-Caveat Lector-

bleharm.htm">Books  &  Reading: Chapter One</A>

 Irreparable Harm
A Firsthand Account of How One Agent Took On the CIA in an Epic Battle
Over Secrecy and Free Speech
By Frank Snepp
Random. 464 pp. $26.95

Chapter One: Ghosts
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So, HOW do you crawl out of a country standing up!"

Offering this judgment with a finality that defied argument, Bill
Johnson shoved himself away from the ship's rail and turned his back on
the reporter with whom he'd been sharing confidences. His eyes glittered
like splintered mica under the flop-brimmed fishing hat he'd worn
throughout the evacuation. He'd just run out of rationalizations for the
debacle we'd been through. But maybe this last one said it all.

Gazing beyond him at the mist-shrouded bleakness of the South China Sea,
I marveled at his capacity to rationalize at all. I felt dazed,
disembodied, incapable of much more than self-recrimination. But he, a
twenty- year veteran of the espionage wars, seemed to have lost none of
his typical sangfroid. Perhaps it was experience that made the
difference. Or perhaps simply Vietnam. Vietnam had always been an old
man's war and a young man's tragedy. The old men had rationalized their
way in and had almost as deftly rationalized their way out, and the
young men had been left to bury the bodies and ideals and bear the shame
of America's first lost cause without the soothing panaceas of high
policy, so often classified "top-secret," beyond their ken.

I moved away from Johnson and forced my unsteady sea legs toward the
afterdeck of the USS Denver. Below, on the helipad itself, another group
of evacuees, all Vietnamese, were doing penance, Buddhists and Catholics
ranged side by side, mourning loved ones dead and abandoned. A strong
breeze riffled the women's áo dàis and the red and yellow banner of the
lost republic draped over a makeshift altar. I was glad not to be among
them, not to have to look into their eyes. The memories were enough.

Memories —already wheeling through the imagination like unsettled ghosts
... Mr. Han, the translator, screaming over his CIA radio for help ...
Loc, the Nung guard, plucking at my sleeve, begging me not to forget him
... Mai Ly, phoning just hours before the collapse, threatening to kill
herself and her child if I didn't find them a way out ...

I stared at the Denver's wake, trying vainly to put Mai Ly behind me.
She'd phoned too late, I kept telling myself. What could she have
expected so late? But there was no consolation in that. The first time
she'd called, I'd been chained to my typewriter, hammering out another
piece of analysis which I was foolish enough to hope would nudge the
ambassador toward the choppers. So I'd told her, "Call back in an hour.
I'll be glad to help." But in an hour, I'd been down in the ambassador's
office, trying to sell him on the analysis, and she'd left a message, "I
would have expected better of you," and then had bundled up the baby boy
she'd let me believe was my own and had retreated to that dingy room off
Tu Do, and there had made good her promise.

Mother and child: they might have been sleeping when a friend found them
hours later except for the blood on the pallet and my misplaced
priorities that day. But no more than the ambassador or any of the
others I was now so ready to condemn had I troubled to remember that far
more than American prestige was at stake those last moments before

But I remembered now, too late, and the memories plucked at the mind's
eye like conscience's own scavengers. Which is why I'd barely slept the
past two nights since my own chopper flight out, despite a bone-numbing
weariness and a melancholy that already weighed like a sentence of

As the days passed and the evacuation fleet closed on Subic Bay in the
Philippines, the weather cleared, and the Americans on the upper decks
took to sprawling in the incandescent May sun like Caribbean
vacationers. Below, in the ship's bowels where the Vietnamese were now
quarantined, an old man died of heat prostration, a baby was born, and
the stench gave appalling measure to the despair and humiliation arrayed
on every inch of metal planking.

Sometime midjourney, from Admiral Steele's flagship, came word that my
old boss, Tom Polgar, would shortly give a press conference to damp down
unhelpful speculation about the way the pullout had been handled. As the
reporters among us choppered over for the show, the teletypes in the
Denver's signals room beat out preemptive communiqués from Washington,
absolving Secretary of State Kissinger of any wrongdoing, quoting him as
saying that the North Vietnamese had been committed to a negotiated
political settlement up until the last two days of the war and had
shifted plans so abruptly as to make an orderly evacuation impossible.

