-Caveat Lector-

 Tripp's indictment has her Clinton-bashing cohorts sweating

By Bev Conover

Linda "I'm just like you" (NOT!) Tripp, that vile, sneering, demonic-looking
creature, has been given a taste of her own bitter medicine. And her
Clinton-hating right wing cohorts don't like that one bit. Isn't that a shame?

A Maryland grand jury has proved that a wee bit of justice still exists by
indicting the Pentagon Pig, as Mac MacArthur called her (uh, Mac, that's
rather insulting to pigs), on two counts that could put her away for 5 years
and cost her $10,000 on each count: one count of illegal interception of a
phone conversation, after allegedly being told by her lawyer that it was
illegal, and one count of disclosing the illicitly taped conversation to
Newsweek's Michael Isikoff. (We hesitate to apply the word reporter or
journalist to Isikoff.)

Don't gloat too much yet, because Linda is slimier than a slug and may find a
way to wriggle out of wearing an orange jump suit. The easiest way for her to
do that would be to come clean (is this a word she understands?) about the
whole sordid mess. That, of course, would take down the gopher-faced Kenny
Starr, his nefarious elves, her good buddy Lucianne Goldberg, Isikoff and a
host of others involved in the plot to, one way or another, get the president.

Asked to comment on Tripp's indictment, Goldberg said, "Bummer. That's about
it." If Lucianne is sweating, she has apparently laid in a large supply of
antiperspirant so it doesn't show.

The thought that the tripped up Linda might cop a plea is apparently sending
Judicial Watch wild. In  a press release posted to its web site  even before
the indictment was handed up, Judicial Watch accused Maryland state
prosecutor Stephen Montanarelli of being a tool of the Democrats and White
House "to not only obstruct Kenneth Starr's investigation, but also tamper
with Judicial Watch's on-going Filegate class action lawsuit. Tripp is a
material witness in both, and in Filegate she has linked Hillary Clinton to
the misuse of FBI files in The White House."

Not content with that bit of bluster, the press release went on: "Judicial
Watch has been investigating the political influence which Democrats brought
to bear in having Montanarelli start a criminal proceeding against Tripp,
just as she was supposed to testify before Starr and Judicial Watch  In
response to document requests, the prosecutor submitted false or misleading
affidavits to the court. While the court action initiated by Judicial Watch
is still in progress, the lower tribunal having ruled in Judicial Watch's
favor, the public interest watchdog will today file a complaint against Mr.
Montanarelli before appropriate legal authorities for his dishonest conduct."

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, "Mr. Montanarelli's dishonesty and
tampering with a material witness cannot be permitted, as this is a further
obstruction of justice. Ironically, the President walks, while Tripp is
indicted for political purposes, to try to devalue her testimony in legal
proceedings against the President. Judicial Watch will not stand for this."

We can't blame the Judicial Watch crowd for not wanting to stand. Sit, folks,
even if you don't enjoy the ride.

Meanwhile, over on Free Republic, the Clinton-bashers are grinding out more
of their madness:

"Linda needs about 6 spokespeople to work cable TV fulltime. It's time for a
long review of the reason Clinton was impeached. About 15 months long. A $100
Million Malicious Prosecution case would serve her well also."
"Linda Tripp is only ALIVE today because she acted in self-defense by taping.
She could have easily wound up on a railroad track, in Ft. Marcy Park under a
tree, or in a Starbucks, (let alone in a plane crash). Although the timing of
this indictment is probably another spin cycle to get Hillary more sympathy
as a wronged 'woman.'"
"Once behind bars in the control of our law enforcement authorities, Linda
becomes a candidate for Arkancide, just like MacDougall [sic]."
Oh my, now Jim McDougal has been added to the list of people they allege
Clinton has had killed. Soon they will blame Clinton for every death in the
country that has occurred since he was first sworn into office.

And then there was this gem: "Remember when Newt Gingrich was taped
illegally? I don't remember anyone including Jim McDermit(sp) being indicted.
That was much more serious than this because neither party knew they were
being taped. Tripp was protecting her self from the Clinton crew since they
wanted her to perjury [sic] herself in court."

Maybe someone should tell this Freeper that the Florida couple who
intercepted Newt's cellular phone conference call were fined and put on
probation for having recorded it, even though they claimed they were not
aware their actions were illegal.

Perhaps if Newt had been a Democrat, the contents of that illegally recorded
conversation would have been used to boot him out of the House, since the
then Speaker had fessed up to lying to the House Ethics Committee and
promised not to launch a GOP spin campaign to refute the charges against him.
A spin campaign was what that call was about.

It's okay though that the purulent Kenny Starr used Tripp's illegally taped
conversations with Monica Lewinsky in his attempt to topple the president.

Now Brian L. Buckley, the lawyer defending the Free Republic in a copyright
infringement lawsuit brought by the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post
— the very same lawyer who filed a complaint in the wrong jurisdiction
against Salon reporter Jeff Stein for allegedly illegally taping a
conversation—proposes the Freepers rush to support Tripp.

Buckley, who posts to the Free Republic message boards under the name
Clarity, wrote, "A Very Important Person has asked Free Republic to consider
rallying the troops for Linda Tripp, who was indicted today by a Maryland
grand jury. A number of possible programs are under review, including a
gathering in either Washington D.C. [sic] or Maryland to publicly protest her

"Without LINDA TRIPP, the president would not have been impeached and his
crimes in relation to the Lewinsky matter would not have been irrefutably
exposed and proven.

"Linda Tripp deserves our support RIGHT NOW."

If Tripp had been smart enough to do her recording from the nation's capital,
where, according to Stein— who says there is no tape of his conversation
with Buckley—it is not illegal, she wouldn't stand indicted today.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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