-Caveat Lector-

At 12:58 PM 8-13-1999 EDT, John wrote:
> Any NewYorker with an ounce of brains should not even consider a
> vote for Hillary until the Vince Foster death is completely solved.
> Not to mention several other questionable practices she and her
> husband have been associated with!

such as:


    VILLAGE VOICE, June 16 - 22, 1999

    The Hillary Clinton Cheat Sheet
    A Guide to the Scandals and Issues
    That Could Stall Her Senate Run

    by william bastone

 Every night before her latest hairdo hits the pillow,
 Hillary Clinton probably crams a few more facts about
 New York into her head. Like an immigrant studying for a
 citizenship test, she must prepare for the pop quiz that,
 were she to flunk, could hobble her nascent Senate
 campaign. You can almost hear Hillary reciting the names of
 the Five Towns or practicing a soliloquy on the gustatory
 wonder of Buffalo's beef on weck. Closing her eyes, Hillary
 may even try to conjure the view from Montauk's bluffs or
 the Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn promenade.

 For her, this is the easy part. Blessed with a curious mind
 -- and unafraid of the details -- Hillary has a chameleon's
 élan. As she hones her Empire State chops, perhaps Hillary,
 who has been known to tweak the truth, will claim to have
 been present when Bobby Thomson went yard or when the
 Beatles played Shea. As for those carpetbagging snipes,
 well, to her, residency is what you make of it. For a
 pan-American like the First Lady, where you live is more a
 state of mind than a matter of where you hang your hat.

 But it will not be easy getting crowned Ms. New York.
 Because, like most tourists, Hillary carries a ton of
 baggage, deficiencies sure to be seized upon by presumptive
 Republican opponents like Mayor Rudolph Giuliani or
 Representative Rick Lazio (not to mention the frothing
 Clinton jihad). In fact, when it comes to Hillary Clinton,
 you cannot track the scandals without a scorecard. What
 follows is a cheat sheet, as it were, to issues -- both
 silly and significant -- that candidate Clinton can expect
 to encounter, that her allies will labor to spin into
 oblivion, that her enemies will tirelessly exploit.

 The toilet bowl rankings each Hillary Scandal is rated on
 the potential negative impact on her expected senate
 campaign. Here, in descending order of danger, is our
 porcelain point system:

     (***) = 1 toilet bowl

     (***)(***)(***)(***)(***)  -- Deep shit

     (***)(***)(***)(***)       -- Big stink

     (***)(***)(***)            -- Could clog pipes

     (***)(***)                 -- Slightly smelly

     (***)                      -- Bottom of the bowl

 Back To The Cattle Futures

 It goes back 20 years, but Hillary's six-figure score
 trading cattle futures demands an accounting. In less than
 a year, she saw a $1000 investment grow to nearly $100,000,
 a mammoth windfall considering she and her husband had a
 combined income of about $60,000. While claiming to have
 read The Wall Street Journal for investment tips, Hillary
 has acknowledged the aid of attorney (and commodities pro)
 James Blair in most of her deals. Blair was the chief
 attorney for Tyson Foods, one of Arkansas's most powerful
 and highly regulated companies. With Blair's guidance,
 Hillary began her commodities trading just weeks before her
 husband won election as governor in November 1978. When
 details of her trading emerged in 1994, critics contended
 that the odds of reaping such a profit in the volatile
 commodities market were astronomical. But it should be
 noted that Alfonse D'Amato, an early Hillary critic, showed
 similar investment acumen, once earning $37,125 in one day
 by flipping insider stock purchased via an IPO. The Fonz's
 deal carried a similar cattlelike odor.


