement from him. Had the police acted promptly and properly the
crooks would have been on the run and there would have been no
bankruptcy proceedings against Mr Kellett. Bear in mind that Mr Kellett
is also crippled with arthritis and is in constant pain. Also bear in
mind the Official Receiver is appointed by the Department of Trade and
Industry. We have found the office corrupt at all times. A bankruptcy or
a winding up is an opportunity for a host of parasites to help
themselves and their friends to the property of decent people.

Can we give Mr Hughes a hint now? Your client Mr Kellett of Hetton-le-
Hole has agreed under duress to allow the Official Receiver to send one
of his inspectors into Mr Kellett's home. The Official Receiver, B J
Inglis (fax number 01642 618644) is familiar with the allegations of
fraud and the police enquiry. Mr Hughes was present when the police took
a statement from Mr Kellett. We now learn that Mr Kellett was not asked
to sign the statement, which is therefore invalid, in that the police
can concoct a fresh statement to suit their purposes. Surely David
Hughes should have known that the statement had to be signed by Mr
Kellett. Both Mr Hughes and the police investigator are coincidentally
on holiday. It really does look as if Mr Kellett has been sold a lemon.
If the bent inspector arranges to seize Mr Kellett's property or acts on
the bankruptcy before the police have reported in Mr Kellett's case Mr
Hughes will be criticised. As a servant of the court Mr Hughes has a
duty to report perversion of the course of justice and any other form of
law breaking to the court and to the police. He is the expert. Would
Judicial Review be appropriate? He should also write to the Official
Receiver and copy his letter to Mr Kellett.


Mr Hunt is a man who has been framed and hounded by Dorset Constabulary
but has taken the trouble to prepare the following report on the David
Husband Press conference at the Portland Height Hotel. David Husband has
published details of the criminal offences committed against him and his
family by the trash in Dorset County Council. None of the trash turned
up but disseminated denials to the media and said that since Mr Husband
refused to take his case to the Ombudsman (Jerry Pisspot Pisspoor White,
the Mason with the direct line to the United Grand Lodge) the trash
themselves had referred the case to Pisspot. We know of a dozen or more
people who will swear that the Pisspot has been guilty of misconduct in
public office and should be prosecuted and dismissed from office. The
Pisspot covers Dacorum, Chiltern and West Dorset councils, all of which
are alleged to be corrupt and all of which have benefited from the
Pisspot's malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. Mr Husband's
complaint is a matter for the police who are again in no hurry to
address the issues. We have found that the police are like greased
lightning when framing someone and like carthorses when investigating
this sort of official corruption.

It is gratifying to find that Mr Hunt, persecuted as he is, is reaching
out to help other victims.


Last week we reported how Geoffrey Scriven had spent 100,000 pounds
fighting the judicial Mafia. Mr Scriven also publishes that the Law
Society is a criminal Mafia. Who can disagree with that? At the present
time the Law Society, aided and abetted by its partner in crime, the
manipulators of the Solicitors Indemnity Fund, are presenting repeated
statutory demands with a view to bankrupting Mr Scriven or undermining
his ability to expose them. The ratbags have tried to shut Mr Scriven
off from the courts and imprison him while fining him substantial sums
of money. Having failed to contain Mr Scriven court officials have
simply put his files on one side while the crooks try to neutralise Mr
Scriven by further abuse of the legal processes.

Mr Scriven reports that the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors is
so overloaded that it will close down for at least one year to catch up
with the backlog. What else do the supervisors expect when they have
ignored and covered up solicitors' malpractice? What else can we expect
from the OSS when the Legal Services Ombudsman, Ann Abraham, is even
worse than the solicitors she is supposed to supervise? We would
imprison Abraham for years as an example to others who are handsomely
paid out of the public purse and who betray the public.

Mr Scriven's new honour "D. M." stands for the "Dryden Man". We award
this to men (D. W. for women) who are not frightened of the yellow
bastards who currently control this country.


There is so much corruption all over Dorset that the birds fly over it
upside down because there is no public servant worth shitting on. One
wonders whether the Metropolitan Police gets rid of its corrupt officers
by making them Chief Constables elsewhere or if they are sent out into
the country to teach the provincial police forces about corruption as
practised by the Met.

