As always, Caveat Lector.


I had even less time than you to write all I did, plus I am suffering from
extremely high blood pressure which causes excruciating migraine cluster
headaches and painful Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in all my fingers; still, I
respected you enough to compose a somewhat intelligent response to your
message, addressing all of your concerns. I'll now do the same.

Regarding Paul McCartney's greediness, you have misquoted me. I did NOT
write that I informed him there was a "definite" cure for his wife's
cancer. I wrote:

>>>I told him about an American Indian tea ("Essiac") that would probably
>>>cure >>>it for her

Essiac tea has been successful in curing over 75% of all types of cancer,
regardless of how far it's progressed. Breast cancer, which his wife had,
is much easier to cure than most other cancers. I've seen over 100 cases of
it cured with Essiac tea, fruit juice fasts and similar inexpensive,
natural remedies, right here in the tiny canton of Bern, just over the past
couple of years.

If you "find it disgusting" that Paul was unwilling to fork over 20 quid
for the possibility of curing his wife's cancer, I do, too. I'd been giving
it away for free to people, and was near broke as a result of such
altruism. In his case, I felt it was pocket change to him. He surely makes
that much off his interest alone in one or two seconds. Knowing him and his
greediness, I wasn't totally shocked that he refused to pay for this
remedy, but I did find it disgusting. Some things about the man are
wonderful, but, as John and many others would tell you, most were

You're probably too young to know about the 12-year-old girl he raped and
got pregnant just as the Beatles were becoming superstars. She had his
baby, and his father sued McCartney. McCartney got away with paying a fine
of around £500 to the girl's father. The father then refused the money. He
didn't want the money. He wanted a father for his grandchild and an
admission of guilt from the perpetartor. So, the father had copies of the
court decision made and arranged for a pilot friend to dump them all over
the major cities of England. Of course, it quickly blew over. The Beatles
had become gods. I could tell you a thousand stories as bad as this, but
I've no intentions of writing a book over these "gods". My CDs will do
enough damage to them.

I can assure you that McCartney trusts me. He's just a typical fat cat
bastard who thinks everything should be handed to him for free on a silver
platter, even medicine for his dying wife. As John Lennon wrote:

                "Instant Karma's gonna get you
                It's gonna knock you right off your feet"

And it did, didn't it?

I now recall someone teling me James is a carpenter, yes, that's very nice
to hear he's happy, but sad that he isn't following in his showman father's
footsteps. I suppose he must not have his talent for singing and playing,
or else he probably would, correct? How often do you see him? Does he live
in Scotland or England?

You know, your address sounded rather familiar to me. As I think back, I
can recall when I was hanging out with Brian Jones, who was, after all, the
REAL "Rolling Stone". I do recall the day that he had quite a lot of
trouble there when his band's original singer quit. I'd have to think about
it, but I think his name was Mike Hugg....hmmmmm...anyway, he quit as the
Rolling Stones' singer right after they'd gotten a recording contract and
were ready to record their first album. He thought they'd never go anywhere
and joined Manfred Mann as their singer, instead. They had a few hits, but
the Rolling Stones were, of course, gigantic compared to them. The singer
was absolutely wonderful and played an incredible blues harp. This is a
subject I intend to write about if I live a few more months. It was a most
interesting time.

The Beatles were, I agree, a great band. They were simply not writing their
own material entirely, as the public has been led to believe. They were
also not the good little boys the public was led to believe.

I can't be 100% sure that John Lennon INTENTIONALLY ripped off the melody
line of Chuck Berry's "You Can't Catch Me", John said to me after
I complained about his stealing my "Johanna" and changing the lyrics to "Oh
Yoko" at the Japanese witch's insistance (she liked the song), "Art Is
Theft". I do know that Chuck Berry's lawyer and management forced John to
record an album with Chuck Berry and pay him a considerable amount of money
in an agreement whereas John wouldn't be sued - which would've destroyed
his repuration forever, and he knew it. I could've sued, too, but I wasn't
as rich and famous as Chuck Berry, so I wouldn't have had such an easy time
getting a BEFORE-court settlement.

Paul McCartney stole a lot of songs from John Lennon, including his first
solo hit, "Maybe I'm Amazed", which was a song the Beatles were preparing
to release when all hell broke loose and they broke up. Incidentally, John
told Paul he wanted a "divorce" and after begging John to not break the
group up, just not do anything together anymore, Paul stole that song and
added to it a bunch of crap he recorded in his home studio, called a press
conference, and announced that he was "quitting the Beatles". Liar that he
often is. Just look at how he changed around John's "Free As A Bird" and
added his voice to it, just to capitalise on the memory of his deceased
former friend and colleague. There you have a typical example of a greedy
capitalist bastard with an ego as big as the moon.

