From: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: So who is Sherman Skolnick?
Date: Tuesday, July 27, 1999 5:13 AM

Activist Mailing List -

Ooops! The previous posting of this had an in the Subject:

My apologies to the List for reposting this.

One of the List's subscribers asked me who Sherman Skolnick is after
the posting titled: "FBI Document: BOMB BLASTED JFK's PLANE". So I did
a Web search and here is one of the bits of info I came across. There
is more but I won't tire you.

The List Owner


>From :

So who is Sherman Skolnick?

I cannot vouch for all of the following, simply because I have no
direct knowledge as to many of these matters. But here is how Mr.
Skolnick himself answers the question:

Sherman Skolnick is the founder and chairman of the Citizens'
Committee to Clean-up the Courts, a group dedicated to researching and

investigating, in the public interest, certain instances of judicial
and other corruption, and political murders. Mr. Skolnick has been
chairman/founder since 1963. A summary of a few key events:

1. Mr. Skolnick, self-educated in law, led the campaign to re-
apportion election districts in Illinois, on the "one man, one vote"
idea. He brought and won in the federal courts a series of class
actions -- 1967 to 1972, that accomplished this.

2. In 1969, his disclosures in a special court petition on behalf of
his group caused the largest judicial bribery scandal in U.S. history,

causing the collapse of the Illinois Supreme Court. The accused high
court justices desperately used the last of their judicial power to
jail Skolnick falsely for contempt -- he refused to inform them how
his group investigated the matter. The Chief Justice resigned as well
as an associate Justice. A third high court justice died under fire.
Skolnick was vindicated and released from prison. The state high court

was in effect for a period of time put out of business. Appeal lawyers

condemned him for interfering with their business -- they had gotten
used to the corrupt ways of the high court.

3. In another special court petition Skolnick accused 7th Circuit
federal appeals judge, Otto Kerner, Jr., former Illinois Governor, of
bribery. Kerner held a press conference, calling Skolnick, "a liar". A

fellow judge tried to harass Skolnick with false contempt charges.
Kerner died an ex-convict, convicted as Skolnick charged. The highest
level federal appeals judge to go to prison for bribery, while still a

sitting judge, in U.S. history.

4. In 1977, the chief judge of Chicago's Traffic Court allowed
Skolnick to interview him on tape in his office. Skolnick had 28
witnesses, waiting in the hall, prepared to charge the judge with
corruption. The Chief Judge called Skolnick's charges, "Just part of
your imagination, Mr. Skolnick. There is no corruption here."
Skolnick's accusations led to the Justice Department's "Operation
Greylord", in which the same chief judge and some twenty other state
judges and about 40 lawyers all went to prison for bribery.

5. Of course, none of the state and federal judges, accused by
Skolnick, and later ended up convicted of bribery, ever apologized to
Skolnick for calling Skolnick a liar in the press.

6. In 1969-70, the chief deputy clerk of Chicago's federal district
court, formerly of the Bankruptcy Court, Robert P. Steine, was sent to

prison for using his office to shake down insurance companies who were

also litigants in the court system. The matter had been heavily
documented by the U.S. District Attorney and the Chief Postal
Inspector, who stonewalled. The matter was broken open when their
records somehow fell into Skolnick's hands and he showed them at a
press conference. The Chief District Judge had called Skolnick a liar,

saying Skolnick conveyed "diatribes" against innocent public
officials. That Chief Judge narrowly avoided prison himself in a
multi-million dollar real-estate swindle.

7. Skolnick is a regular panel member on a hugely popular Cable TV
public access program since 1991. They obtained the secret files of
one of Hillary Rodham Clinton's cronies, Diane Lewis, a worldwide arms

smuggler. Ms. Lewis was using signs and signals for up-coming deals
through a religious TV station in Chicago, where she was close to the
station boss. Ten days after her records were demonstrated on
Skolnick's one-hour TV show, Ms. Lewis and 14 others were arrested.
She was released on a plea she is with CIA.


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