-> SNETNEWS Mailing List Well this story got away before I could proof and finish it; I guess I will have to cut my long fingernails back, as I cannot type with them.... This story was to show that this BohemianClub is a Hells Fire Club, and I think they did steal the heart of Paul Whitehead, and put it in their san Francisco haunt....remember, the Hells Fire Club were the demoniacs living in the tomb.....cloaked in mystery and secrecy and the alleged satanism, was just a cover to keep away snoops. This was a Mafia - a real Mafia who used the Italian Rituals, which Dashwood preferred......in their picture whichI have which is over 200 years old.....Dashwood, Lord Sandwich, Paul Whitehead, Lord Galway, are in a Cellar or the tombs, drinking a hogshead of wine which they vowed to drink and wouldnot leave until they did.....they are forming the popular "pyramid stance"....and this is the symbolism of the Illuminati.....Hogarth as a engraver was also Sg. Painter to King George.....above the members one sees the light from a Rosicrucian Lamp - the symbol of secrecy. Sorry for all the typos.....it got away from me - this keyboard is not like an IBM. Colleen Anyway, Bush and Powell......we know what you are....Hells Fire Club....and do you now the name of the bomb, that those NATO boys used in Serbia were named Hells Fire - and one of course, Warthog? So much for originality. -> Send "subscribe snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colleen Jones)