-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://user.fastinet.net/kalogonis/index/other.htm">Other Nazi
Connections To The Occult</A>
Oodles of pixs at site. Embedds, also. As, always . . .
Other Nazi Connections to the Occult


Hitler Pouring Lead to Predict the Future

This photograph captured der Fuehrer engaged in the ancient Teutonic
practice of "pouring lead" on New Year's Eve, 1938-39 at the Berghoff.
This method of divination required that small lead pellets be brought to
a molten state over an open flame, and then poured onto another surface,
in this case a sink, where upon the future could supposedly be foretold
based upon the shapes taken by the pellets upon cooling. John Tolland
tells us that Ilse Braun, Eva's sister, commented that Hitler became so
despondent upon reading the results that he sat down in a chair and
hardly spoke for the rest of the evening.

Hitler is also known to have possessed quite an interest in astrology as
well. In fact, the September 10, 1940 issue of Look magazine featured an
article entitled "The Hitler Nobody Knows" in which it contained the
following quote beneath the picture of Hitler seated at his desk,
studying his horoscope:

"Hitler's Mysticism and his alleged addiction to astrology have been
described often and have become a widely accepted part of the Hitler

My collaborator has gone through Hitler's private observatory in his
mountain retreat in Bavaria and found it filled with charts of the
heavens, telescopes, and instruments of all sorts. But it is a typically
scientific layout and there is nothing mystic about it.

Hitler pursues astrology as a hobby in the same way other men collect
stamps, coins, or butterflies. Actor that he is, Hitler listens with
apparent faith to the horoscopes prepared by his various astrologers.
Actually he is just playing them along.

Not a shred of evidence has been discovered to support the contention
that Hitler has ever been influenced in any of his history making
decisions by the reading of the heavens and the stars, unless the
readings referred to weather reports that might have an influence on
coming military operations."

But if Hitler never really paid any attention to horoscopes, then how
does one explain the fact that the man whom Hitler had chosen to be his
second in command, Hermann Goering, just happened to be born on the same
day as Alfred Rosenberg, the chief Nazi ideologist whom Hitler had also
chosen to serve as editor of the party's newspaper? Better yet,
considering the odds against it, how does one explain the fact that not
only were they born on the same day, but that they also died on almost
the same day, within 3 days of each other due to the fact that Rosenberg
committed suicide 3 days prior to his scheduled execution with Goering?
(Note the screen captures from Grollier's Encyclopedia below which
attest to the facts of their birth and death dates).

Was this all mere coincidence? If so, then was it also merely
coincidence that Hitler, the greatest killer of Jews in history, just
happened to be born during Passover? Or that as a man who has often been
pointed to as being a type of the antichrist, he just happened to have
been born on Holy Saturday, sandwiched in between Good Friday and Easter
Sunday, as the following screen capture also proves?

In addition, it is a well known fact that Hitler believed himself to be
destined for greatness, another indication perhaps that he believed that
the future was mapped out already. He is quoted in The Book of
Predictions as having told to his friends, "You will hear much about me.
Just wait until my time comes," after he survived an explosion in a
trench where he had been sitting until he said he heard a voice tell him
to move away from the spot where he was currently seated. (This was in
1915 while serving as a soldier in World War I). He followed the ins
tructions of the voice, moving perhaps 60 feet away, and immediately
thereafter his original spot was hit by a blast which killed all of his
comrades who remained there. This incident helped to confirm his belief
that he had been saved for a special purpose in life, just as the failed
future attempts to assassinate him did as well.

And thus as Napoleon before him (who some people have also equated with
antichrist, and who also paid heed to astrology), Hitler believed
himself to be a man of destiny. As a matter of fact, when he went to
Paris in June of 1940 upon the capitulation of France, he visited the
tomb of Napoleon, "gazing at it for nearly an hour" according to William
L. Shirer. What is even more strange about this action is that Hitler
only stayed in Paris for about 5-6 hours. Yet he spent nearly an hour of
that time just gazing at the tomb! (In the photo of this event shown
below, Hitler is dressed in the light colored clothing).

In conjunction with this mysticism stands the fact that Hitler also
played the role of High Priest of National Socialism. There was, for
example, a ceremony which only Hitler was allowed to perform in which he
"blessed" new Nazi flags by touching them against the "sacred" flag
which had been carried by party members during the Munich Beer Hall
Putsch in 1923. It was designed to convey the idea that the supposed
"sacred" nature of the first flag could somehow, as if by magic, convey
something of its "sacred" nature to the other Nazi flags which were to
fly over the nation. (See photo below).

