-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Recently, Srpska Mreza web site has received the following
message from Professor Dr. Emil Vlajki.

Emil Vlajki is a former professor of political science at
Sarajevo University. He was also visiting and associate
 professor: Yale, Leuven, Montréal, Laval, Ottava.

We have put earlier Dr. Vlajki's text at:

As soon as we get information on professor Vlajki's book we will
inform you. We also plan to put an ad at Srpska Mreza site.

Petar Makara

----- Professor Vlajki's message:
Thanks for putting me on your pages. ("The new totalitarian society"). The
 book with the same title will be written by the end of this month.  One
 editor from Ottawa is willing to publish it but he does not have a
 distribution network. Can you help me in this matter? I am sending you an
 other part of the book. I am sure you will like it. Puno pozdrava.  Emil

                                        GOD, CRIME AND HUMANISM

 By Emil Vlajki, Ottawa University

 "I think no power to your refrigerator, no gas to your stove, you can't
 to work because the bridge is down - the bridge on which you held your
 concerts - and you all stood with targets on your heads. That needs to
 disappear at 3 o'clock in the morning".
 USAF Gen. Michael Short, quoted by the "Observer" in "Belgrade open for
 business as usual" (May, 16)

 Can God commit a crime?  Wrong question.  His deeds are divine, they are
 what they are.  We saw it in the Bible that for "humanitarian reasons" God
 was able to destroy the whole humanity (by deluge), he was able to prevent
 people from understanding each other (by destroying the Babel tower), he
 could order fathers to kill their sons (Abraham, Genesis) and he had to be
 obeyed.  He is unique, omnipotent and nobody, not even Louise Arbour can
 place judgment on him.  But obviously, human beings are ignorant.  Some of
 them have asked the prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal to
 investigate God's dearest "dark angels"(Clinton, Albright, Blair, Cook,
 Solana, Shea, Clark and others) for violations of international
 humanitarian law.1 Some of them think that "the attack on Yugoslavia
 constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the Nazis
 attacked Poland 'to prevent Polish atrocities against Germans' "2 What a
 shame!  Uncle Sam (God) and his staff ("international community") will
 never accept these allegations from the people, ignoring the real,
 "humanistic" sense of the ongoing violence.

 As to say that most of God's instruments (pilots belonging to the "Sega
 generation" and proudly accepting honours from Clinton for killing so many
 Serb civilians) never failed in obeying divine orders. In fact, a God's
 pilot "drops the bomb in good faith, as you would expect of a trained
 from a democratic NATO country to do"3 But some others were not so aware
 their "humanitarian mission".  Take, for instance, the Spanish pilots
 majority was against the "holly Balkan war".  They asserted that their
 mission was not divine at all, and that the media was lying to the Spanish
 people.  According to these pilots, NATO's repeated bombing of civilians
 and non-military targets was not the result of "war errors".  Nor was the
 use of anti-personnel bombs.  Moreover, orders for killing were given by
 God in person, North American generals, the White House, the Pentagon, the
 CIA!  Spanish pilots also claim that Javier Solana is a puppet of the
 Americans, put there to do their bidding. Pilots added, that they are also
 puppets, a cover up for the committed crimes; when they stood up against
 it, they were simply replaced and sent home.   North American Generals
 destroying the country by bombing it with new weapons, toxic nerve gases,
 surface mines dropped by parachute, bombs containing uranium, black
 sterilisation chemicals, spraying poison to kill the crops, and weapons we
 still know nothing of.  The North Americans are committing one of the
 biggest barbarities that can be committed against humanity - designed in
 order to divide Europeans and keep them subjected for many decades"4.
 is the way for the weak and ignorant people to judge God's behaviour.
 do not know about the Devil ("communism") and his cunningness, the one who
 has numerous faces and has to be fought against permanently and by all

 Indeed, Americans have a long and painful experience in combating the
 who, being once (somewhere) destroyed, reappears again and again, putting
 on new faces (new regimes, social movements, individuals) and becoming
 more evil than before.  Take, for example, the case of S. Allende, the
 president of Chile and a "communist" who had to be overthrown by the CIA
 and killed in order to be replaced by the "democratic" Pinochet regime in
 1973.  Think about "Hitlerite megalomaniac" and "madman" Gadaffi of Libya.
 Or of the "swamp rat" Noriega of Panama, "the world's worst drug thief and
 scum" and the "Hitler admirer" who was first helped by the CIA and then
 thrown in prison by the Americans.  There is nothing more to say about S.
 Hussein of Iraq, this "butcher of Baghdad" and even "worse than Hitler",
 strongly helped and armed by the "international community" during the war
 against Iran, afterwards demonised because of the Kuwait oil.  Finally
 the Devil took the appearance of Milosevic, a "communist", "Hitler", and a
 "war criminal" at the same time, formerly "charismatic personality" having
 (according to the "international community") great merits for the Dayton
 peace agreement (O tempora, o mores).  Obviously, this is not the entire
 list of "bad guys".  There are so many other "Hitlers" (statesmen)
 fought and assassinated by the U.S. secret services.5  Only God knows who
 is going to be the next one.

