Dear Recipients:
In response to the following email, I have summarized below the position
of NewsHawk on the JFK Jr. and Bessette deaths.

John Quinn

Hear are the comments of Bill Cooper regarding JFK, Jr Crash.
Despite his ego and alcohol problem - he is a good investigator.
He may wrong some of the time.  Be he can spot disinformation
pretty good.

Do you men check the veracity of the material BEFORE you send it out.
How confident are you concerning the material you have on JFK, Jr. ?

I honestly would like to know.

Kennedy Jr. - Plane Crash

Our investigation of the tragedy which killed pilot John Kennedy Jr. and
his passengers has resulted in the following preliminary findings.

1. The so-called leaked "FBI document" released by Sherman Skolnick is a
2. The so-called "Interpol Leak" is also a fake.
3. Officials lied about the true facts leading up to the crash.
4. Officials lied about the weather conditions in the area.
5. Officials lied about communication from the plane to the ground and
the times of communication.
6. Officials lied about John Kennedy's experience as a pilot. He was an
experienced, good pilot.
7. John Kennedy Jr. was flying visually at night over water when he
should have been flying on instruments regardless of weather conditions.
He did not have an instrument rating.
8. Even the best and most experienced pilots can become disoriented over
water at night.
9. Tail numbers (so-called "N" numbers) of aircraft are not "serial
numbers" of aircraft.
10. We have located two witnesses who claim to have seen an explosion in
the sky in the direction of the crash at the exact time the incident
11. The bodies were not cremated the same day they were recovered nor the
day after as the rumor mongers claim.
12. Nobody, and I mean nobody, outside of official channels knows
anything whatsoever about the true cause of the rash. Whatever officials
know they are not sharing.

Cooper, etc./JFK Jr-What Happened

I actually agree pretty much with Bill and have never claimed I knew
exactly what happened. What I DO know is that we are NOT getting the
truth from "officials" and the mass media. And really... let's not mince
words or be coy. That can ONLY mean that the cause of the crash was
intentional, hostile targeted destruction.

I have also made note of the exact same MASSIVE discrepancies and
conflicts between official babble and the real facts as Cooper has.
Kennedy called the airport at 9:39. Radar shows his plane dropping like
a boulder seconds after this call. Eyewitnesses on the Vineyard saw an
airborne explosion at around this time. Mechanical problems have been
ruled out. Kennedy was a good pilot with 17 years flying experience,
according to his federal flight licensing instructor John McColgan of
Vero Beach Fla. McColgan said Kennedy had HUNDREDS of hours flying
experience and in fact had already QUALIFIED for his Instrument FLight
Rating, just hadn't actually taken the test.

In light if that last fact, regardless of what Cooper or anyone else
says about disorientation and/or pilot error, I can't think of a BETTER
place to become disoriented than at fairly low altitude over WATER.
What's more, though weather radar data for the time of the plane's
destruction are missing from all available records, data from merely an
hour AFTER the time Kennedy's plane was destroyed shows atmospheric
conditions at Martha's Vineyard TO BE EXCELLENT, with literally NO HAZE
WHATSOEVER! (radar image second from
bottom of webpage).

Plus his last radio contact indicated no problems or "disorientation"
of ANY KIND! Overall light pollution from Martha's Vineyard as has been
noted recently by residents make it even more unlikely Kennedy was the
LEAST BIT disoriented.


We have good visibility with no haze, a perfect flight according to
Kennedy's radio contact at 9:39, no mechanical problems according to
preliminary investigative reports, an excellent pilot actually able to
fly with instruments flying low over calm water (no storms, etc.), and
THEN... a plane hurtling into the sea SECONDS AFTER Kennedy's "A-OK"
radio contact" was completed, as well as EYEWITNESSES on nearby Philbin
Beach to an airborne explosion at this same time.

You tell me what happened.

By the way, how does Cooper "know" that the FBI and Interpol reports are
fakes? What are his "connections" that he can state this with such utter certainty?

Best Wishes
John Quinn

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