-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
CAMP BONDSTEEL, UROSEVAC, Yugoslavia, July 31 (UPI) -- Both the
British and U.S.-controlled sectors of Kosovo are experiencing a surge
in violent acts, Brig. Gen. John Craddock says.
        But Craddock, who commands the U.S. troops in the KFOR peacekeeping

force, says today that sectors under the control of France, Germany and
Italy are actually calmer than they were when NATO troops first entered
the war-torn province 47 days ago.
        Crimes ``are probably holding relatively constant everywhere but
British and U.S. sectors,'' said Craddock, who as commander of Task
Force Falcon leads U.S. 7,200 troops. ``I wouldn't say it's a trend yet,
because it's in the early stages, but if it continues, it's going to be
a trend.''

Feel free to use it and distribute it.

Serbian Casualties in the 20th Century

By Professor Ljubodrag Dimic, Ph.D.
Department of the History of Yugoslavia
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Belgrade

The Serbian question is not a marginal question of European history. In the
long period from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, it
has always surpassed the actual borders of Serbia, attracted the attention
and provoked the reaction of the Great Powers, "infringed" on their vital
interests, and acquired European proportions. For the Serbs, the 20th
century began with the wars for liberation and unification. As a result,
Serbian state again stretched over the territory it had in the Middle Ages
and the Serbian people for the most part found themselves within the
of one state. This century ends with open aggression by NATO, which is
attempting to destroy this European people.

In this gory century, the Serbs have fought 5 wars for survival, in which
they experienced and  lived through 2 genocide, 2 civil wars, 2 foreign
occupations,  won two liberation wars, lost their state twice and created a
new state  three times. In the last decade of the century, with the help of
the USA and a united Europe, the Serbs have experienced a large-scale
and lost their ethnic territories. Since 24 March 1999, the Serbs have been
waging their sixth war in the 20th century with the sole aims of surviving,
saving their lives, their state, and preserving their tradition and
which cannot exist without Kosovo and Metohija .

In the first Balkan war, fought by the Balkan states of Serbia, Greece and
Bulgaria against Turkey in 1912, the Serbian casualties amounted to 30,000
wounded or killed Serbian soldiers. The unsolved political issued and
territorial disputes of the Balkan states provoked  the second Balkan war
1913, out of which Serbia came victorious, but materially exhausted and
casualties amounting to 41,000 soldiers.

Two world wars almost reduced the Serbian people to a demographic minimum.
"The demographic collapse" of Serbia in the First World War expressed
numerically amounts to around 1,250,000 killed (402,435 soldiers and
civilians), and around 500,000 invalids with  permanently reduced working
ability, the demographic loss (killed, unborn and unable to work) being 35%
of the entire Serbian population. The greatest loss was suffered by male
working population  (18-55) - 62% of the entire population (53% killed and
9% invalids). Such losses amounted to the eradication of the entire nation
and caused permanent, unresolved consequences in the patriarchal society of
the Serbian villages (22% more women than men). The wars for liberation and
unification which lasted several years (1912-1918), in which the Serbs
fought on the side of the allies (France, England, USA, Russia, etc.)
consumed much energy, "wore out" the Serbian people, bore "war exhaustion",
"weakness", "stagnation", and the loss of entire generations.

The death toll in the Second World War was at least 1,000,000 Serbian lives
(the exact data have never been established because in 1946 the Communist
authorities in Yugoslavia impeded the work of the Committee for
the crimes of occupiers, for political reasons).  Imprisonment and wounding
included, the demographic loss of the Serbian population amounted to over
20%. Settled on the territory of the entire Yugoslavia, the Serbian people
was fractioned  and exposed to the danger of biological, national and
cultural destruction.

In the period 1941-1944 under the German occupation, more than 80,000 Serbs
were killed, for the most part in death camps, special prisons, punitive
expeditions, reprisals in which 100 Serbs were murdered for 1 wounded
soldier, and 150 for a killed soldier. More than 350,000 Serbs were
forcefully taken to German camps.
On the territory of the Italian protectorate of Great Albania (Metohija),
more than 10,000 Serbs were executed; 80,000 Albanians at a minimum were
settled there. In the Hungarian occupation zone, only during 1941 10,000
Serbs were killed (out of that number, 4,000 Serbs were thrown into the
frozen Danube on the site which used to be occupied by the bridge destroyed
in  these days by NATO bombs). The outcome of the Bulgarian occupation was
20,000 murdered and 50,000 displaced Serbs. The crime committed on the
territory of the Independent State of Croatia assumed the largest
proportions. 1,900,000 were exposed to terror. According to German sources,
700,000 Serbs were murdered in Croatia, 250,000 of them converted and more
than 400,000 evicted to Serbia.
Crimes against the Serbian population were committed in the years of the
disintegration of Yugoslavia. The disintegration of the SFRY was carried
by means of armed secession, was amply supported by the international
community. The principle of the territorial integrity of a state and the
inviolability of its internationally recognized borders (UN Charter, the
Concluding Act of the Conference of Cooperation and Security in Europe) was
not observed in Yugoslavia's case. The right to self-determination was
linked to federal units. The Serbs were exempted from the universal right
self-determination. Their commitment to living with other nations in a
common state was ignored. The diplomatic acknowledgement of the secession
made it possible for the civil war, which commenced in Croatia in 1991 and
spread to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992, to be characterized as aggression.

In those wars the Serbs suffered greater losses than other peoples of
Yugoslavia did. In 1990's, about 500,000 Serbs permanently left Croatia
(emigrated or evicted). According to some sources, in 1991 723,665 Serbs
lived in Croatia; today, there are 130,000 - 150,000 of them. Accordingly,
the demographic loss is almost 600,000 Serbs. According to the estimates of
analysts, the Serbian casualties in Croatia amount to 8,000 - 10,000. Out
total losses of life in Bosnia-Herzegovina (estimated at 80,000), more than
30,000 are Serbs.

In the first decades of this century, the Serbs were in the majority in
Macedonia, Kosovo, Metohija and Sandzak (50.4%). In Bosnia-Herzegovina,
constituted a majority of the total population (43%) and were in the
majority in 28 districts, out of 53. The Serbs lived in compact groups in
Croatia and Slavonia (21%) and Dalmatia (17%). They constituted a numerical
majority in 20 districts. Hundreds of thousands of Serbs were forced to
leave Kosovo and Metohija. In the period 1971-1981, the number of Serbs who
immigrated from Kosovo and Metohija was 13 times higher than the number of
those who settled there; as regards Montenegrins, 9 times as many of them
immigrated from Kosovo and Metohija than settled there. At the end of the
century, it is evident that the territories on which the Serbs lived have
been ethnically emptied. By a policy of repression, their presence in
Croatia has been reduced to the percentage that is not statistically
significant. They constitute 30% of the population in Bosnia-Herzegovina

A new crime against the Serbs is being committed now!

Belgrade is being destroyed for the 42nd time in its history!



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