Why on earth would I trust you with evidence that can make my family rich
beyond their wildest dreams? My gosh, Justin, you're as bad as McCartney if
you think you can pull that one off! Hey, ya gonna try to sell me Windsor
Castle for fifty pounds, too? Listen, mate, in the event of my
err...."demise"...I can assure you that this will all come out even bigger
than it's already going to. Dead composers are worth a lot more than live
ones, remember?

Now go out and have some fish 'n chips down on Stanhope Parade, where the
Clancy sisters' ol' man used to make some pretty good product for Long
Johnny and the Silver Beatles.

Ciao 4 now,

m i c h a e l - s a n

>Well Michael,
>Unfortunately I dont have either the time or inclanation to address all
>the points you just
>made.....althouhg I do take a lot of it on board...and Im prepared to
>withhold the verdict on
>Mr Macartney.
>However, I will address two points you made.
>The first is about Linda's Cancer. I find it disgusting that you suggest
>Paul wouldnt pay
>£20.00 quid for a definate cure. 1st off there is no definate
> sounds like you
>didnt explain yourself to him...or he didnt trust you enough....Im afraid
>mere greed cant be the
>The second point is about James. 1st id agree with you...James has no
>outstanding talent on
>the guitar (mind you...that go's for many well known names in my opinion)
>For what its
>worth....James's famous dad has not been a help. Whilest the famous name
>means James has
>had the priviledge of jamming with a host of famous musicians I look up
>to.....its also been a
> you can imagine...any release bearing james's name...will
>immediately be
>looked at as a release by Paul's son....regardless of its quality...or
>lack of it. James earns a
>living designing and making hand made beds from organic materials. He
>works a
>nice person and is incredibly down to Earth. Believe me, Ive refused
>friendship with enough
>relatives of very famous people...for a name not to matter to me.
>It may be of interest to you...that the flat I now rent (and only a few
>people know this) has an
>amaizing place in rock history. Its above what used to be the old Decca
>studios...and is the flat were theRolling Stones were first signed...and
>on the same day..the
>Beatles were turned down and had to go next door to EMI  and Abbey Road.
>Id also like to point out that 2 Engineers Ive worked with at Abbey
>Road....told me they'd
>done extensive work on Beatles tapes....and that there is no doubt they
>were indeed
>outstanding rock n roll musician/writer/performers. Infact Malcomb (who
>cut all the Abbey
>Road releases) was in almost all their original sessions...and whilest
>they might not have had a
>clue what they were doing...he 's told me enough times just what a truely
>great band they
>were in themselves.
>As to stealing songs or lyrics...well Id say the truth lies somewhere
>between our two points of
>view. Ive heared definate stolen lyrics (e.g He come on flat top he
>comes...grooving up
>slowley) was ripped straight of a Chuck Berry tune...but at the same
>time...there was
>considerable originality.
>Its well known about Lennon and MacCartneys fall out....essentially both
>themselves as the uniquely talented one.
>Ill make you an offer send me a copy of all your taped
>evidence of the Beatles
>lack of talent....and if anything should happen to you (of course I hope
>it wont)....Ill carry out
>the crusade in your absense.
>That way youll be sure the truth will come out...whatever happens.
>Justin :o)
>> ** Original Subject: Spice Girls, Part XXIII or "The Fab 4 Frauds Exposed"
>> ** Original Sender: Williams Institute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> ** Original Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 17:23:01 +0200 (MET DST)
>> ** Original Message follows...
>> Justin,
>> I don't care if my stance on hearsay "doesn't wash" with you. I understand
>> the pitfalls, shortcomings and dangers of it, however, when I've received
>> such testimony from someone I trust immensely, it is an excellent and
>> integral ingredient of the accumulative, full picture. In short: the Spice
>> Girls suck, no matter how much "spice" you put on them. They are the
>> prototypical example of a corrupt industry committing wanton fraud upon the
>> entire world. Their management should be tried for criminal fraud, if
>> anyone's going to be. It doesn't sound as if you're aware that the British
>> courts accused Linda McCartney of fraud, and forced her to prove she could
>> really play keyboards. Guess what? She couldn't. Of course, there's no
>> justice today even in the British courts, who tend to copy the corrupt,
>> fascist American courts more and more.
>> You should indeed be glad you don't know the miscreant fruitcake pervert,
>> Michael Jackson. All you need to do is look at a picture of him 15 years
>> ago, and a picture of him today, and you can easily see the lengths to
