-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.lcolby.com/b-chap6.htm">"In Defence of Smokers", by
Lauren A. Colby / C </A>
The whole book is online.
© 1999, Lauren A. Colby. Version 2.3Chapter 6: The Propaganda Machine


Chapter 6: The Propaganda Machine

Beginning in the early 1950's, the American Cancer Society started to
wage war against smoking. Later, the government took up the cudgel and,
today, there is a government agency, the Office of Smoking and Health,
dedicated to stamping out smoking. Unfortunately, the government
propaganda is often predicated upon assertions which are simply untrue.
In many instances, these are examples of the "LaLonde effect".

Marc LaLonde was formerly the Canadian Minister of National Health and
Welfare. He argued that health messages should be vigorously
disseminated, and should be "loud, clear and unequivocal" even if
unsupported by scientific evidence. If a particular study showed that
smoking might be related to a particular disease, it made no difference
to LaLonde whether the study was seriously flawed, or not. He felt that
releasing the study was always justified, if it would convince people to
stop smoking, since everybody knew that smoking was bad for people.

The LaLonde effect is by no means new. As early as 1955, J. Neyman wrote
an article in Science Magazine, entitled "Statistics - servant of all
sciences". In the article, he commented upon a statistical study of
smoking and cancer and concluded that the study was possibly flawed.
None-the-less, he felt obliged to remark, in a footnote, that "A referee
warns me that in spite of the fictitiousness of the figures in Table 1
and in spite of the emphasis on the methodological character of my
remarks, the `tobacco people' may pick up the argument and use it for
publicity purposes"  12 .

Every year, the government releases figures on the number of "smoking
related deaths" in the United States. The most recent figure is 470,000,
although Congressman Waxman recently said 500,000. Most people assume
that there is some scientific basis to that figure. Not so! The
government "scientists" simply take a flat percentage of the number of
people who die from a particular disease, and assume that to be the
number whose death was caused by smoking. There are no autopsies, no
studies on actual human beings.

Dr. Bernard M. Wagner, the editor of Modern Pathology, recently wrote,
"Are there 450,000 smoking-related deaths per year in America?
Maybe...but no human beings are ever studied to find out". Wagner went
on to say the biggest obstacle to knowing what is actually going on is
the low autopsy rate in this country, about 10%.

Perhaps the best (or maybe the worst) example of the LaLonde effect is
the recent report of the Environmental Protection Agency on the
"dangers" of second-hand smoke (ETS).

In an article published in the Winter 93-94 issue of Bostonia, a
magazine published by Boston University, the EPA Report was vigorously
attacked by Dr. John C. Luik, a non-smoker, and a senior associate of
the Niagara Institute, Ontario, Canada. As Luik showed, the EPA study
was based on some 30 studies from several different countries. These
studies dealt, essentially, with the effect of smoking by a smoking
husband or wife on a non-smoking spouse. Of the thirty studies, 24
showed no statistically significant connection between ETS
(environmental tobacco smoke) and lung cancer. However, while the EPA
saw fit to discuss and refer to all 30 studies, it made a statistical
analysis of only 11 U.S. studies. EPA conceded that ten of these studies
also showed no statistically significant increase in lung cancer risk.
One study alone showed such a risk, but to show such a risk, the EPA was
obliged to reduce the statistical "confidence factor" which it normally
uses in such analyses from 95% to 90%!

The EPA then went on to merge all of the eleven studies together (a
statistically invalid procedure since the studies were not all
structured the same way), and to reanalyze the results, using the newly
reduced "confidence factor". By folding, mutilating and stapling the
data, the EPA decided that the spouses of smokers had a risk of
developing 119 lung cancers, as opposed to a risk of 100 such cancers in
the spouses of non-smokers. Without the reduction in the "confidence
factor", no statistically significant risk could have been shown.
None-the-less, the EPA branded ETS a "carcinogen".

Writing in Toxological Pathology, Alvan Feinstein, a Yale University
epidemiologist quotes another prominent epidemiologist as saying this
about the EPA report: "Yes, it's rotten science, but it's in a worthy
cause. It will help us to get rid of cigarettes and become a smoke-free
society". The "LaLonde Effect" is alive and well!

Meanwhile, the propaganda machine continues to spew out all kinds of
spurious information and distortions. On July 13, 1994, an obituary in
the Washington Post reported the death, at age 60, of Richard Joshua
Reynolds, III, an heir to the founder of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Company. The headline, and an accompanying photograph showed the
deceased holding a lighted cigarette, implying that Reynolds died from
emphysema, caused by smoking. Reading the body of the obituary, however,
it turned out that he had quit smoking eight years before his death;
that there was a family history of emphysema and the deceased's own
father had died from the disease at the age of 58; and that his doctor
was unable to state the "immediate cause" of his death!  13

Recently, also, the Post Office released a postage stamp, honoring a
deceased jazz musician. The likeness of the musician is on the stamp,
and is based on a photograph, taken while he was alive. The original
photograph showed the musician with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
But the cigarette has been airbrushed out in the postage stamp!

