flight 800 listsofters,
    I sent the following email to John Quinn who has been posting on the

JK crash.
He always sends confirmation, which I did not recieve.  Then I recieve a

post that his email has been disturbed.  It came through this
starfriends list.  As note, Michael O'Keef is the Assistant DA in
Barnstable County's DA office run by Philip Rollins.  He is the one who
held the very early prress conference on the Vineyard saying foul play
not even considered.  (Dukes County -Vineyard- uses the Barnstable DA's
office. The post that I recieved from starfriends vanished after I read
it, it is in no files, or trash.  I have seen this before.  I just tried

to repost.  System administration came back with John Quinn's address
being 'iinoperable'. I checked address carefully.
Michael Donovan
Norfolk, VA...
(copy orig letter follows)
Dear John,
Looks like now you really have something!
John, truly I was worried about you going down a primrose path.
I have had my personal run in with Michael O'Keef.  I a mailed WRENCH on

September 23, 1993.  I did not know what a loose cannon I was making of
Bill Huogh, publisher of the Falmouth Enterprise. (see RICO case on
MCF).   Treasury needed a way of putting an arm around Bill.  I had
known Bill for some years as his WEB press printed the newspaper that I
published on Martha's Vineyard.  The Houghs are a newspaper family from
way back.  His uncle is Pulitzer winner Henry Beetle Hough who purchased

the Vineyard Gazette from the Sanchez family in the 1920s.
    Just after WRENCH was sent out, large headlines appeared in the Dow
FALMOUTH.  There were five fires set.  One was almost on the doorstep of

the Falmouth Enterprise.  There were BATF agents all about
investigating.  Understand, John, that this was the next morning, just
hours after the fires.  They were not even classified as arson yet!.
(This was all going on while I was starting up my second newspaper, this

time the Cap Cod MAP. eventually shut down with heavy extortion.)   So
what were all the BATF agents doing about.  It seemed obvious.  They
needed a little 'terrorism' to help put the arm around Bill Hough.
Apparently, (and later very apparent), they (most likely through an
intermediary) paid some kids in drugs or money to do this.  Shortly
thereafter three brothers, the Smith Brothers were found with bullets in

their brains on the porch of a deserted hotel in Buzzards Bay.  The
Bourne Police ruled it a triple murder.  Rollin's DA office with Michael

OKeef and Detective James Cummings came in, ruled it triple suicide and
closed the case in 72 hours.  The Bourne Police Department went
ballistic, but could do nothing.  The bodies were hardly cold.  No
information was given out.  A triple suicide of three brothers, one gun,

is highly unlikely.  The newspaper reports were false in some technical
areas.   This happened not to long before I was in the final paste up of

my first edition.  I was planning a 'cutsie' non controversial tourist
newspaper maps.  Then they started extorting my client base even before
I came out.  I changed it in the middle of the final paste up and came
out with a strong attack against the DA's office over this.
    I still have extra copies of that old paper, Johnl, if you want one.

Just send me your postal address.
    I later had a number of strong run ins with Michael O'Keef.  I
attempted, as it was my right under Mass law, to file a brief in open
court.  I was blocked from my rights by all kinds of shenanigans within
the court system.  Over this was my run in with O'Keef.
    The Vineyard is almost feudal.  Dukes County uses the DA's office
from Barnstable, Rollins.  In reality, Sheriff Look is in charge of the
Vineyard.  Whatever he says the Barnstable DA rubber stamps.  It was
Sheriff Look that was a deputy sheriff out on Chappy that night with
Kennedy, and many suspect him of setting TK up.  Most particularly one
of my old clients who was foreman of the Grand Jury then, forgot his
name, name of the drugstore in Vineyard Haven. (Just remembered,
Leslie's Drug Store)
    When I finally figured out why all the heat was on me, it was a few
years later.  It was regarding my parents, their espionage on behalf of
the Soviet Union in 1954.  I never brought this up because I thought it
might muddy the waters.  (I knew and kew also tht the top of media and
government knew) They were caught, but never prosecuted.  It would have
simply been to embarrassing.  But then I did bring it up in one of many
letters to Criminal Division, US Attorney's Office, Boston.  I saw a
strong reaction in the press.  Billboards, Childhood Memories
Unreliable.  What?  I sat down and wrote the whole thing out.  I managed