>> which he's gone in order to try to hide the fact that he is a Negro -
>> something he is most definitely ashamed of. When Jim Morrison touched his
>> penis onstage in Miami some years ago, he was promptly arrested. When
>> Michael Jackson does the same thing and worse, he sells more CDs. Of
>> course, this is the age of Billy Blythe, getter known as William Jefferson
>> "Bill" Clinton, when there are no longer any morals at all. The Indians
>> call it the "Kali Yuga"...the "Age Of Evil".
>> If you have a connection such as a senior VP at Polygram, why can't you get
>> anywhere in the music industry. You do, indeed, have talent. I'm not saying
>> you don't. I am saying that talent matters very little, if at all, and if
>> you have a connection, you should be able to cut a deal by sundown. It's
>> 4.42 pm, so you'd better get a move on, ol' sport!
>> Although I do not deem "Psychology" as anything even distantly befitting
>> the word "science", I was, nonethless, forced to study it at great length
>> in university, where I learnt that it is, indeed, anything but a science to
>> be taken seriously. I'm not trying to put you down, mate, although I am
>> trying to build a fire under your sometimes authoritarian-minded British
>> arse.  : )
>> I read the book in German which was entitled "Hit Man". I didn't know it
>> was entitled "Hit Men" in English. Why don't you send me an English copy
>> when you send me the cassette. If it isn't too dear, I'll send you a cheque
>> denominated in British pound sterling. I don't put all my eggs in one
>> basket anymore; after all, I don't have many eggs left after Big Brother
>> knocked my door down all those years ago.
>> The sound clip that I sent you featured the voice of John Winston Lennon
>> singing my song. I'm surprised that you were unable to hear that. I do,
>> indeed, have a tape of me teaching him the song. I only had that short clip
>> available in my home, and I sent it to you within minutes after you asked
>> for it. I don't keep many valuables in my home anymore. Not after what
>> happened to me in 1988. No thanks. I'm ultra-cautious now. As a matter of
>> fact, just today I sent out five copies of a master CD of a song I recently
>> recorded, for safekeeping in five vaults in five countries.
>> I highly suggest you read Frank Zappa's book, "The Real Frank Zappa",
>> which, coupled with "Hit Men" really tells quite a lot about the realities
>> of the corrupt music industry.
>> Now, on to SIR James Paul McCartney. You think he's a "genius". I don't. I
>> don't know what your musical background and education, formal/informal is,
>> but judging from this statement, it sounds as if you're a self-taught
>> guitar player who sings and writes pop tunes. Am I correct in this
>> assumption, which is based on the tiny amount of information you've
>> provided to me?
>> Listen to John Lennon's "How Do You Sleep", which he wrote about Paul
>> McCartney. Concentrate on lyrics like:
>>              "The only thing you did was 'Yesterday'
>>              And since you're gone you're just 'Another Day'
>> Do you know why he wrote that? Because the only hit song McCartney ever
>> really "wrote" was Yesterday. Actually, Paul often searched through old
>> sheet music, obscure stuff, looking for song ideas. He found "Yesterday".
>> He was messing around with it, initially renaming it "Scrambled Eggs".
>> Finally, he bought the rights to it and recorded it verbatim, not changing
>> anything, other than adding his rather unique-sounding right-handed
>> acoustic guitar played in a left-handed style. That's right, Paul
>> McCartney, who will quickly tell you he's a genius, did not write
>> "Yesterday", so I can't even give him THAT much credit.
>> Paul was in the Beatles because he added "sweet" to John's "sour". He was a
>> pretty face. He really was THE Beatle, as far as physical image was
>> concerned. He didn't speak to reporters in such a bitter tone as John did.
>> His image helped the group tremendously, and John knew it, but as for the
>> music, McCartney was an excellent rock/bass player and an excellent tenor
>> singer, although my multi-lingual Irish friend, Brian, who lives in London,
>> sounds like him but infinitely better and with a much greater range.
>> Paul had a MUCH better knowledge of musical instrumentation and arrangement
>> than John, and could play several instruments at a mediocre level, with the
>> exception of the bass, which he played excellently, as noted above. Paul's
>> abilities came directly from his father, who led a band that used to play
>> live in cinemas before sound came out.
>> Listen to the albums Paul's put out in the last three decades, since the
>> Beatles broke up. There's only one word to describe his "music": SHIT. Or,
>> in the words of John Lennon, from the same song, "How Do You Sleep":
>>              "The sound you make is Muzak to my ears
>>              You must've learnt SOMETHIN' in all those years"