 XXX Xmas Tree

 Perhaps Hillary's planned book on entertaining in the White
 House will include a chapter on Christmas decorations,
 specifically some interesting ornaments found on the Blue
 Room tree in 1994. The decorations -- about which Hillary
 was surely unaware -- apparently featured drug and sex
 themes, including roach clips and three French hens getting
 busy. While this stuff might make voters in Utica blanch,
 such naughty nicknacks go over big in many downstate
 precincts. The story loses porcelain points since it was
 first reported in a crappy book penned by ex-FBI agent Gary
 Aldrich, an avowed Clinton hater. The tale was also spread
 by Craig Shirley, a GOP operative now marshaling troops and
 raising money for an assault on Hillary's expected 2000


 Channeling Eleanor

 Though she has dismissed it as an intellectual exercise,
 Hillary can expect to again be derided for what journalist
 Bob Woodward first reported as a "seance" with Eleanor
 Roosevelt. At the prompting of New Age guru Jean Houston,
 Hillary engaged in fantasy chats with Roosevelt and Mahatma
 Gandhi, two of the First Lady's heroes. While not on par
 with Nancy Reagan's regular consultations with psychics,
 the Houston sessions still might unnerve more rational
 voters. Makes you wonder with whom Giuliani, if given the
 chance, would dream of carrying on a conversation. Fiorello
 La Guardia? Thomas Dewey? Donna Hanover?


 Wearing Two Hats

 Giuliani has already begun to question Hillary's pinstripe
 pedigree, but her flank may actually be more exposed on a
 National League matter. A longtime Cubs fan, Hillary was
 doubtlessly cheering on that July day 30 summers ago when
 Tom Seaver saw his bid for a perfect game ruined with one
 out in the ninth inning. Tom Terrific's masterpiece was
 spoiled by a flare off the bat of Cubby Jimmy Qualls, a
 misanthrope whose name is still cursed in thousands of New
 York households.


 Mideast Mishegoss

 Any voter for whom a Palestinian state is a key issue will
 likely not be receptive to Clinton's candidacy. Still,
 Hillary is hardly alone on this matter -- there is growing
 support both here and in Israel for a two-state approach to
 securing peace. But that does not mean the crew at the New
 York Post, led by editorial page pooh-bah John "The
 Poddler" Podhoretz, will pass up the chance to mount a
 "Let's rile up the Jews" effort. These pathetic gambits
 appear every fall, like the leaves turning or the air
 getting brisk.


 Harold Ickes, The Faithful Thug

 What's not to admire about a guy who has now officially
 been investigated more than poverty kingpin Ramon Velez?
 And like the South Bronx's sleazy Fat Man, Ickes has, so
 far, escaped unscathed. The resurgence of Ickes (after he
 was treated to the presidential shiv and hurled overboard)
 is, of course, driving the GOP nuts, since the former White
 House aide seemed to be the maypole around which most of
 the Clinton-gates revolved. While Lani Guinier and other
 unrepentant lefties sunk like deck chairs, Ickes resurfaced
 once Hillary began to ramp up for the 2000 race. He clings
 to grudges, curses up a storm, and practices a brand of
 brass-knuckle politics that would make his former Teamster
 clients blush -- the perfect temperament for a New York
 rumble (you want Nita Lowey watching your back?). In fact,
 Ickes, unlike the perfidious George Stephanopoulos, offers
 no apologies for administration excesses like the unsavory
 campaign fundraising operation. In a matchup already
 steeped in Yankees references, Ickes is, as Reggie Jackson
 said of himself, the "straw that stirs the drink." And
 this, of course, brings to mind what Billy Martin once said
 of Reggie and George Steinbrenner -- "one's a born liar,
 the other's convicted" -- which also carries some Campaign
 2000 parallels.


 Panther Power

 It would not be a New York campaign if some Hillary
 opponent failed to spotlight her affiliations with radical
 causes, specifically during her Yale Law School days. While
 that "too liberal for too long" stuff may have been played
 out by the D'Amato-Finkelstein team, somebody will have to
 dredge up Hillary's 1970 advocacy on behalf of Black
 Panther Bobby Seale, then on trial in New Haven for
 murdering a suspected snitch. (Seale was acquitted.) Might
 work well when Giuliani or Lazio is receiving the
 endorsement of some police fraternal organization.


