As a Truth in Media reader, and thus obviously a "Cyber netizen," thought
you may be interested in the enclosed announcement intended for
INDIVIDUALS, not corporations, who follow the Big Blue...

Annex Research is pleased to announce a new research product - the BIG
BLUESBUSTER - a business Newsletter for IBM Watchers, written and edited by
the "Dean of IBM Watchers," as the Enterprise Systems Journal of New York
called the Annex Research president in a feature story on his career.

"This publication has been created in direct response to many requests
which we have been receiving from IBM employees, individual investors,
webmasters of various Internet sites which deal with Big Blue topics, and
other interested people - all asking us provide a business analysis of IBM
designed for specific needs of INDIVIDUALS, not corporations," said Bob
Djurdjevic, Annex Research president.  "Well, now we have done just that."

To find our more about the BIG BLUESBUSTER, or to check out some sample
issues, please visit our Web site:, where you can also
find other subsription and pricing details.

Media inquiries should be directed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      August 2, 1999


      A Newsletter for IBM Watchers by the "Dean of
      IBM Watchers"

      Published by Annex Research

      * Is Lou's Big Blue giving you the blues after years of
      toil and loyalty you've given the Armonk brass?

      * Armonk's creed has gone from Pride to Greed:
      Insiders sell millions of dollars of stock; IBM pension
      fund becomes a "Kill the Baby Boomers"-kitty.        

      * Respect for the individual? What's that? A line from
      "The Way We Were" movie? 

      * A French king, Louis XIV (1638-1715), once
      declared: "L’état, c’est moi!" IBM's king, Louis XIX of
      Armonk, might as well have declared, "Le Big Bleu, c’est

      * The same French king (Louis XIV), was not satisfied
      with only one royal palace (the Louvre). So he had 
      another built for him (the Versailles).   So has Louis
      XIX of Armonk.

      * Are you "mad as hell and won't take it anymore? 

      ...Then learn how to fight back - subscribe to the
      new Annex Research's new newsletter: 

                   The BIG BLUESBUSTER

      ...written by Bob Djurdjevic, the world's top IBM
     business analyst, whom the Enterprise Systems Journal, a
     magazine focusing on IBM, called "the dean of a select
     community of professionals called IBM Watchers."

      * Then, bust out of your blues and into action... 

      * Tell the Big Blue's "Louis XIX of Armonk" that you're
      seeing red: "Scrap Your Pension Declaration! No
      More Taxation Without Representation!" 

      * And then put a coat of red paint over the Big Blue
      boss: "Louis XIX, vous n'êtres pas le Big Bleu!
      You're just a bad mimic of the once great Big Blue."
      (check out the image at our Web site)

TO SUBSCRIBE - visit the Annex Research Web site:


 Annex Research, publisher of the BIG BLUESBUSTER is one
 of the best recognized and most often quoted market intelligence
 and computer industry consulting firms in the world. Founded in
 1978, it serves a select clientele of senior IT executives,
 investors and IT lessors, and has helped to shape the
 competitive strategies of some of the industry’s most prominent

 Unlike many in the industry, the world's premier "IBM
 Watcher," Bob Djurdjevic, president of Annex Research, had
 the art of business practiced before starting to preach. He spent
 8 years with IBM in the early 1970s, and had also run his
 own computer trading company before starting Annex Research.

 What sets Djurdjevic apart from other IT analysts/consultants?
 A 21-year, PROVEN track record of excellence. The
 FORTUNE magazine, for example, described his analysis of
 IBM as "prescient," and Annex Research as a "respected
 consulting firm." The Computer Weekly of London called
 Djurdjevic "Father of Knowledge" in one personal profile, and
 the "Giant Killer" in another one (the latter was in reference to
 the role Djurdjevic's critical editorials played in the former
 IBM chairman's, John Akers', eventual dismissal).  The New
 York-based Information Week ran an article on him headlined
 "Watching Those Who Watch IBM." Last but not least, the late
 IBM chairman, Tom Watson, Jr., publicly acknowledged
 Djurdjevic's contribution to his 1990 bestseller.

 In short, Djurdjevic has been tracking, analyzing and consulting
 in this industry longer than most analysts have even been in the
 business. His keen business sense, developed through practical
 hands-on experience, accompanied with his extensive
 understanding of the global IT marketplace have made him a
 key resource for any IT professional who seeks to truly
 understand IBM and its competitors. 

 But don’t take our word for it, take a look at what some key IT
 players have said ( 

 Djurdjevic’s opinions are also often cited as expert opinion in
 top business and trade publications ( 
 His columns have appeared regularly in a number of prominent 
 publications in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. 

 For more information, visit our Web site:, or 
 e-mail us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thank you. 
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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