Also, if one examines the names of the early members of the Nazi Party,
there is a considerable overlap between a number of members who were
known to have been active in such small occult groups and/or secret
societies as the Thulegesellschaft Society, the Germanen Orden, and the
Order of the New Templars. For example, Rudolph Hess and Alfred
Rosenberg were both known to have been members of the Thule Society. And
Dietrich Eckart to whom Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf, was known to have
been active other organizations in addition to the Thule Society. So
there is no question about whether or not Hitler made his company with
known "occultists". He most certainly did.

And thus, the occult nature of National Socialism did not end with the
ceremony of the flags, or any of the other phenomenon with which the
public is well aware. Rather, it started with them. For the entire
purpose of the Nuremberg Rallies and other such nocturnal Party events
which were so rich in displays of light, preaching, ceremony, and music
was meant to appeal to the religious nature in people. "A cathedral of
ice," was the way one witness put it in expressing his impression of the
display of lights at a Party rally in Nuremberg as is shown below.

Eventually, Nazi artists began to portray the leader of the Reich that
was to last for a thousand years--a millenium--as a messianic figure.
H.O. Hoyer named his work shown below In the Beginning Was the Word, the
opening words of the Gospel According to St. John, in an effort to
equate Hitler with Christ!

In 1936 the National Reich Church was established, and in it only
national orators of the Reich were allowed to speak. The following quote
is indicative of its nature:

"The National Reich Church demands an immediate stop to the printing and
sale of the Bible in Germany.

The National Reich Church will remove from the alters of all churches
the Bible, the cross and religious objects.

On the alters there must be nothing but Mein Kampf, and to the left of
this a sword.

Then of course there was the SS. The very symbol of the organization was
occult in nature, the lightning bolts having originated in the Runes of
the ancient Germanic occult. To Himmler, the group was effectively a new
 order of Teutonic Knights. In 1936, he sent out a memorandum defining
the holidays which were to be based upon paganism and Nazism; Hitler's
Birthday (April, 20), May Day, Summer Solstice, Harvest Feast, The Beer
Hall Putsch Anniversary (Nov., 9), and Winter Solstice. He also devised
ceremonies meant to eventually replace Christian rituals in the New
Order; Naming Rites to replace Christian Baptism as an example.

But his most ambitious occult project was the restoration of Wewelsburg
Castle in Westphalia. It was ultimately envisioned as serving as the
"Vatican City" of an SS State.

Time-Life's book The SS from its series on the Third Reich states the
following under the caption "A Sanctum for the Inner Circle":

"In 1934 Himmler selected a moldering clifftop castle in Westphalia to
serve as the SS high temple. Known as Wewelsburg, the seventeenth
century fortress was overhauled at a cost of more than three million
dollars, a sizable sum considering that labor was extracted free from
concentration camp inmates. The sanctum included a 12,000-volume library
of Aryan lore and a cavernous dining hall with an Arthurian round table
for Himmler and twelve trusted lieutenants. Reportedly, each knight of
Himmler's round table received a coat of arms; at the man's death, his
emblem was to be incinerated in the pit of the Supreme Leaders' Hall
(below), and the ashes placed in an urn atop one of twelve pedestals

The choice of the number 12 for the number of Himmler's "Apostles" was
not made at random; It was purposely reminiscent of Christ and his 12
Apostles. And Wewelsburg itself, according to a short video entitled
Himmler's Castle in the video series Unsolved Mysteries of World War II
 was meant to have become the centerpoint of a new city. It stated:

"Ringing the city would be walls 40 feet high. Even the ground plan was
of mystical significance. It represented the head of a spear. Its tip
pointing to the North."

When seen in the video, the shape of the spearhead proposed for the
layout of the streets of the city was unmistakably that of the Spear of
Longinus with which Hitler was so enamored.

This could hardly have been accidental, could it? Pictured below is the
box in which the video came. To the left, you may read the names of the
selections on the video (printed vertically in white).

Finally with regard to Hitler, it can probably be safely stated that
since he not only made it a priority to gain possession of the Spear of
Longinus (which is also known as the Spear of Destiny) that he was
probably much more enamoured with Christian relics than the extent to
which he has heretofore been credited. The following two screen captures
from The Twisted Dream in Time-Life's series on the Third Reich would
seem to confirm this point. The first is the caption which went with the
second, which is a picture of Lohengren leaving to search for the Holy
Grail. It is a well known fact that Hitler admired Wagner very much, and
of course, much of Wagner's work centers around the Grail. But for
Hitler to have memorized the entire libretto, as the following caption
confirms, tends to show him as having been a fanatic on the subject. And
in connection with that fact, it is important to note that Trevor
Ravenscroft, the author of The Spear of Destiny ended his search for the
Holy Grail at the Sinclair family's Roslin Chapel in Scotland.