In VOMIT 50/98 we reported that PC Roderick Harvey was jailed for six
months for a mortgage fraud. We suspected that this Harvey crook was
related to the other Harvey crook named Peter who was Chief Executive of
Dorset County Council and Clerk to the Dorset Police Authority until he
and his Masonic mates slipped quietly away on 31 March 1999. Chief
Constable Aldous and Deputy Chief Constable May retired prematurely on
31 March 1999 after being awarded a 30% rise in salary a few weeks
before their retirement. That would boost their pensions.

It appears that P C Harvey was a member of Lodge Lyme Regis. What this
suggests is what we have been telling you silly Masons for years. Some
Masons are more equal than others.

At the present time Gerald Coulter (Fax/Ph 01923 262726), Barry Hunt
(Ph/Fax 01305 777348), Mr & Mrs Masefield (Ph 01308 485412 and Fax 01308
485729) and David Husband have lodged complaints about misconduct in
public office with Dorset Constabulary and with Chief Constable
Stichbury. The main focus of allegations of malfeasance is the aforesaid
Peter Harvey of Amity Lodge. It was presumed that he would either be
prosecuted or sacked. He actually kept his job as Clerk to the Police
Authority and had an office in police HQ. Astonishingly he was then
appointed Deputy Lord Sheriff of Dorset. Even more astonishingly Harvey
has been appointed to the Dorset Health Authority by the Secretary of
State for Health who is presumably Frank Dobson. There you have it;
Masonic crooks promoted by Labour Ministers. This is standard Masonic
practice. A man holding public office commits the gravest offences over
and over again. He is generally recognised as a crook. He is
rehabilitated in the eyes of the lumpenproletariat by being awarded
honours or given high profile positions. Harvey is not fit to clean out
public toilets in spite of his expertise as a shithouse Mason.

The treatment of the Masefields is diabolical. Both are over 80 years of
age and have been swindled by the courts. West Dorset District Council
(Fax 01305 251481) is corrupt like Chiltern District Council and Dacorum
Borough Council. Pisspot White the Ombudsman cheated them too. The Legal
Services Ombudsman did her usual crooked best. Ordnance Survey faked
maps as at Chalfont St Giles. The Land Registrar assisted the crooks
with the cover up. Remarkably the Masefield experience mirrored our
experience. The Masefields do not appear to be victims of drug barons
but there will be some money making angle to the theft of their land..
The council succeeded in having the elderly couple imprisoned for a week
for non-compliance with an Enforcement Notice, which was subsequently
shown to be invalid. The Chairman of West Dorset District Council has
had the door to her office widened because she was scuffing her ears.
Her name is Mrs Mary Penfold. She had better remove her blindfold. There
is no point in quoting a bent judge in order to conceal criminal
offences committed by council officers and Mrs Penfold's personal

Gerald Coulter has asked Chief Constable Stichbury (Fax 01202 223987)
for the names of the members of the police committee who unlawfully
rejected his complaint but even this seems to be beyond the intellectual
ability of Stichbury.


CAMPAIGN FOR A FAIR HEARING, PO Box 54, Cambridge CB5 8BB. Fax 01223

Ph 01223 327634 (Organiser - Suzon Forscey-Moore, American Law

POW TRUST, (A registered benevolent and social welfare charity) 295a
Queenstown Road,

London SW8 3NP. Tel.0171 720 9767 Fax 0171 498 0477 (Gen.Secy. Peter

TRY "PUNCH" AND BUY "PUNCH"(£1.50 fortnightly) Punch Letters,100
Brompton Road,

LONDON SW3 1ER. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fax 0171 225 6766.

NEW DEMOCRACY ACTION, PO Box 187, Chesterfield, Derbys.S40 2DU Ph/Fax
01246 555713

(Organiser Eric Giles)

ECOWARRIORS v. Chiltern District Council

http://www.fintco.demon.co.uk/siblets - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DACORUM ACTION GROUP v. Labour's Masons in the Borough Council

http://www.dacorupt.demon.co.uk Contact David Fisher Phone 01442 260329.

Lloyd's world-wide swindles http://www.truthaboutlloyds.com email

Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St
Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031 E-mail -
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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