>> You are obviously a great fan of Paul's. Good for you. Be happy. That's
>> what's most important in life. I'm happy for you. But Paul McCartney never
>> wrote a full song for the Beatles, and he sang songs that I wrote which I
>> gave to John, and in many cases, he's aware of it, and doesn't care. He's
>> quite a greedy bloke, if you haven't noticed. As a matter of fact, he's so
>> greedy that when I saw him in Chiswick with George Harrison about two years
>> ago, and he told me Linda had cancer, and I told him about an American
>> Indian tea ("Essiac") that would probably cure it for her, he asked me to
>> send it to him, but expected it to be a gift. I was barely getting by and
>> told him I'd get it for him at my cost, but I couldn't afford to send it to
>> him gratis. He refused to pay the approximately £20. His wife died. She
>> could've been saved if he'd paid a measly twenty quid. See what I mean. As
>> Dr. Patch Adams says, "Greed is the greatest disease in this world today."
>> Someone gave me Paul's latest album. I swear to you, it was the worst thing
>> I've ever heard in my entire life, from anyone! Ringo and he wrote a "song"
>> that was on it that sounded like some 11-year-old kids in an Indianapolis
>> garage band from the early Sixties. It was HORRIBLE! It was so bad that I
>> did something I'd never done before: I returned it to the person who'd
>> gifted me with it. His son, James, played guitar on it. Paul called him
>> "the young Turk" in the CD booklet. Well, the "young Turk" played about as
>> well as around two million California school kids. He had no special talent
>> at all. He just has his daddy's name, and where's it gotten him? Why hasn't
>> he put a CD out? Or has he, and it's so bad it flopped? Obviously, he can't
>> even help himself, even with his famous dad's connections, so I guess he's
>> unwilling to try and help you, right?
>> I've told you and others several times why I've decided to prove to the
>> world that the Beatles were a grand hoax. When I was a kid, I was an
>> orphan, and I looked up to John as a sort of big brother or even father
>> figure. (Get that Psychology book out now!) I am, both by nature and
>> upbringing, an extremely loyal person. I'm also not a "snitch". I was paid
>> enough money that I was able to drive new Porsches and maintain houses like
>> my beachfront house in Malibu. So, on the surface, I lived just like the
>> people I was writing songs for; just they made a million times more than I
>> did. At the time of my arrest in March 1988, I had liquid assets in excess
>> of $60,000,000 so why on earth should I've been complaining? I was offered
>> $40,000,000 for my "John Lennon - Michael Boren Williams Ideas Tapes" and I
>> turned it down; not just because I didn't need the money (and I'm not
>> greedy like Paul McCartney), I was threatened with everything from infinite
>> lawsuits to death if that music ended up being released and destroying the
>> god-like image of the Beatles. I was doing well. I didn't care so much.
>> Now, however, I care, and I care VERY much because about eight years ago, I
>> couldn't even get a seat in a restaurant that John Lennon and others I
>> ghost-wrote for frequented. Their autographed pictures were even in the
>> window. It was then and there that I knew that my life's work was not
>> recognised as being the extent that it was like I had never even
>> been born.
>> Now, I intend to change all that before I die, which, considering my
>> condition, could be very soon. Actually, even if I die, the wheels are
>> already turning to get all this music and evidence released this year. It's
>> gonna be HOT! When the dust settles, the Beatles and many others won't
>> shine anywhere near as brightly as they do today. Stay tuned.
>> Cheers,
>> m i c h a e l - s a n
>> >First off.....your stance oin hearsay doesnt wash with me. As someone who
>> >did law, (and is part of a long line of bullshit artists.....ahem...I mean
>> >lawyers) you ought to know the very good reasons why hearsay should always
>> >be avoided.
>> >
>> >Second....I cant comment on what you say about I dont know
>> >But if what you say is true.....Im glad I dont know him :o)
>> >
>> >As far as the US Music Industry is concerned ...I know all about the
>> >corruption. I think the book you referred to is actually called the
>> >rather than the Hitman. Ive read it and agree its a great overview of the
>> >History of Payola. Infact it was given to me by a senior VP at Polygram
>> >International (when it was still called that).
>> >
>> >Replying to your amator psychology comment about any inferior complex I
>> >might have about my own talent....lets just say Im far too thick skinned to
>> >have any complex about my music. I regard my talent as a gift from the
>> >creator...simple as that. Occasionaly I do take on board criticism....but
>> >only if its objective and honest. Last week I auditioned my latest song to