I read these dispatches with a rage that was to become chronic.
Kissinger knew as well as the rest of us that our intelligence told a
different story, and that it was his own blind stubbornness, not any
change in Hanoi's strategy, that accounted for the delay in the
evacuation and thus the chaos in the end.

When Polgar opened his own dog and pony show, I expected him to set the
record straight. It was his moral duty to do so, for without some
acknowledgment of failure, there would never be any incentive in
Washington to make amends, no pressure for anyone to mount rescue
missions or attempt diplomatic initiatives to ease the plight of those
we'd abandoned.

But to my chagrin, this resilient little man whom I had served so long
merely replayed Kissinger's line, imputing unpredictability to Hanoi and
imperfections to our intelligence to explain his own and others'
miscalculations. And when an opportunity arose for some self-serving
scapegoating, he couldn't resist singling out Ambassador Martin himself,
claiming that the old man's inflexibility, his refusal to sacrifice the
Thieu regime, had doomed the prospects for a last-minute political fix.

During this peroration, the accused himself wandered in, munching an
apple. He said nothing in his own defense, but later pulled several
reporters aside and repaid Polgar's slights by suggesting that it was
the CIA station chief himself who had precipitated the breakdown of
order and discipline in the embassy by spiriting his own wife and
household belongings out of Saigon prematurely.

Absurd though this allegation was, State Department officials on board
quickly took up the refrain, and before long brickbats were flying fast
and furious between them and Polgar's apologists. I listened and fumed
but said nothing, confident that back home in official Washington
somebody would insist on getting the facts and the lessons right.

When the task force docked in Subic Bay on May 5, most of my CIA
colleagues were hustled off to the United States for badly needed R&R
But not I. Believing naively that more intelligence might make a
difference, I volunteered to fly to Bangkok to interrogate some
"sensitive sources" who had just come out of Vietnam.

En route, I stopped off in Hong Kong to replace the wardrobe I'd lost
during the evacuation, and there encountered the New Yorker
 correspondent Robert Shaplen, who had likewise been witness to the
fall. He was in the process of wrapping up a story on it all and asked
if I would confirm some details for him. I consented, since the hulking,
bushy-browed Shaplen had long been viewed as a "friendly" by the Agency
and had often been the beneficiary of official secrets-laden briefings
by me.

Out at his Repulse Bay apartment, he softened me up with two martinis
and some flattery, claiming that my tips to him during the final
offensive had kept him from being wholly misled by Polgar and the
ambassador. He was so grateful, he said, he wanted to credit me
publicly, and despite my demurrals, did so (though with a typographical
error) in the May 19, 1975, issue of The New Yorker. "Where Martin was
more misguided," he wrote, "was in persistently believing that a
political settlement was possible, though he had in fact been told for
weeks by his military analysts, particularly by Mr. Frank Sneff, a
civilian expert well qualified to judge, that the situation was
deteriorating very rapidly."

Despite the misspelling, this delicately hedged homage to one who was
supposed to be invisible did not endear me to colleagues back home, and
though weeks would pass before I'd begin feeling their ire, the start of
my long, slow descent into official disrepute can surely be traced to
Shaplen's generosity.

As I rose to say good-bye, Shaplen draped an arm around my shoulder and,
surprising me again, urged me good-naturedly not to let the story of
Saigon's defeat become journalism's preserve alone. There was a book in
it for somebody, he said, and given my knowledge of Vietnam and Martin's
embassy, what better candidate to write it than I? He'd even supply a
preface, he added jocularly.

I looked at him in amazement. A book? Impossible, I told him. Too many
reputations at stake. Besides, the Agency always performs its own
postmortems, or suffers them, after a foul-up. Witness the Taylor Report
after the Bay of Pigs, and the autopsy on Tet '68. There'd be one on
this debacle too, no question. A book would be superfluous.

When I reached Bangkok a day later, I'd all but forgotten his
suggestion. Would that I could have forgotten the assignment, too.
Protestors were raging through the streets in search of fresh pretexts
for their resurgent anti-Americanism, and within days of my arrival an
American merchant vessel, the Mayaguez, was commandeered off the coast
of neighboring, newly "liberated" Cambodia by Khmer marauders and the
White House had decided to send in the Marines just to show we still had
some of our old spunk left. Suddenly, CIA and military colleagues from
Vietnam were crowding into Bangkok on their way to staging areas
up-country, and for one eerily incongruous moment, American might with
flags flying mustered off to war again.

