-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

"What Can Ordinary People DO to Bring Truth to the Forefront?"

"There must be 5360 Americans, out of 268 million willing to take action in
defense of liberty."

By: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Original Sources
July 4, 1999
Two hundred and twenty three years ago fifty-six men, out of a population
in the thirteen American colonies of 2, 312,000 free persons and 462,000
slaves, met to consider signing a document which might have resulted in
them all being hanged. The debate was heated. The time is not right, some
said. John Dickinson spoke eloquently and persuasively of the need for
restraint, warning of calamities which would follow if the purpose of the
document - severing ties with England, failed.
John Adams rose to respond, but did not soothe the expressed fears. "If you
imagine that I expect this Declaration will ward off calamities…you
are mistaken. A bloody conflict we are destined to endure." Most of the men
who signed the Declaration of Independence that hot, muggy July 4th in 1776
in fact endured incredible hardships and financial losses. The signers
homes were looted, burned, and their property seized; hardships caused the
death of wives and children of signers, some were captured by the British
and thrown in prison; many lost fortunes in financing the war effort.
Yet, those men were just ordinary people, who represented .002% of the
total population of the Thirteen Colonies, came together to change a nation
- and the principles expounded in that Declaration eventually changed the
entire world.
One of my readers wrote to ask me the following timely question:
"What can ordinary people do to bring the truth to the forefront? I am most
concerned about our nation. I fear what the future holds for my children.
If you know of some form of action I could take through the internet,
e-mail senators or congressmen, on line petitions etc... or some other form
of action I could take please let me know. I feel so hopeless against a
mainstream media that hears no evil, sees no evil, and speaks no evil, and
congress that has it's hands tied for fear of having egg on their face yet
another time. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There has to be
someone out there who is on the right track on exposing the truth about
this criminal administration; who is fighting for the good. How can
ordinary people help them win that fight?"
In these final months of 1999, as we face a new century and a new
millennium, that question is on the minds of a growing number of frustrated
Americans. People KNOW their nation is in trouble. The KNOW they are being
lied to. Is it too late? Are there enough Americans left who even WANT to
save the nation created by the founding fathers?
Well, there are about 268 million Americans in the country today. If we
found a like percentage to the percentage of the nation that signed the
Declaration of Independence, we would need 5360 Americans willing to take
the kind of dedicated action to change America that the signers of the
Declaration of Independence took.
Do we need to have another Revolution or Civil War? No. It is not needed.
What is needed is a dedicated core of ordinary people willing take action
in the coming months leading up to the Year 2000 elections to find and
support candidates for president, for Congress, for State governors,
legislatures, Senates who embody the principles supported and the personal
integrity of those 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Were those 56 men perfect? No. They had their faults and foibles, like we
all do. But, they adopted and fought for a set of principles. My reader,
who aptly signed his e-mail JOHN Q. PUBLIC, accurately identified the first
requirement: accurate, timely knowledge of the facts - something that is
hard to find in this "Information Age." Who is telling the truth? Another
reader lamented:
"The trouble is those who rely on the mainstream media are thoroughly
brainwashed. I can print off articles such as yours for my mother and she
just snaps: "how do you know THAT isn't propaganda". Facts, as such mean
nothing. I suppose it would be too confronting to face the fact that you've
been lied to all your life. She's 80 after all. No wonder the powers are
desperate to regulate the internet - to ‘stop children accessing
pornography’ of course. The deceit and hypocrisy is nauseating "
I might add, "no wonder Clinton wanted to bomb the Serb TV studios and stop
Serbs from having access to the Internet and e-mail by destroying
electrical power plants and demanding the satellite linkage for Serbs be
"Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let
us dare to read, think, speak and write. Let every order and degree among
the people rouse their attention and animate their resolution," John Adams
wrote. "Let the public disputations become researches into the grounds and
nature and ends of government, and the means of preserving the good and
demolishing the evil."
There still is much good in America. There are men in government today who
DO devote their lives to true public service, and to principle. There are
men in Congress today who would have stood shoulder to shoulder with those
56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. The problem is - most
Americans have been told so many negative things about almost everyone who
is trying to really serve, that they don’t recognize those men and
women. They do not have the knowledge they need to be willing to sacrifice
some time and/or money to make sure those people are elected or re-elected.