Recently, on Maryland Public TV, an official of the Maryland Cancer
Society made the statement that the smoking/lung cancer connection had
been established in "laboratory experiments". Of course, it has not, but
nobody challenged him.

Similarly, in a recent CNN television program about smoking, a lady was
presented who had lost her larynx to cancer and had to use an artificial
voice box. In the course of the program, it came out that the lady was a
life long non-smoker. The moderator, however, proceeded to explain that
the cancer had been caused by second hand smoke!

Whenever anybody challenges the view that "tobacco kills", they are
immediately confronted with the argument that they are tools of the
giant tobacco companies. Supposedly, these companies spend millions to
spread lies and disinformation concerning smoking.

The truth is that the anti-smoking lobby has successfully demonized the
tobacco companies to such an extent that few public officials would dare
accept contributions from tobacco companies, lest they be charged at
election time with accepting "tobacco money". The truth is, moreover,
that there is a lot of money to be made in the anti-smoking movement,
and lots of people are benefitting, financially, from that movement.

In 1994, the Labor Commissioner for the State of Maryland proposed a
state-wide smoking ban. It was far reaching indeed, and, in its original
form, would have prohibited people from smoking, even in their own hotel
rooms, on the theory that the maid might come in to clean up, sniff some
second-hand smoke and suffer lasting injury.

At the time the ban was originally proposed, a stream of U.S. government
officials poured into Maryland, conducting seminars and public meetings
to whip up support for the ban. These officials, from such agencies as
the Office on Smoking or [sic] Health, EPA, FDA, etc., make a good
living, "educating" the public in the dangers of tobacco. Furthermore,
the months leading up to the ban were filled with television spots,
featuring animated skeletons, demonstrating the "dangers" of smoking.
These spots were paid for with taxpayer monies. A similar television
spot campaign runs in California, also paid for with taxpayer dollars.

At the time the Maryland ban was first proposed, William Donald Schaefer
was Governor. In November, 1994, an election was held for a new
governor, and the smoking ban became a campaign issue. The Maryland
"hospitality industry", consisting of owners of restaurants, bars,
convention promoters, etc., was terrified that the ban would drive
business out of the state to such nearby jurisdictions as the District
of Columbia, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Ellen
Saurbrey, the Republican, promised to do away with the ban. Her
Democratic opponent, Parris Glendening, promised to provide exemptions
for small businesses, taverns, restaurants, etc.

Glendening won the election by a whisker-thin margin, amidst charges of
voter fraud. Upon assuming the governor's office, he forgot all about
his campaign promises, and set about to impose what amounted to an
all-encompassing ban. At a meeting of anti-smoking forces in the state
capital, the governor appeared with Victor Crawford, a self-styled
former lobbyist for the tobacco industry, who now has throat cancer and
attributes it to his former smoking habit. At the same rally, the
Governor declared that 3,000 Marylanders die every year from second-hand
smoke (a figure which is a fabrication, pure and simple: remember, even
in its highly flawed report on second hand smoke, the EPA claimed no
more than 3,000 deaths, annually, in the entire nation). The governor
went on to claim that Maryland has the highest rate of cancer in the
nation. On the basis of death certificate records, that's technically
true; however, the Governor neglected to mention that Maryland has many
large cancer treatment centers, e.g., NIH, Bethesda Naval Hospital, and
John Hopkins University Hospital, and that when people die from cancer
in these institutions, their death certificates are issued in Maryland,
even though the deceased may have come here from Iowa!

Ultimately, the state legislature passed legislation, exempting some
bars and restaurants from the ban, and the governor compromised,
declaring, however, that he would come back later and remove the
exemptions. Meanwhile, however, Victor Crawford had a field day with the
press. He was featured in editorials and in a "60 Minutes" television
interview with Leslie Stahl. In the interview, Crawford asserted that he
had served the tobacco companies by "turning out the troops" for
pro-smoking rallies; (b) presented false laboratory reports; and (c)
presenting false information on poll results, affecting smoking.

The Tobacco Institute has denied that Crawford did any significant
amount of work for them. Moreover, in the 22 years that I've lived in
Maryland, I never heard about any pro-smoking rallies, or any polls
dealing with smoking, or any "laboratory reports". So, I searched the
archives of the Baltimore Sun. There were five references to Crawford:
three dealing with his present claims that he lied on behalf of the
tobacco companies, one dealing with a property dispute, and another,
which identified him as a prominent criminal lawyer, who had been
involved in 33 capital cases. There were no references to any
pro-smoking rallies, or polls dealing with smoking, or lab studies
dealing favorably with smoking. So, if Crawford organized rallies, they
must have been kept very quiet and, if he distributed information about
polls or lab studies, that information must have been kept very quiet.

Crawford, of course, is a confessed liar. In fact, on "60 Minutes", he
bragged about the lies he supposedly told. The question I have is
whether a confessed liar can be believed, when he says that he's now
telling the truth. Is it possible that he was paid for his appearances
with the Governor?

