-Caveat Lector-

MEDIUM RARE - By Jim Rarey - August 5, 1999


                            Follow up to NTR Vote for China

Many conservatives, including this writer, were shocked and dismayed
last week when
Representative Ron Paul (Rep. of Texas) voted last week to keep Normal
Trade Relations
(NTR) for Communist China. This author wrote an article that was highly
critical of that
vote. At the time, Paul had not explained his vote.

The situation was clarified this week as the House debated and voted on
an amendment
Representative Paul introduced to the Foreign Operations Appropriations
bill. The
amendment would have prohibited any new obligation, guarantee, or
agreement by; the
Export-Import Bank, The Oversees Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
or the Trade
Development Agency.

During the debate, Paul explained his vote on the China NTR. He said he
believed in
trading with any country unless we were at war with them. However, he
said that trade
should not include taxpayer subsidies for corporations hence his
amendment to stop any
new subsidies. The Foreign Operations bill was obviously the proper
vehicle for that effort
as opposed to the NTR vote.

Representative Paul is to be commended for his strategy to force an up
or down vote on
the corporate welfare issue. Too many politicians have pretended to be
opposed to the
corporate welfare aspects of granting NTR to various countries but have
claimed that
other trade considerations (jobs, jobs, jobs) override that aspect. They
can no longer make
that claim because their votes on Paul’s amendment makes it very clear
how they stand on
the subsidy issue.

Paul’s amendment went down to a thundering defeat by a 58-360 vote with
representatives not voting. Seven Democrats and one Independent
(socialist Bernie
Sanders of Vermont) joined fifty Republicans in voting to end the
corporate subsidies. As a
result, 165 Republicans and 195 Democrats can no longer escape the fact
that welfare for
the fat cats of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is one of their
top priorities. It would
also be interesting to find out why fifteen representatives failed to
vote on the amendment.
Did they not want to be on the record on the issue? (See the attached
listing of those voting
for the amendment and those not voting.)

The vote of the Democrats in the House is particularly ironic for a
party that claims to be
for "the little man" as opposed to "big business". Only seven out of two
hundred eleven
(3.3%) matched their rhetoric with their votes.

All representatives who failed to support the Paul amendment should be
required to explain
their votes. The argument that subsidies for foreign operations of U.S.
companies creates
jobs for Americans will no longer fly. The experience with NAFTA puts
the lie to that claim.
The subsidies do create jobs (along with risk-free investments for
mega-corporations) but
not in the U.S.

If your representative did not vote for the Paul amendment, demand an
explanation. Let
them know that we are watching their votes, not listening to the

Permission is granted to reproduce in its entirety or call Jim Rarey at
(734) 942-7667

                          lone Independent are in italics

                       VOTING FOR THE AMENDMENT


Armey    Texas       Kingston Georgia

Barr    Georgia        Linder     Georgia

Bartlett Maryland     McInnis  Colorado

Bono Calif.     McIntosh Indiana

Burton Indiana     McIntyre N. Carolina

Campbell Calif.     McKinney Georgia

Cannon Utah     Miller (Gary) Calif.

Chabot Ohio     Myrick N. Caroloina

Chenoweth Idaho     Paul Texas

Coble N. Carolina     Pease Indiana

Coburn Oklahoma     Pombo Calif.

Collins Georgia     Radanovich Calif.

Condit Calif.     Rogan Calif.

Cox Calif.     Rohrabacher Calif.

DeFazio Oregon     Royce Calif.

DeMint S. Carolina     Ryun Kansas

Doolittle Calif.     Sanders Vermont

Duncan Tennessee     Sanford S. Carolina

Goode Virginia     Scarborough Florida

Hayes N. Carolina     Schaffer Colorado

Hayworth Arizona     Sessions Texas

Hefley Colorado     Shadegg Arizona

Hilleary Tennessee     Smith New Jersey

Hoekstra Michigan     Stupak Michigan

Hostettler Indiana     Tancredo Colorado

Hunter Calif.     Terry Nebraska

Istook Oklahoma     Thune S. Dakota

Jones N. Carolina     Visclosky Indiana

Kasich Ohio     Wamp Tennessee



Bilbray Calif.     Owens New York

Frank Mass.     Peterson Minnesota

Hingchey New York     Pickering Mississippi

Johnson Texas     Pryce N. Carolina

Klink Pennsylvania     Serrano New York

Lantos Calif.     Thompson Mississippi

McDermott Washington     Young Alaska

Mollohan W. Virginia


This country with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit
it.  Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they
can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their
revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it. -Abraham Lincoln, April 4, 1861

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