Published: July 22, 1999 Author: Columbine Research Task Force
Posted on 07/29/1999 13:10:17 PDT by blackcat

"Intelligence agent talks"
© 1999 Columbine Research Task Force
Rights of unaltered reproduction/distibution waived.
For over a week the CRTF webmaster and Mr. John Quinn have been in
contact with a man who claims to work for a notable government
intelligence agency in Denver. This man visited Columbine High
School the day after the shooting. He is a "Computer Scientist and
Forensics Investigative Specialist". His past is laced with
missions in Vietnam, duties with the CIA, Special Forces groups,
and other government connections.
For the past week we have made attempts to verify this man's
identity. The CRTF webmaster has interviewed in-length three friends
of this source who live in Denver. These people all concurred that
the source works for the intelligence agency he claims, is truthful
and honest, and was at Columbine High School a day after the
shooting. We consider these three people to be credible and honest
themselves. We also have in our possession the full name, phone
number and mailing address of this source. We consider this source
to be fully, 100% truthful. The source wishes to remain anonymous.
We shall refer to this source henceforth as "Wilton" (not his real
Wilton wishes to publicly expose the truth about the Columbine High
School shooting, among other things. He says, "I've only had one
goal for the past eleven years -- help as many people as possible
by getting them information so as to prepare themselves for what
is coming."
Due to his background and specialties in the field of forensics,
Wilton was called to Columbine a day after the shooting by two of
his agency's field agents. There, Wilton relates to us a scene in
which an "alphabet soup" of government agencies had converged "My
partner and I, and our field agents then toured the school,
assessing the death and devastation, the backpacks, the incredible
number of federal agents on the scene, and so forth..."
"There was no third gunman, in the conventional sense." Instead, says
Wilton, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
agents were seen prior, during, and after the shooting, specifically
on the roof of the school and inside the school. "They
were observed on the roof of the school shortly before 11:21 that
morning, by 4 neighbors across the street from the
school, and by at least 12 students, all of whom have given sworn
statements to this fact. The ATF agents were seen
dropping through the roof into the school at apparently the same time
the shooting started. We spoke with two of the
neighbors and six of the students who all confirmed this." What is
more, Wilton says up to ten students all gave sworn
testimony stating that they did not recognize specific non-masked
"Shell casings have been found in areas where the two boys did not
go....Shell casings were found on the roof of the school."
"The boys did not start a fire, then go and kill themselves. In fact,
when they got to the cafeteria, apparently, they turned down and to
their left in an attempt to get out of the building! Seeing the law
enforcement people, and the fire department personnel, they instead
turned back into the cafeteria and disappeared. Apparently, fifteen
minutes later they were dead. They did not kill themselves,
however. We've seen the forensics, the bodies and the physical
evidence. The powder burns on the skulls were not expressive
enough to have been a suicide. In other words, they were not dark
enough, black enough, intense enough. The wounds were created
from a distance of apparently three feet."
Wilton reviewed a copy of the school's surveillance tape (he noted the
tape had not yet been "doctored" by the FBI). He reports as
follows, "What we saw on the tape -- we had a copy, remember -- was
the two boys rounding a corner, fully armed. What it also
showed, however, was that several seconds later, possibly 30
[seconds], two other men rounded the corner after them, moving very
quickly. They wore black jumps, typical of the ATF or FBI, were
heavily armed and appeared to be carrying explosive devices,
possibly grenades. Possibly. Their faces were not seen, they were not
observed again."

"Two ATF agents were observed planting 3 of the 5 propane
bombs...after the school had been thoroughly searched
twice by all law enforcement personnel!" A Captain and a Sergeant of
the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department
witnessed the ATF agents placing the bombs in the school. "We spoke to
these two individuals -- in fact we were the only
people they would talk to about what they had seen. They are extremely
frightened and will not come [out] and make
statements to this effect."

Wilton says that teacher Patti Nielson told him personally that she
was shot by a "lone gunman", and not by either Eric
Harris or Dylan Klebold. There are even questions as to whether Harris
and Klebold were actually responsible for the massacre
that subsequently occurred in the library after Nielson was shot.
"Nielson has also stated -- as have several of the students with her
-- that while they were crouched on the floor at 11:45 [in the
library] they distinctly heard 'bombs' going off downstairs!"

"Within twenty minutes of the beginning of the shootings, the FBI, the
CIA, the NSA, the ATF, FEMA (their emergency preparedness
van) and MI6 -- I know the agent and was quite surprised at his
interest -- were on the bloody scene! Now how in the hell is that
possible? This was a state matter, what were all these Feds doing
here?", said Wilton.
Wilton continued on to concur that a "SOG" or "Strategic Operations
Group" agent who is a Boy Scout leader 39 years of age in the
Denver area was directly involved in the shooting. This was first
reported by John Quinn. "He has blatantly made statements to the
effect that he was not only involved in the murders at Columbine, but
was squad leader. We have several sworn statements to this
effect", he said. Wilton called the 6 million dollars raised for
Columbine students and parents a "hush fund". He complained of the
blatant "SWAT" tactics used during the shooting, which he says could
not have been the work of two young boys. Wilton was
appalled at the "calculated" attitude of Governor Bill Owens as he
surveyed the school. Owens was apparently "assessing the
damage to see what could have been done different. The commando
tactics used were certainly straight out of the Feds book."
It was reported in the news media that Dylan Klebold was known as
"Vodka" because he once guzzled an entire bottle of the
alcoholic beverage. However, Wilton reports that "Vodka" is actually
an older man in his fifties who would visit both Harris and
Klebold and "came only at night and was very secretive about his
affairs and dealings with the boys. And dealt only with the two
boys...'Vodka' seems to have been their controller, their handler."
Friends of both boys provided Wilton with this information. Wilton
says "Vodka" also provided the boys with mind-altering
"pyscho-trowpic" drugs. "These drugs were present in the bodies of the
[and] were identified in the autopsies..."
Wilton blasted Sheriff John Stone calling him "compromised, [a]
cowardly piece of scum." Stone, says Wilton, knew beforehand that
the shooting would occur and did nothing to stop it. Stone "lied
straight faced to the press, the citizens and the students many times
about these things...He is a liar, a coward and a traitor. I've told
this to him and several of his men, as well as two ATF agents
on-site, personally. Needless to say, I'm not always welcome....breaks
my bloody heart!"
© 1999 Columbine Research Task Force
Rights of unaltered reproduction/distibution waived.

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