(and may have done something illegal in the process, hope not, won't
say) to find a method to get this past NSA, phone co, FBI, DoJ, or
anybody in Navy into hands of some high ranking US military officers
whose honour I respected.  The shit hit the fan:
    First CNO Admiral Michael Boorda was murdered in his own home.  He
was due to speak in Buzzard's Bay within a few days.  Major Media was
screaming "Highly Inappropriate' for US naval officer EVER to speak
there.  Few understood the issue.  I did.  Goes back to Pass&Stow.  I
had initially reversed the implication, and agreed with Major Media,
screaming to my friends that they should have gut-shot Admiral Boorda
and made him crawl around a bit.  It took me a while to understand how I

reversed this.  He is to me, now, a hero.
    The 'old navy' was pissed.  They sent a fighter down from Dam Neck,
650 miles and at midnight buzzed a portion of mid Cape Cod, coming down
to within 75 meters and blasting off.  Most of mid Cape thought the
world was coming to an end.  I knew the issue and whose house.  (again,
I was trained naval intelligence as a child).  I told my girlfriend just

what word would need to appear in a headline (as submission) for this to

stop.  All this goes right over the public's head.  So much does.  It
did not appear
About ten days later a fighter again flew up 650 miles from Dam Neck,
and terrorized the mid Cape at midnight.  (To my girlfrined's amazement
that word did appear, and the 'buzzsing' flights ceased.)  Again the
navy (bless them) refusing to release name of the pilot, and allowing
only that he would not be disciplined.
    It was no longer safe for me on the Cape.  The only one who had
stood up for me was Col. Charles Henderson, Head of the Mass State
Police.  He was internal investigations when my problems began in the
spring of 84.  He lost his job over this, and now works security for an
electric company.  Good man.  At any rate, I fled to Norfolk, where I,
of course, feel far safer.
    In Norfolk I had a tet a tet with the FBI.  Back in 84 the Pavlita
situation was passed from Senator Monihan, Intelligence Committee, to
Senator Kennedy who wrote the navy on my behalf.  After I was
interrogated the night of April 13th 1984 by naval intelligence on
Groton sub base, I was assaulted.  At first, I had blamed the navy.  The

interrogation was interrupted by a phone call.  They were perplexed.
They were ordered to drop me off in the middle of nowhere where I was
assaulted.  Now, in retrospect, I far more tend to thing that this was
Treasury.  After that some letters flew.  There was an order that came
from head of NIS, Pentagon, ordering Captain Ransom, Base Commander to
explain to both Senator Kennedy and myself the events of that night.
The order was either countermanded or ignored.  Emily Winterson,
Kennedy's personal secretary in Boston simply stated that it was 'highly

unusual' for congressional mail not to be answered within 30 days.  This

was never answered.
    At any rate, FBI Norfolk Office, started getting into me asking me
if I was accusing a US Senator of anything.  I said 'of course not, read

the complaint'.  They pressed this two more times.  I gave same reply.
I have no idea what they were getting at.  Nowhere did I imply any such
    If the FBI leak is true, I continue to be confused about Freeh.  He
is a complete enigma to me.
    I think, again, John, you would appreciate an old copy of the Cape
Cod MAP.  And as well should glance through my RICO case.  It was Linda
Thompson, producer of Waco the Big Lie, who first suggested RICO.  I
spent much time with her on the phone.  She seemed primarily interested
in my Father.  From what I gather, she and her husband Al are now
underground, and the American Justice Federation is defunct.
    Michael Donovan
    Norfolk, Virginia

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