-Caveat Lector-

International News -- Boston Herald .c </A>

Adolf Eichmann papers found in German archive
Associated Press
Thursday, August 12, 1999

08/12/1999BERLIN - Adolf Eichmann, mastermind of the Holocaust,
complains about an unfairly strict upbringing, describes his inability
to disobey an order and ponders the meaning of life in an apparent first
draft of his prison memoir released Thursday.

The 127 handwritten pages, with the heading ``My Memoirs,'' were
discovered in prosecution files brought to Germany after the Nazi war
criminal's 1962 execution, said prosecutor Willi Dressen.

``Apparently they fell into oblivion,'' he said. Dressen heads the
German agency coordinating efforts to track down Nazi crimes.

Eichmann oversaw the deportation and murder of millions of Jews during
World War II and promoted the use of gas chambers in death camps. He
escaped to South America after World War II, but was kidnapped in
Argentina in 1960 by Israeli agents and brought to Israel.

The pages published Thursday were released two days after Israel
announced it would hand over a 1,300-page memoir Eichmann wrote while in
prison there in 1961 and 1962. A German research institution will
prepare the memoir for scholarly publication.

The decision to release that memoir - in which Eichmann tries to portray
himself as a mid-level official who only followed Hitler's orders - came
after one of Eichmann's sons, Dieter, hired a lawyer to claim the book
as family property.

Israel has had it locked up in its national archive since Eichmann was
hanged, allowing access to only a handful of researchers. Its decision
to release it with background, commentary and footnotes apparently is
aimed at foiling attempts by neo-Nazis to use the text for propaganda.

Dressen said he came across the earlier version Tuesday. He had decided
to take another look through his thousands of files on the Eichmann case
after the Berlin-based Die Welt newspaper asked him if he had a copy of
the full memoir.

``We don't have that, but I found something else,'' he said in a
telephone interview. He provided a copy to Die Welt, which began
serializing it Thursday.

In the first excerpt, Eichmann complains about how his parents treated
him much more strictly than his siblings for some unknown reason. ``In
no way was I a hard-to-raise child,'' he insists.

He calls his father an ``absolute authority'' and describes transferring
that relationship to his teachers and later to military officers.

``It would have been conceivable that the famous camel went through the
eye of a needle, but it would have been inconceivable that I wouldn't
have followed an order,'' he wrote.

He also rambles about his quest for the meaning of life, settling on a
vague ``cosmic movement'' as the answer.

The rest of the manuscript, written in a tight cursive script, continues
in the same ``bombastic and banal'' language and progresses to attempt
to justify Nazi crimes, according to Dressen.

Some historians accused Die Welt of sensationalism.

Wolfgang Benz, head of the center for anti-Semitic research at Berlin's
Technical University, told the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel that it
would be better ``if a handful of historians read the text, analyze in
the context of other sources, and then publish the results for the broad

But Johann Michael Mueller, an editor at Die Welt, said the memoir
exposes Eichmann's attempts at ``lame excuses,'' even if there are no
new revelations.

``I think it would be very interesting for psychologists,'' he said.

Dressen said all of his agency's Eichmann files - including the memoir -
are open for research, but not to the general public. He said his agency
had no plans to publish the 127-page manuscript itself, citing
unresolved copyright questions.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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