 Sometimes, the Devil takes proportions of an entire nation and genocide
 remains the only procedure to get rid of this evil.  The U.S. has great
 experience in it.  It devises the solution "that best suits its own
 purposes, recruits at least tacit support in whichever forum it can best
 influence, provides the dominant military force, presents an ultimatum to
 recalcitrant parties and then takes punitive action against the entire
 nation to force complience"6.  Of course, we are not going to talk about
 the genocide committed against the Native Americans including the first
 concentration camps in the world (reservations) for these unfortunate
 peoples.  We will mention only some "communist" nations "deserving" to be
 exterminated.  For instance, in 1951 Korean war quickly "became a war
 against an entire nation, civilians and soldiers, Communists and
 anti-Communists alike.  Everything, from villages to military targets, the
 United States considered  legitimate targets for an attack"7. During the
 Vietnam war the U.S., according to H. Kissinger, killed more than two
 million people by using bombs, chemical warfare (American planes dropped
 dioxin which causes fetal death and cancer, E. V.), destroying rice crops,
 torturing and killing prisoners8.

 In Iraq (1991), the U.S. killed more then 100,000 civilians, targeting
 hospitals, schools, power and water supplies.  "By the end of 1995 alone,
 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization said that after
 careful investigation, it had determined that as many as 576,000 Iraqi
 children had died as a result of sanctions - In 1996, Madeleine Albright
 asked the following question on CBC: 'We have heard that half a million
 children have died (in Iraq).  That is more children that died in
 Hiroshima.  Is the price worth it?  Albright infamously replied, "I think
 this is a very hard choice, but the price - we think the price is worth
 it".' "9

 The bombing of Yugoslavia is no different from other cases.  Very quickly,
 the war against Milosevic has become genocide against the Serb people.
 U.S. planes targeted hospitals, clinics, nurseries, schools, housing
 estates, hotels, libraries, theaters, museums, churches, monasteries,
 buses, trains, refugee convoys, TV stations, power plants and water
 supplies, factories, bridges, railway network, foreign embassies.
 Estimates as to destruction of property stand at US$ 150 billion.  By
 targeting chemical industries and by using missiles containing depleted
 uranium, the whole of Yugoslavia, becoming the largest Hiroshima in

 history, is contaminated for centuries to come.  Since WWII and thanks to
 their numerous "humanitarian military actions", Americans learned
 important: if you want to make genocide over the "communist devil", you
 have to destroy his genes.  And that is exactly what the Americans-UN-NATO
 coalition does by destroying Yugoslavia and its peoples with radioactive,
 chemical and other kind of weapons.

 Naive and decadent people considering themselves humanitarians, believe
 that to be in charge as God is a piece of cake.  The real god can not lose
 face and has to prove his divinity in every single moment.  The best way
 prove it, according to Dostoïevsky (Crime and Punishment) is to take the
 life of others, to commit genocide.  In order to do "the right thing"
 against Serbs) you have to dare to act in a merciless, non-sentimental
 otherwise you can not exercise the leadership over the world.  This is why
 the U.S. special envoy to the Balkans, R. Holbrooke, can claim the real
 reason for the bombing of Yugoslavia is  maintenance of "NATO
 credibility"10.  Thus, the more people killed by cluster bombs, the
 stronger the American leadership.  When tens of civilians are killed (for
 instance, in Novi Sad, Aleksinac or Korisa) "everything goes very well";
 fact, it is just - another very effective day of operations"11 (J. Shea,
 General W. Jertz).

 From the moralistic point of view, the supporting of drug dealers is
 something shameless.  For example, many people objected the U.S. military
 support of the KLA, holding (according to Interpol) "the largest share of
 heroin market in Switzerland, Austria,  Belgium,  Germany, Hungary, as
 as in the Czech Republic, Norway and Sweden"12.  But, in order to fight a
 "communist evil" everything is permitted and quite moral.  Americans have
 great experience in that.  In many cases the CIA was involved in drug
 smuggling in order to provide money for anti-communist movements "or
 ignored drug dealing by pliant Southeast Asian and Central American
 leaders, even when the drugs are destined for U.S. soldiers and American
 streets"13.  At any rate, by making collaboration with KLA, American
 authorities continue their "dialectic" attitude in regards to this kind of
 criminal activity.

 "Uninformed individuals" have also questioned God's policy in Turkey,
 millions of Kurds are persecuted and killed, in East Timor with 700,000
 victims, or in Central America where the U.S. endorse local dictators,
 killing each year tens of thousands of people.  First of all, God's
 decisions can not be always understood by the "ordinary people" and, after
 all, all these victims were (are) really and potentially "communists" and
 "Islamic fundamentalists".