>> >the promoter of a popular live venue in London. He didnt give me a spot as
>> >he thought my song wasnt strong enough. However, I know this particular
>> >number is not only a strong song...but perhaps the best song Ive written to
>> > I face that sort of criticism...I put it to one
>> >side...and accept that not everyone has the same taste. Luckily I know the
>> >person in question had other questionable resons for not giving me a gig.
>> >
>> >As far as the Spice Girls have never met them (as far as I
>>know). I
>> >have met them....and I can tell you that they were incredibly friendly and
>> >very fun...nice young ladies. I met them before they released their first
>> >single....I didnt ask my firend if he used protection I think he's
>> >sensible enough for me not to worry.
>> >
>> >I already explained why I didnt send you a tape  (in my previous message)
>> >but if you want to put it down to me being untalented....and ashamed of my
>> >inferior feel free to do so Mike....I can live with it.
>> >
>> >Regarding people with my attitude having any kind of responsibility for the
>> >state of the music industry in general.....I suggest you either refresh
>> >understanding of exactly what I said in my last message.....or carry on
>> >being grumpy and complaining :o) Just because I make a salient comment that
>> >accurately describes a section of the industry....this in no way makes me
>> >responsible for it.
>> >
>> >You did send me a clip of you singing 'Child of Nature' but nothing that
>> >links this with John Lennon. Now if you had a recording of you teaching
>> >Lennon the tune...that would be different. about Paul McCartney
>> >(who's sone James I know) .....would you also say he has no talent....and
>> >plagerized and got bye on the backs of session musicians....because I would
>> >have to strongly disagree with you there Michael. I didnt know
>> >I am in no doubt as to  MaCartney's talent....and genius.
>> >
>> >The big question is....why have you waited until now to argue your
>>case. Why
>> >didnt you do somehting at the time...when The Beatles where at their
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Williams Institute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >To: Justin Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Date: 03 August 1999 14:30
>> >Subject: You call the Spice Girls "talented"????????? WHAT????!!!!!
>> >
>> >
>> >>First of all, Justin, the "hearsay" you're referring to came to me as
>> >>first-hand reports by trusted persons, so if you, in your solicitor's
>> >>mentality, choose to discredit it merely because it happens to serve your
>> >>purposes at this given time, so be it. It neither pops my cork nor
>>picks my
>> >>pocket, or, as Julius Caesar said: "It ain't no sweat off my arse."
>> >>
>> >>As far as Michael Jackson, I've known him since he was 6-years-old, and
>> >>he's even weirder than the tabloids say he is. As a matter of fact, one of
>> >>my best friends was his bodyguard for many years and then later, one
>>of his
>> >>co-producers. He's producing a lot of music now, and although he maintains
>> >>many residences, he purchased Charlie Chaplin's mansion not long ago, and
>> >>more recently purchased a chalet, because it has a better view of the Lake
>> >>of Geneva. He speaks to Germaine Jackson on a nearly daily basis. One
>>of my
>> >>many attorneys was Howard Weitzman, of LA, who managed to bribe everyone
>> >>and his mother in the California state government in order to get them to
>> >>make a deal to let Michael back into the country when he was a fugitive
>> >>from justice for several heinous child molesting cases. He bribed the main
>> >>victim's father alone with over one hundred million Yankee Dollahs. I was
>> >>actually in a "Battle-of-the-Bands" with the Jackson Five when they first
>> >>began getting regionally famous around the state of Indiana, where I'd
>> >>to live with my great-aunt after my mother was murdered by my Mafia
>> >>stepfather. My band, "The Shades Of Blue", who later had a Number One hit
>> >>with "Oh How Happy", was about to win, when Michael Jackson got the
>> >>audience's symphathy when he pretended to be blind (like Stevie Wonder,
>> >>whose song he sang in the contest, who was huge at the time) and
>> >>intentionally fell off the stage, with his "little black blind boy"
>> >>sunglasses.
>> >>
>> >>The music industry, mon ami, is even more corrupt than the US
>>government. I
>> >>know it very well. I've been involved with it in one way or another for 36
>> >>years, since many years before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's
>> >>More and more, talent means little or nothing, because of people like the
>> >>Spice Girls, who are ready and willing to have the kinkiest sex and
>>use the
>> >>heaviest drugs with ugly little HollyWeird gnomes who have bought the
>> >>industry, lock, stock and barrel with their blood money. "Looking good and