By the time the smoke had cleared, however, this plucky show of force
had degenerated into a cruel parody of yesterday's humiliations.
Forty-one servicemen had died to save thirty-one crewmen and one tin
tub, and the War Powers Act, designed to limit our involvement in such
improvisatory hostilities, had been made a mockery again, the president
having deployed the troops without fully alerting Congress as required
by the law.

To the north of us, meanwhile, another sequel to recent tragedy was
being played out around the now irrelevant Laotian capital of Vientiane.
Pathet Lao forces had already invested the city, and the few remaining
U.S. embassy staffers there were now hunkered down in barricaded
compounds awaiting their own inevitable evacuation. Outside the city,
beyond any succor, the hapless Meo tribesmen who had once made up the
CIA's thirty-thousand-man secret army were already threading their way
south toward Thai sanctuaries to escape Communist reprisals. Only a
third would make it.

To some of my CIA brethren in Bangkok, the paucity of white faces among
the past weeks' casualties seemed to offer consolation. But I knew, as
many of them still did not, that the Mayaguez losses weren't the only
ones to be accounted for. In addition to a CIA officer and several
consular officials who had been captured up-country in Vietnam weeks
before, two U.S. Marines had been killed in the final bombardment of
Saigon, their bodies shamefully abandoned at the airfield, and another
CIA veteran, an Agency retiree who'd returned to Saigon belatedly to
help evacuate Vietnamese friends, had missed the last chopper out. Now,
reports had it, Hanoi's secret police had him under hostile interrogatio
n and were forcing him to finger those he had meant to save.

Given all this and the lingering trauma of my own departure from Saigon,
the last thing I needed was to be dragged back through the charnel
house. But in the course of the Bangkok assignment, my interview
schedule was rapidly expanded to include the debriefing of more and more
late arrivals from the war zone—journalists, stragglers, boat people—and
with each new source's revelations, I was forced to relive the horrors
of the evacuation as few other CIA officers had.

One of my interlocutors, an American journalist who'd just come out of
Vietnam on a Red Cross flight, told me of a former Radio Saigon
announcer who had been tortured and mutilated, her tongue cut out by her
North Vietnamese "liberators," and then allowed to drown in her own
blood. Another source recounted summary executions of defectors, CIA
collaborators, and cadre of the once feared Phoenix counterterror
program. And still another recalled how Communist troops had sought out
a CIA billet in Saigon and systematically slaughtered the Vietnamese
maids and houseboys who had gathered there in anticipation of
last-minute deliverance.

These and other outrages I duly reported in hopes that someone along the
chain of command might be shamed into taking ameliorative action,
diplomatic or otherwise. But by mid-June, my harping upon betrayed
commitments had become an unwelcome dissonance. One morning, by urgent
telex from CIA headquarters, I was ordered home.

In my last two and a half years in Indochina, I'd had only five days of
leave and few Sundays off, and I badly needed to decompress. But my
monthlong odyssey back through the Mideast and Europe didn't do it. My
traveling companion, an itinerant CIA secretary, promptly grew weary of
my angst, the casual romance she'd anticipated descending quickly into a
kind of joyless sexuality which I clung to with the desperation of a
drowning man.

Nor was there any comfort in the prospect of heading home. The only real
home I knew was the Agency, and the disillusionment I'd suffered these
past few months was only a foretaste of worse to come. For this was the
Season of the Reckoning, the summer of 1975, and scandal and exposé were
now swirling about the Agency like predators on a blood scent. The
savaging had begun the previous winter when the press, emboldened by
Watergate, had homed in on rumors of CIA kill plots and illegal domestic
spying, and since then White House and congressional investigators had
joined in the carnage.

