-Caveat Lector-

     France's president Chirac announced. "If the European Union succeeds in
[Balkan reconstruction], it will herald a new era in the world.''

NATO, Russian leaders clash over aid to Serbia

SARAJEVO (Reuters) - NATO leaders told Balkan states Friday the west would
repay their help in the Kosovo conflict but insisted Serbia would be excluded
from a plan to develop the region until it removed President Slobodan
Milosevic, provoking strong criticism from Russia.

``You stood by us. We'll stand by you,'' a spokesman cited British Prime
Minister Tony Blair as telling a 40-nation Balkan stability summit in the
Bosnian capital, from which Milosevic's government was excluded.

As to Serbia, Blair told reporters his message was ``get rid of Milosevic,
get a democratic regime and you can be part of this new reconstruction in

Blair's remarks, a reiteration of NATO's tough position on aid to the
Balkans, contrasted sharply with those of Russian Prime Minister Sergei
Stepashin, who said the West is wrong to make aid to Serbia conditional on
Milosevic's departure.

``We do not associate (ourselves) with this strict linkage that it's either
Milosevic or assistance,'' Stepashin told a news conference after the summit.

Excluding Yugoslavia from a stability pact endorsed by the Sarajevo summit
could prove an obstacle to lasting peace in the region and would hurt
innocent Serbs, Stepashin said.

The West's approach ``could lead to very serious repercussions,'' Stepashin
said through an interpreter.

French President Jacques Chirac agreed Serbia, the main republic in the
Yugoslav federation, should be excluded from the pact, intended to promote
democracy and prosperity in the region, as long as Milosevic remains in

But Chirac stressed that Serbia would be welcomed with open arms once
democracy had taken root.

``We want to tell the Serbian people that it belongs to the family of
European peoples,'' Chirac said.

``When a democratic regime is established in Belgrade and liberty regains its
full rights there, we will be the first to welcome this great country within
a modern Europe and the international community,'' Chirac said.

Speaking to reporters, Blair said the world community had the chance to put
an end to a cycle of bloody Balkan wars if it succeeded in bringing peace and
stability to the region.

If all the nations that joined forces during NATO's 11-week air war against
Yugoslavia made the same commitment to building the peace, Blair predicted:
``This will be the last Balkans conflict.''

Chirac said the European Union has the chance to carve out a new role for
itself on the international stage if it rises to the challenge of bringing
stability to the region.

``Let us not be mistaken: if the European Union fails to take up this
challenge, no one else will take it up. But if she succeeds in doing so, this
summit will herald for the European Union a new era in the world,'' Chirac

Stepashin argued that humanitarian concerns outweigh the philosophical
differences that stand in the way of reconstruction assistance to Serbia.

``Ten million (Serb) people will be on the verge of very great difficulties
by the winter,'' he said. ``They will be in need of assistance, and not only
humanitarian assistance.''

Blair also said Britain was stepping up aid to the region, which would total
more than $243 million in addition to funds  allocated through the EU's aid

But he said the Balkan states would in return have to meet stiff conditions
-- sound economic policies, political reform, media freedom and a readiness
to cooperate with each other.

Blair insisted that outside help for Serbia to reconstruct bomb-damaged power
stations and Danube bridges was not possible unless Milosevic was replaced.

In a series of newspaper articles printed Friday in newspapers in Bulgaria,
Albania, Macedonia and Romania, Blair promised ``unflinching support'' in
bringing Yugoslavia's neighbors into what he called ``Modern Europe.''

He told Bulgaria and Romania he wanted them to be full members of the
European Union and said they should be offered accelerated entry to NATO.
``If you want to join, it is vital that we help find a place for you,'' he

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