-Caveat Lector-

> Subject: SN296:Bill Dorich's column in LMT.
> Date: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 11:23 PM
> As published in the Lewiston (Idaho) Morning Tribune:
> Tuesday, August 10, 1999
> press unfairly blame Serbs
> Dorich is a Los Angeles writer on Serb issues
> As a first generation American, I am the author of numerous books on
> history including my 1992 book titled "Kosovo."
> Even my Muslim critics have praised the quality of my work. (See text on
> www.srpska-mreza.com.) As a correspondent for The
> American Srbobran, the oldest Serbian newspaper in the United States, my
> articles have appeared in numerous major newspapers.
> I have been called a lot of names in recent years; therefore Jim Fisher
> referring to me in his editorial as "rabid" [Aug. 2] came as
> no surprise -- Serbs have grown accustomed to such bigoted terminology in
> the same way they have had to endure the
> assignment of collective guilt. Considering the amount of omission
> regarding Serbia, Mr. Fisher's characterization of me
> was void of any details so the readers had no choice but to draw the same
> conclusion.
> I am a victim of "ethnic cleansing." In 1897, Albanians "cleansed" my
> grandparents from Kosovo. They resettled in Croatia where
> my father was born. Before he reached his 12th birthday his family was
> "cleansed" once again, this time by Croatians in World
> War I -- they came to the United States as "displaced persons."
> During World War II, in the village of Vojnic, Croatian Nazis burned 17
> of my family to death in the Serbian Orthodox
> Church. In 1995 during the Bosnian Civil War, I lost the last five
relatives to
> my name. Most were too old and too sick to flee --
> they were found a year later with their throats slit.
> Therefore, I suggest that Jim Fisher's description of my hostility as
> was self-serving. Expecting me to have a "dispassionate
> view" of this history as a double victim of genocide is a typical
> stretch.
> Arrogantly, I am supposed to believe that the real "dispassionate" views
> these wars are taking place in the media that continues
> to ignore the 1.2 million Serbs cleansed from Croatia and Bosnia who have
> prevented from returning to their homes now for
> nearly four years. Selective journalism is repugnant. So, too, is
> justice.
> Last fall in the village of Klecka, the Kosovo Liberation Army killed 22
> Their bodies were dismembered and burned in an
> oven -- a hideous duplication of the horrors of the Holocaust in which
> Bosnian Muslims and Kosovo Albanians helped
> Hitler liquidate 1.7 million Serbs.
> After the Klecka massacre there was no outcry from Madeleine Albright.
NATO was
> too busy plotting a pretext to bomb the
> Serbs and our commander in chief was too distracted with his Monica
problem to
> notice. There was also no mention of the "never
> again" theory.
> Atrocities committed against Serbs have been treated in the press as
> while collective guilt against the Serbs has been a
> major weapon of the State Department in dismembering a sovereign nation
> violation of numerous international laws and treaties.
> Mr. Fisher cannot have it both ways. Collective guilt has been fine-tuned
to the
> point that Serbs are now fair game. Implying that I
> am "intolerant" because I dare to have the audacity to speak out about
> Muslim practice of Jihad (holy war) and to be outraged
> by the double standards of my government officials who resort to racist
> terminology is hypocritical.
> I am confident there are many fine Muslim people, but why have all of
> remained silent about the World Trade Center
> bombing, the downing of the TWA aircraft, the brutal slaughter of our
troops in
> Dhahran and the murder of our embassy
> employees? The silence from their imams, scholars, authors and
> leaders is offensive.
> Since the arrival of NATO "peacekeepers" in Kosovo, the KLA has destroyed
> Serbian churches, burned hundreds of Serbian
> homes and expelled 160,000 Serbs. Now the KLA is attacking Turks, Greeks,
> Gypsies and Albanian Roman Catholics who stand
> in the way of an ethnically pure, gangster-controlled Muslim Kosovo.
> On July 6, Sens. Carl Levin, Jack Reed, Mary Landrieu and Jeff Sessions
went to
> Kosovo, where they met with Hasim Thaci, the
> head of the KLA. The Albanian press stated: "American senators call Thaci
> George Washington of Kosovo." What
> blasphemy. George Washington did not kill six of his lieutenants to
> power!
> It has become rather obvious that the United States, the State Department
> NATO have climbed into bed with the Albanian
> Mafia. To what depth have they made democracy stoop?

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