I am sorry that I did not get a letter out saying that I am out of town and
haven't had the time to check my email.

I want to thank all of you who have written to inquire if something was wrong.

I am fine, thank you for your concern.

I will be back at home by the 22nd of August. Starting on the 11th, I will be
at the Global Sciences Conference in Denver

 <A HREF="">Global Sciences Welcome</A>

I do not know if I will be putting out the Rumor Mill when I return. When I
agreed to release the  information that my sources gave me, I agreed to
follow their orders to the letter. I knew if I didn't, they would no longer
supply me with information.

The Wednesday before the  crash of JFK, Jr's airplane, my Sources told me
that Bill Clinton had discovered that the Democratic elders were trying to
figure out a way to get rid of him because he was sabotaging Gore. My sources
told me to expect him to lash out with wild retaliations.

This is posted on my onelist archive page. If you are a member, you will be
able to go there and find it, the date you will be looking for July 15th... I
think! One list dates things one day later than they were sent.

My Sources contacted me after John Kennedy, Jr's plane went down.

They gave me some information that made me incredibly uneasy.... then they
told me that I couldn't release it over the Rumor Mill.... until they told me
I could.

To protect myself, I sent the information to some trusted friends and told
them not to make it public until I said it was okey.... or..

I waited many days, and then called a friend whose lines are tapped by my
Sources group.(I do not know if my friend knows it is My Sources group who is
tapping his phone.... ) I know that everything I say to him will be heard by
my Sources. This is the only way I have of initiating communication with them.

I asked for permission to publish the information.

Several days later I received a fax with their symbol on it. It said:


This means stop what I am doing and don't start again until I am given
permission. This is one of the things I agreed to do when I agreed to release
their information. I don't know why they don't want the information they gave
me released. But I doubt they would have given me this order if there wasn't
an extremely good reason.

If you need to reach me for an emergency, call 801.268.1999. Hal knows how to
reach me. And while you are talking to him, order something so I will have
enough money to get home.


Thanks for your concern,

Rayelan and Ru

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