>> >>being a fun perosnality" does not make one talented. The music industry is
>> >>an entire fraud. As far as I'm concerned, most memebers of the Spice Girls
>> >>don't look that good, anyway. Go visit Malibu Beach any day of the week at
>> >>High Noon and see for yourself what beautiful women look like. It
>>sounds as
>> >>if you're defending these untalented sluts because you have an inferior
>> >>complex pertaining to your own musical talents. Perhaps that's why you
>> >>haven't sent me the cassette of your recent recording at Abbey Road you
>> >>promised to send me months ago.
>> >>
>> >>You already know that I ghostwrote John Lennon's "Jealous Guy", which I
>> >>originally titled "Child Of Nature", and I even e-mailed you an audio file
>> >>of it. You also know that one of your "original" songs sounds just
>>like it,
>> >>which, incidentally, doesn't bother me at all, as long as you send me five
>> >>quid if you get a gold record from it someday. People with attitudes like
>> >>yours are precisely why we have to listen to such pitiful excuses for
>> >>"music" on the radio these days. I highly suggest you read the book "Hit
>> >>Man", then take two aspirins and e-mail me in the morning. You are in dire
>> >>need of an historical education in the music industry as well as a reality
>> >>check.
>> >>
>> >>You still haven't answered: did you ask your mate if he used a condom? If
>> >>not, he's in dire need of an AIDS test as well as several other tests,
>> >>including a mental competency test.
>> >>
>> >>The truth really bites, doesn't it, mon ami?
>> >>
>> >>Cheers,
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>m i c h a e l - s a n
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>Well.....your free to comment on hearsay if you like
>> >>>Michael....personally...ever since a very good friend of Michael
>> >>>told me how different he was in reality..fom the nonsense put out in the
>> >>>press...Ive tried not to form opinions on people in the public
>> >eye...unless
>> >>>those opinions come from first had observations.
>> >>>
>> >>> seem to think being a good singer is a paramount
>>requirement of
>> >>>today's popstars...whereas ....I'd argue with pro-tools and auto
>> >>>tune...looking good and being a fun unfortunately of
>> >bigger
>> >>>importance in todays teeny pop market.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>-----Original Message-----
>> >>>From: Williams Institute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>>To: Justin Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>>Date: 03 August 1999 12:34
>> >>>Subject: You call the Spice Girls "talented"????????? WHAT????!!!!!
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>>Yeah, sure, and I'm also a big fan of George Bush's....   : )
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Ask your friend if he used a condom, okay?      : )
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Look what a fellow musician friend in the States said:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>I have been communiating with their producer in London and he said they
>> >>>>>couldn't sing their way outta jail!from, Kim
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>So..your a big fan of theirs then Michael :o)
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>-----Original Message-----
>> >>>>>From: Williams Institute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>>>>To: Justin Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>>>>Date: 03 August 1999 11:01
>> >>>>>Subject: You call the Spice Girls "talented"????????? WHAT????!!!!!
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>You must have exceedingly low standards to make such a statement as
>> >>>you've
>> >>>>>>made about the Spice Girls, and this is extremely disappointing to
>> >>>>>>from you. Singers? Is that what you call them? Singers? They weren't
>> >even
>> >>>>>>able to go on tour until they'd purchased a realtime automatic pitch
>> >>>>>>shifter. A friend of mine was called in to work on their so-called
>> >>>"movie"
>> >>>>>>and he was totally shocked to see that these lame-brained bimbos
>> >couldn't
>> >>>>>>sing a note. Talent? The only "talent" they have is in spreading their
>> >>>legs
>> >>>>>>for the producers who made them famous. With that in mind, I hope your
>> >>>mate
>> >>>>>>used a condom. God knows what kind of exotic veneral diseases sluts
>> >like
>> >>>>>>that are carrying around.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> m i c h a e l - s an
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>Actually theyre very talented girls. I recorded next door to then
>> >>>>>they
>> >>>>>>>did their first album....and a mate of mine went out with scary for a
>> >>>>>>> beg to differ. Theyre not the best singers...but they
>> >do
>> >>>>>>>have talent.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **

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