During the long months of Saigon's demise I'd been too preoccupied to be
able to dwell on any of these indelicacies. But now, with unaccustomed
leisure on my hands, I had time to contemplate as never before the
overwrought headlines, the tales of murderous excess and lawlessness,
and the intimations of perjury by one of my idols, former CIA director
Richard Helms, who, it was reported, had deliberately lied to Congress
about CIA complicity in the overthrow of Chile's Salvador Allende years

Initially, I tried to convince myself it was all spiteful gossip, but
the more I read en route the more insistent the truth became, for many
of the most serious charges had recently been confirmed by a vice
presidential panel, the Rockefeller Commission, appointed (ironically)
to dispel them: not only had the Agency, together with the FBI,
illicitly spied on thousands of Americans at home, many of them Vietnam
War protestors; it had also ripped open and read the mail of countless
citizens and exposed still others surreptitiously to deadly drug

Beyond all this, there was the ghastly prospect, now being avidly
explored by congressional muckrakers, that the CIA had systematically
tried to rub out foreign leaders like Fidel Castro. Three years before,
then CIA director Helms had assured all of us by official circular that
the Agency never assassinates anybody. Admittedly, I'd seen that rule
bent in Vietnam. But Vietnam had been a special case, a hot war. All
rules were bent there. But now it appeared they'd been bent elsewhere
too, with no war to provide excuses. And if that were so, then Helms had
lied to us, and the Agency might well be the rogue elephant some
congressmen thought it to be.

That prospect was more terrifying than anything else. The rogue elephant
can't be forgiven its excesses, and God knows I wanted to be forgiven,
to be able to wrap myself in presidential rationales. But if the leash
had snapped and the beast was on the rampage, then there were no
rationales, no forgiveness. And perhaps no end to it either. The CIA's
current director, William Colby, had recently admitted publicly that
neither Nixon nor Ford had ever been told of the "family jewels," a
ticklist of the Agency's most egregious transgressions compiled by the
director's own staff two years before. Two presidents—not told! If not,
then what else had gone unreported? Maybe much more, and that could mean
that the beast had not merely kicked the traces, but blinded the master
as well.

No, I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't. Congress was the culprit, not the
CIA. Weren't these investigations ostensibly being conducted "behind
closed doors"? And yet, just look at the leaks. Could anyone be trusted
who permitted such leaks? I took refuge in the most convenient and
craven answer.

There was no refuge, though, from my other torments, the demons out of
memory that hounded me home. For time and distance only invigorated
them, their images, even their pained cries of reproach soon invading my
consciousness and conscience and finally my dreams, thus banishing
sleep, so that by the time I touched down stateside, I was not only
bitter and confused but exhausted, nearing nervous collapse. And still,
hard as I tried, I could not rid myself of Mai Ly or Han or Loc, the
Nung guard....

Or Le. No, least of all, her. She'd been "U.N. quality," that one, the
best interpreter I'd ever taken with me into Saigon's dungeons, her
femininity itself an asset in the interrogations, for who could resist
unburdening himself to her? The irony was that she'd been more the
revolutionary than most of the prisoners we'd grilled. She'd detested
the Americans as interlopers and had embraced us only as the lesser of
two evils. I'd once tried to fix her loyalties by offering to help her
set up a pig farm so she'd have some life outside the interrogation
center. She'd politely rebuffed me and gone her own way. By the time the
enemy was at the gates this past April, I'd lost track of her, and only
later, in Bangkok, had I discovered that those responsible for getting
her out had botched it. So she was back there still, with the inmates
she'd interrogated. Only they were the jailkeeps now and she the inmate,
and God knows how bad off, for they wouldn't forget the role she'd

Forgive me.

And Tan—what of Tan? There was no forgetting him either, even though I'd
tried and was now exhausted trying, and wished to the pit of my soul
he'd never crossed over after the Viet Cong medics had let his wife die
in childbirth. They'd been short of medicine as usual, and he'd watched
her die in agony; and then, broken and defeated, he had walked out of
the jungle and into our arms and had let slip every secret he knew. I'd
slapped a defector's label on him and one night had taken him out on the
town to an American hangout to try to build rapport. We'd sat at a
corner table watching fat, sweating round-eyes wrestle Vietnamese girls
around the dance floor, and after a while he'd turned to me, his face
ashen, and murmured, "We're going to lose. I've made the wrong choice."
A chill had knifed through me, and I'd wanted to send him off into the
night, back to his own. But it was too late. He was in. We had him, a
certified defector. He could never go back.

Unless we abandoned him—which we did, along with nearly every other
defector we'd exploited and turned into a pariah.

Tan must be dead now. An easy death, I hope.

Forgive me.

©Copyright 1999 Frank Snepp
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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