Crawford's name surfaced again in the September 23, 1995 edition of the
Washington Post. There, a story appeared about a prostitute who said she
had sex with a Montgomery County judge and that her own attorney offered
her $10,000, if she would leave Maryland after the investigation began.
The attorney? None other than Victor Crawford. Crawford denied the
allegation of course, but his denial shows that he still has tobacco on
his mind. In a telephone interview from Denver, Crawford said,
"Somebody's got their facts awfully screwed up if they think I'm
involved with this...Ten thousand dollars? Somebody has really been
smoking some funny cigarettes on this one...".

The story goes on to say that Crawford gained national attention this
summer when he was profiled by the CBS News program, "60 minutes" for
abandoning his life as an Annapolis lobbyist for the tobacco industry.
Apparently, the Post forgot that, in their March 4 Edition, Crawford
admitted that he really never had a "life" as a tobacco lobbyist in
Annapolis or any place else. In an interview, he disclosed that he lives
in the posh Washington, D.C., suburb of North Chevy Chase (some 60 miles
from Annapolis), and that his career as a tobacco lobbyist consisted
solely of working on contract for the Tobacco Institute for 6 years in
the late 1980's. In the same interview, he claimed that he received
"about $20,000" for his services, at a rate of "up to" $200.00 per hour.
That meant that, if he can be believed, he devoted approximately 17
hours per year to tobacco lobbying.

Many anti-smoking "experts" are paid, and paid very well. There are
grants available from the cancer societies and from governments, for
anti-smoking research and "education", and many people benefit from
these grants. In California, Proposition 99, passed in 1988, has turned
out to be a mother lode for the anti-smoking lobby. Under its
provisions, there is so much to dole out that practically anyone with a
harebrained scheme can profit, so long as their ideas can be viewed in
some way as furthering the anti-smoking cause. Thus, camping trips are
funded and the hikers clothed with tee-shirts bearing anti-smoking
massages. One group built a race car with anti-smoking slogans on it and
now tour the racing circuit at smokers' expense. Swimming pools are
built for schools on the condition that smoking be banned throughout the
property, including in teachers' cars on the parking lot.

If Crawford is the "Poster Boy" for the anti-smoking movement, Stanton
Glantz is the movement's high priest. Glantz is a professor at UCSF, in
California. In addition to his salary, Glantz gets generous government
research grants as well as speaking fees from numerous groups such as
the American Heart Association. Glantz recently came up with a figure of
53,000 deaths per annum in the U.S. from second hand smoke. In truth,
Glantz did not support his estimate with any scientific data; he didn't
have to. His adoring audiences will believe anything he says, and he
gets paid to say it, so long as he tells the audiences what they want to

Before leaving this subject of propaganda, mention should be made of the
oft-repeated canard that smoking imposes costs upon society, which must
be paid by non-smokers. The State of Florida, among others, is suing the
tobacco companies for the medical costs which it claims to have incurred
as a result of the smoking habits of its residents.

Now, I do not happen to think that smoking causes any disease. Assuming,
however, solely arguendo, that smokers do, in fact, die prematurely from
smoking-related diseases, there is a considerable saving to society
because these dead smokers do not collect their full social security
and/or pension benefits. Moreover, smokers pay cigarette and tobacco ta
xes, both to the states and the federal government, which non-smokers do
not pay.

In 1991, Willard G. Manning, et al., published a landmark study on the
costs to society of alcohol and tobacco 14 . Manning and his colleagues
were no friends of tobacco. They assumed that smoking causes premature
death, extra sick leave, and fires. Never-the-less, when all of the
costs attributed to smoking by Manning are added up and offset against
the benefits, it is clear that smokers pay more to society than they
take from society. In the following table, a minus sign denotes a cost
to society, while a positive sign denotes a saving or benefit. All of
the figures are expressed in cents per pack of cigarettes smoked:

Additional medical expenses from smoking-26Sick leave costs-01Group life
insurance -05Fires caused by smoking-02Lost tax revenues due to
premature death-09Reduced use of retirement pensions+24Reduced use of
nursing homes+03Federal cigarette tax+24State and local taxes 15+26Net
Benefit to Society+34

This is, perhaps, a convenient place to mention another benefit to
society which formerly accrued from smoking, but no longer exists,
because of the ban on smoking in commercial airplanes. In these
aircraft, devices known as "packs" are used to filter the air in the
passenger cabins. When smoking was allowed, the airlines used up to six
packs to filter the air in first class; a fewer number in economy class.
Packs, however, cost the airlines money, because they decrease fuel
economy. The smoking ban enabled the airlines to reduce the number of
packs they used, and they did so, enthusiastically, since, without the
odor of smoke, passengers could not tell whether the air was being
efficiently filtered, or not. As a result, the air in commercial
airliners is likely to be filthy, and laden with viruses, bacteria, and
other unpleasant things. It's no coincidence, therefore, that stories
have started cropping up in the newspapers about stewardesses who
transmitted tuberculosis to passengers and other crew members  16 . The
odor of tobacco smoke formerly served the same function as the odor that
gas companies add to natural gas. It warned of insufficient ventilation.


Table of Contents | Next Chapter (7): The Surgeon General's Reports
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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