From: "Mike Ruppert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wait till you see the July issue of From The Wilderness and what Terry has
to say about the video.

Mike Ruppert

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Goldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 25, 1999 8:30 PM
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Washington Post asks GW Bush about COCAINE??
> From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> When I saw this Drudge headline, I thought.....maybe......they were asking
> GW Bush about what he is aware of on the cocaine trafficking front
> involving CIA, etc........instead, they ask about his own use. Sort of
> reminds one of what Barry Seal told Terry Reed in Compromised, about his
> photographs of Bush boys and drugs.........
> >
> >
> >
> >It didn't come from a grocery store tabloid. It didn't come from
> any of the
> >nation's cable news channels. It didn't break on an "Internet gossip"
> >website.
> >
> >Instead, it was in a Page One, 5,000-word, columns 1-5
> above-the-fold scream
> >sensation Sunday special of the WASHINGTON POST.
> >
> >"We need to ask the cocaine question."
> >
> >A question for Texas Governor George W. Bush.
> >
> >POST reporters Lois Romano and George Lardner Jr. finally saw
> the first of
> >their reports on Bush reach publication over the weekend. The
> duo had been
> >working on the spread for months.
> >
> >The first report was on Bush's personality -- and his past.
> >
> >The POST interviewed dozens of friends, family and business
> associates for
> >the series, including Bush's wife, sister and mother.
> >
> >In the report, the WASHINGTON POST used the word "alcoholic" five times;
> >"alcohol" 14 times; "drinking" 20 times.
> >
> >And then it came.
> >
> >POST: "We need to ask the cocaine question. We think you believe that a
> >politician should not let stories fester. So why won't you just deny that
> >you've used cocaine?"
> >
> >BUSH: "I'm not going to talk about what I did years ago. This is a game
> >where they float rumors, force a person to fight off a rumor;
> then they'll
> >float another rumor. And I'm not going to participate. I saw
> what happened
> >to my dad with rumors in Washington. I made mistakes. I've asked
> people to
> >not let the rumors get in the way of the facts. I've told people I've
> >learned from my mistakes -- and I have. And I'm going to leave
> it at that. "
> >
> >
> >POST: "Do you believe there's a statute of limitations?"
> >
> >BUSH: "There's never a statute of limitations evidently.
> Particularly when
> >people are spreading gossip and rumors."
> >
> >After all of these years, no one does it better than the
> >
> >[Even though the WALL STREET JOURNAL's Ellen Pollock did take
> the first run
> >at the cocaine question a few months back.]
> >
> >Next in the Romano/Lardner Bush series: A Texas Childhood.
> >
> >[And what was in those diapers?]
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