 But the "funniest thing" comes from those (including the author of this
 article) claiming that the U.S. attack against Yugoslavia is a blatant
 violation of  international law and institutions.  Namely, the Final Act
 the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (Helsinki, 1975)
 reaffirms respect for sovereignty, non-intervention in internal affairs
 the avoidance of the threat or use of force, but the "international
 community" encouraged anyway the dissolution of Yugoslavia.  Also, before
 the current attack, the NATO countries did not demand the authorisation of
 the UN Security Council.  Then what?.  Everybody knows that the United
 States are the main source of financing the UN.  They also impose (openly)
 the nomination of the UN General Secretary who is in fact their puppet.
 Theoretically, there are only two countries in the Security Council able
 vote against the U.S. decisions: Russia and China.  But it is a common
 knowledge that Russia is bribed by the United States, and China (not to
 from the same temptation) is "traditionally neutral" in regards to this
 kind of wars.  Thus, NATO should not have to fear the possible veto coming
 from Russia and China but it was probably concerned, giving their
 "rationality" about  wasting time.  By the way, who could seriously
 that the "peace agreement" voted in June 1999 by the UN permitting the
 occupation of Kosovo by NATO troops, meant the real comeback of the UN on
 the international scene and the renewal of  international law?

 For decades to come there will be "only one god on Earth", the United
 States of America leading the "international community (15% of the world
 population), with their military, ideological and economic instruments of
 domination and brutality including the international Tribunal and its
 staff.  "On May 17, NATO spokesman Jamie Shea was asked, 'what will happen
 if NATO is brought before the International Criminal Tribunal?'
 He answered, 'As you know, without countries there would be no
 International court of justice, nor would there be any International
 Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia because the NATO countries are
 in the forefront of those who have established these two tribunals, who
 fund these tribunals and who support on a daily basis their activity.  We
 are upholders, not the violators, of international law' "

 What about the crimes committed by pilots who deliberately targeted and
 killed civilians in Yugoslavia?  The answer coming from Rep. Lester Munson
 of the International Relations Committee was much more aggressive: "You're
 more likely to see the UN building dismantled brick-by-brick and thrown
 into the Atlantic than to see NATO pilots go before UN tribunal"14 .
 "NATO is the accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner because
 pay the bills.  It does not submit to international law; it is
 international law"15 .

 As always, "God's truth" is universal and nobody can pretend to impose
 another one.  Si duo faciant idem, non est idem ("If Milosevic acts the
 same way as Clinton does, Clinton is a humanist and Milosevic is a
 criminal"), says the old Latin proverb.  Therefore, the indictment on
 Milosevic is a serious thing, but only "demagogues and narcissique" people
 who consider themselves intellectuals can formulate (without any possible
 effect) such accusations against Clinton and his "humanism".  That's
 because judges from the International Court of Justice in the Hague who
 already made clear on June 02 having no jurisdiction concerning the NATO
 attack on Yugoslavia, (!?) are not to be blamed for their prostitution.
 They are not more frighten then most of us.  The fact is that in the
 contemporary ("free") world dominated by the U.S.-UN-NATO coalition and
 "humanitarian" war-dogs, the rationalisation of slavery and general
 prostitution affecting the majority of human kind have become the
 condition of our survival.

 1.  There are several groups of citizens in the world suing the highest
 personalities of the NATO's countries for war crimes and crimes against
 humanity: American Association of Jurists, some Canadian lawyers, group of
 British personalities, group of Greek artists.
 2.  Walter J. Rockler, former prosecutor, Nuremberg war crimes trials,
 "Chicago Tribune", May 10, 1999
 3.  J.Sea, about the NATO bombing against a Kosovar refugees, April 15
 4.  From the Spanish weekly, "Articulo 20", No. 30, June 14, 1999, trans.
 J. Karovic
 5.  More on this subject: Simon David R., Elite Deviance, Allyn and Bacon,
 1996; Rossof, Pontell, Tillman, Profit without honor, Prentice Hall, 1998;
 Hagan, Frank, Political Crime, Allyn and Bacon, 1997
 6.  Jimmy Carter, the 37 President of the USA, May 27, "New York Times"
 7.  According to historians Joyce and Gabriel Kolko, cit. by Herman,
 S., in article The U.S. v. the Rules of War, Internet, Antiwar. com, April
 25, 1999
 8.  Herman Edward, S., Idem
 9.  Cit. by Cockburn A., in article The other war criminal: Bill Clinton,
 "San Jose Mercury News", June 03, 1999
 10. Cit. by Pilger John, in article Uncle Sam's secret agenda, "The Age",
 March 28, 1999
 11. Cit. by Fisk Robert in Brussels
 12. Viviano Frank, in article KLA linked to enormous heroin trade, , "San
 Francisco Chronicle", May 05, 1999
 13. Elias Robert, Victims still, p. 83, SAGE, 1993
 14. Quoted by the "National Post" in article We'll never hand pilots to
 Arbour: U.S. official, May 22, 1999
 15.Rockwell, L., H., Jr., president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in
 Alabama, in article Looking at war crimes, May 28, 1999

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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