-Caveat Lector-

BOSTON (Reuters) - Rory Kennedy, whose wedding was postponed two weeks
ago when her cousin John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed in a plane crash
while on his way to attend, will marry Mark Bailey in a small ceremony
in Greece Sunday, the Boston Herald reported Saturday, citing unnamed
sources. Rory Kennedy, a New York documentary filmmaker, was to have
wed Bailey, a film and book editor, on July 17 at the Kennedy family
compound in Hyannisport, Mass. But the wedding was postponed after the
single-engine plane piloted by Kennedy and carrying his wife Carolyn
Bessette Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette went missing off of
Martha's Vineyard. All three were killed. The youngest of Robert and
Ethel Kennedy's 11 children, Rory Kennedy, 30, was born after her
father was shot dead in 1968 while running for president. The Herald
report said the small ceremony in Greece would be witnessed only by
immediate family members. It did not say where in Greece it would be
held. A spokesman for Rory Kennedy's uncle and family patriarch Sen.
Edward M. Kennedy would not comment to the Herald on reports of a
wedding in Greece. The spokesman said the senator planned to spend the
weekend at home in Hyannisport.
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