Finally it is also important to note that in connection with the origins
of National Socialism that the Nazi Party was really the offspring of
the Thule Society, and that the Thule Society had adopted many of the
beliefs of Madam Helena Blavatsky--especially those regarding the people
she called "Aryans"--as being basic to its own philosophy. It was her
contention that she had been taught the secrets of the occult by occult
masters, and that it was her calling to spread these ideas for the
benefit of mankind. The following screen capture from Grollier's
Encyclopedia illustrates this fact, and it is not without significance
that the symbol from the title page of her book, The Secret Doctrine
,which is also shown below, displays an encircled swastika between the
mouth and tail of a snake which encircles the Star of David and an
Egyptian ankh.


If one tries to argue that the birthdates and deathdates of the same
people are merely coincidental, that Hitler did not see his own
birthdate as being significant, that the SS symbol was completely
divorced from its connection with the runes, that the Spear of Longinus
was meaningless for Hitler and the top Nazis, that the attacks upon
Christianity by nazism were unintentional, that from among all of the
people against whom Hitler could have held a special vendetta it was the
Jews by nothing more than sheer coincidence, that there was no
significance to Himmler's choosing exactly 12 "Apostles", that the
design of the street layout was not meant to emulate the Spear of
Longinus, that Hitler's taking possession of that spear does not imply
that he believed the legend, that Hitler's coming to be identified with
being a Messianic figure was also meaningless, and that the Thule
society's known occult roots are insignificant to the Nazi Party, then
one must still deal with the holocaust.

How was it that if all of the above evidence was irrelevant or just
merely "accidental" that the Nazis just happened to kill off 2/3 of
Europe's Jewish population when Zechariah had stated that just that
proportion of all the Jews in the land would be killed in Zech. 13:8-9?
(See screen saves below).

In conjunction with that prediction, the statistics of the Jewish
population loss during the holocaust are given below in this picture,
scanned from an excerpt from Civilization Past and Present, a common
college text book used for lower division classes in Western

Thus the figures given above confirm the truth of Zechariah's prophecy,
given in round terms; That two out of every three Jews would be killed,
and that according to the statistics, 64% of them were
killed--essentially 2/3 of the Jewish population of Nazi occupied Europe
during the war years.

Consequently, sheer logic compels us to ask ourselves what is the most
likely explanation for these facts: That all of these individual facts
sited are just individual "coincidences"? And that so many
"coincidences" taking place in conjunction with one another is only
another "coincidence" in itself? Or that "coincidence" can't have
anything to do with it because there are simply too many of them to be

Finally, after considering all of the "coincidences" sited above, the
fact that Israel came to be reborn as a nation again in 1948 has still
not been taken into account. And that fact must be relevant as
well,since the entire 36th chapter of Ezekiel (which was written about
2600 years ago) predicted it, even though it never came to pass until
our time--the 20th century! In addition to that, Isaiah had predicted
that the return of the Jewish people would actually happen twice in
history, which is actually what really happened; The first return was
from the captivity in Babylon in ancient times; the second return has
come in our era, the result in large part of the Nazi holocaust.

The saved screen below shows the predictions of both Isaiah and Ezekiel
from the On Line Bible:

And following the predicted rebirth of the State of Israel on May 14,
1948 headlines all over the world read like this one:

Consequently, if the Biblical prophets could have been so accurate
regarding historical events which were predicted, but which did not
happen until our era, then how can one logically maintain that Hitler
and the Nazis were divorced from any connection to the Bible, or that
they were mere accident or coincidence?

Thus, if such historical events were predicted by the Bible, then isn't
the authority of the Bible confirmed by such accuracy?

And if so, then one is forced consider this:

The Bible predicts that at some point in the future (who knows when?),
there will come an individual to rule the world to whom the Bible refers
as "antichrist"; the opposite of Christ; a man who will appear to be so
much like Christ that he will actually claim to be Christ, even though
in reality, he will be even worse than Hitler!

According to the Revelation of St. John, antichrist is an individual
whose name in Jewish gematria totals 666. And while reading Holy Blood
Holy Grail (the book about the mystery of Rennes Le Chateau), I ran
through my Jewish gematria program the names of the families the authors
listed as being candidates for a proposed throne to a restored
Merovingian dynasty.

Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln believe that the Merovingian bloodline is
the actual bloodline of Christ himself, through Mary Magdalen, who they
 say went to France with Christ's children following the crucifixion to
live out her final days! And interestingly enough, I found that the
family name of one of the families listed by the authors of the book
actually does equal 666 in Jewish gematria, Sinclair. And I also found
some degree of confirmation for their belief that Mary Magdalen spent
her final days in France in Grollier's Encyclopedia. (See the captured
screen below). However, even though Mary Magdalen could have gone to
France after the crucifixion, her presence there would hardly constitute
proof that Jesus sired any children by her because she had to live
someplace after Jesus was gone, and France was probably as good a place
as any.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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