JOHN Q. PUBLIC’s question, "How can ordinary people help them win
that fight?" has been bounced around among the staff at the REAGAN MONITOR
newsletter for several weeks. We had already concluded that MORE was needed
than merely providing the facts on various issues of the day. Increasingly,
the supposedly apathetic American public is increasingly asking: "What can
I DO?" And, of course, many still are asking, as one reader’s 80 year
old mother asked, "How do you know?" How do you know who is telling the
truth when the stories are so opposite?
USA TODAY announced Thursday that:
"Many of the figures used by the Clinton administration and NATO to
describe the wartime plight of Albanians in Kosovo now appear greatly
exaggerated as allied forces take control of the province.
‘Yes, there were atrocities. But no, they don't measure up to the
advance billing,’ says House intelligence chairman Porter Goss,
"Instead of 100,000 ethnic Albanian men feared murdered by rampaging Serbs,
officials now estimate that about 10,000 were killed.
"600,000 ethnic Albanians were not "trapped within Kosovo itself lacking
shelter, short of food, afraid to go home or buried in mass graves dug by
their executioners" as President Clinton told a veterans group in May.
Though thousands hid in Kosovo, they are healthy.
"Kosovo's livestock, wheat and other crops are growing, not slaughtered
wholesale or torched as widely reported. Kenneth Bacon, spokesman for
Defense Secretary William Cohen, says the best estimates available were
used. He says Cohen was right to compare Serb leader Slobodan Milosevic to
a World War II Nazi. His forces burned houses and made 800,000 Albanians
flee for their lives, he says. "And if other war crimes turn out less than
expected, ‘I don't think you can say killing 100,000 is 10 times more
morally repugnant than killing 10,000,’ Bacon says.
"Then why exaggerate? ‘In order to justify this thing, they needed to
tap that memory of the Holocaust,’ says Andrew Bacevich, professor of
International Relations at Boston University."
Exactly! You, the public, must be brainwashed, frightened, disgusted,
afraid - whatever it takes to get you to support a policy, buy the paper,
tune in to a multi-million dollar network, back a candidate, believe a
president, back a new program, Manipulation of public opinion has become a
high-tech business. You are being systematically lied to - not only by the
federal government, but by other governmental and non-profit organizations
who rely on your money to keep their projects, and their jobs, going.
Only, a growing number of people are finding out that they are being
manipulated. And they are tired of it. What can ordinary people do? Well,
the ordinary people who edit and publish the REAGAN MONITOR, www.reagan.com
and my website, www.originalsources.com have decided the time has come to
help other ordinary people DO something. If you had been a subscriber in
March, when the NATO bombing started, you would have a simple-to-read, but
in-depth analysis of Social Security and Education issues; the basic
platforms of all announced Presidential Candidates, in April; In May, an in
depth critique of our downsized, feminized and manipulated Military and a
factual information and an eye witness account of the UN’s assault on
The next issue of the REAGAN MONITOR, which is now being printed, is the
Reagan Citizen Action Handbook - containing the names, mailing addresses,
telephone and fax numbers of all 100 Senators and 435 Representatives in
the 106th Congress to enable citizen activists to find and contact their
members of Congress. Printed directories of this kind usually cost $12 to
$15 dollars. Publisher Gavin Grooms of CTR Publishing is making the
directories available for $1.75 each for 25 copies, $1.50 each for 50
copies, and $1.25 each for 100-500 copies. Each issue of the REAGAN MONITOR
from now through the year 2000 election will continue in-depth research of
issue but add a page of action information each month - where to write, to
whom to write, and information on specific bills or proposals on key
issues. We will talk about candidates who are basing their campaign on
principle, not expediency or polling data and share unique and successful
kinds of citizen action each month. (To subscribe to the REAGAN MONITOR,
call toll FREE at: 877-821-6244 or writing to: Reagan Monitor, P.O. Box
50864, Provo, Utah 84605-0864 or Order Here on-Line.
<https://locked.webforums.com/forums/secure.o-read/msa21.225.html> A
year&rsquo;s subscription is $29.95 and would start with the Citizen Action
Handbook if ordered in July or August )
Subscribers to the REAGAN MONITOR who wish to be part of the new action
group, which we hope will quickly reach .002% of the U.S. population
-comparable to the Declaration of Independence signers - 5360 people who
are ready and willing to form a dedicated core willing to sacrifice a
little time effort to spread accurate information and support principles
first expressed in the Declaration of Independence. In fifty years of
activism I long ago discovered that in political action, timing is
everything. A few people taking the time to write, fax, call or e-mail at
the right time can have a tremendous impact.
The Michael Reagan radio talk show and Reagan Information Interchange at
www.reagan.com provide daily updates on world, national news, and
congressional news, plus a quick and easy Congressional Action Center where
you can send an e-mail in a matter of seconds to your members of Congress
by merely typing in your zip code. My website, www.originalsources.com, was
created last summer to provide voters with the website addresses of all
Congressional and State office candidates - of all political parties - so
voters who are confused by all the negative sound-bytes could find out FROM
THE CANDIDATE what he or she believed. The Year 2000 Presidential
Candidates websites are posted on originalsources.com. Original Sources
also has a directory of e-mail links to Congress, the White House, the
Supreme Court, the United Nations, etc., to enable you to become very
knowledgeable and each State&rsquo;s page has that State&rsquo;s
legislature, political parties, major newspapers, state governor&rsquo;s
website, etc. As we move towards more State sovereignty again, local and
state politics and education policies will become increasingly important.
In 1776, when the meetings were being held that led to the signing of the
Declaration of Independence, any poll would have shown that the people of
the 13 colonies were loyal, if disgruntled, subjects of King George III.
What caused that to change were a handful of ordinary men, dedicated to a
principle - that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among those rights
are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that governments are
instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. Those are the principles that we will look for in the months
ahead as programs and legislation are considered, and candidates ask for
our support. We&rsquo;ve taken no polls and have asked for no large money
contributions. We believe that these ideas can and should be supported,
just as many of Benjamin Franklin&rsquo;s ideas were supported, and Thomas
Paine&rsquo;s "Common Sense" were supported - through the sale of
newsletters to people looking for good ideas and accurate information.
There must be 5360 Americans, out of 268,000 million willing to take action
in defense of liberty. If you want to become part of the 5360, start by
copying this article and sending it out to friends, family members, club or
party members. If YOU inform ten people, that will mean there are 10 fewer
uninformed people.
Start Your Subscription
<https://locked.webforums.com/forums/secure.o-read/msa21.225.html> to the
all new REAGAN MONITOR with the July-August edition -The Citizen Action
Handbook - 106th Congress Directory - Names, Addresses, Telephone and Fax
Numbers, District Number; and Participate in our Citizen Action Award for
the most interesting Citizen Activist stories. To Order go to:
To E-mail Original Sources - Click Here
Website: http://www.originalsources.com
To E-Mail Mary Mostert, Analyst - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax # (801) 426-8316
Return to Original Sources <http://originalsources.com>
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Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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