 The Health Care Disaster

 Good idea, dreadful execution. Drafted amid the kind of
 paranoid secrecy with which Giuliani could relate, the
 health care plan was a titantic bust, a Hillary fiasco that
 surely contributed to Democratic losses in the 1994 midterm
 elections. In her first major legislative undertaking, the
 First Lady's stridency and miscues (coupled with Republican
 intransigence) derailed what could have been a monumental


 The Welfare Deal

 While she probably should not be saddled with her husband's
 mixed record, Hillary may have to answer for the White
 House's cold-blooded welfare reform. Maybe she'll buck the
 president on this one as she campaigns for Daniel Patrick
 Moynihan's seat, but that will be a bit late. For a former
 board member of the Legal Services Corporation and the
 Children's Defense Fund, the welfare reform package must
 have been repellent.



 There is not much of a defense to this one, though New
 Yorkers are surely not as provincial as voters in Arkansas
 or Mississippi (burghs Jimmy Breslin calls "low IQ
 states"). Hillary could move into an old-law tenement on
 Thompson Street, shop at Balducci's, and weekend on Coney
 Island, but she will never be mistaken for a New Yorker.
 But that is probably okay, politically speaking, since it
 sometimes feels as though 75 percent of the city itself
 comes from somewhere else. Any voter who would use
 residency as a litmus test probably has far more serious
 problems with the First Lady. Of course, most operatives
 who will beef about this (while downplaying the RFK and
 James Buckley precedents) have probably been bused in from
 other time zones.


 Two's A Crowd

 Al D'Amato claimed last year that it would be in the
 state's best interest to keep a Republican in the U.S.
 Senate since the chamber is controlled by the GOP. And you
 know where that argument got The Fonz. Expect to hear how
 it will be critical to have a liaison to the Trent Lotts of
 the world, a task Hillary could not handle. This is a
 nonstarter, as the consultants say.


 Vince Foster's Mysterious Demise

 Since nobody -- not even Richard Scaife, the far right's
 Mr. Moneybags -- has yet been able to place Hillary in Fort
 Marcy Park on the July 1993 afternoon Foster expired, she
 appears in the clear on this one. As for the other 56
 casualties of the Clinton administration -- the body count
 cited on several far-right Web sites -- the First Lady has
 yet to be caught with any smoking guns or bloody gloves.


 White House Travel Office Purge

 Though she disavowed responsibility for sacking the White
 House travel office staff -- holdovers from previous
 administrations -- Hillary clearly directed the massacre,
 possibly with an eye toward awarding the lucrative business
 to a firm co-owned by Clinton family confidant Harry
 Thomason, the TV producer. The patronage grab was fiercely
 criticized, putting the Clinton forces on the defensive.
 They responded by claiming that the travel office personnel
 may have been corrupt and decided to sic the FBI on them.
 The imbroglio eventually triggered a General Accounting
 Office review, during which the First Lady told probers
 that she had no role in the firings. These assertions,
 though, were later directly contradicted by the testimony
 and notes of several White House advisers, proof that
 placed Hillary in the middle of the slimy episode. The
 evidence gathered by the GAO also highlighted the degree to
 which Hillary would try to distance herself from a messy
 situation -- in this instance, by lying to federal


 Stand By Your Man

 Sure, her husband's problems have had nothing to do with
 his wandering eye and two-term turptitude. If it were not
 for those scheming right wingers -- that creep Drudge, that
 bitch Tripp, those insane Freepers -- all this would never
 have happened, right? While such a healthy reserve of
 paranoia is necessary for a New York campaign, Hillary
 might try to curb her tendency to blame others for the
 creeping rot that has overtaken her mate's presidency. She
 has assiduously avoided full disclosure on a host of
 matters, preferring instead the shrill stonewall. As the
 First Enabler, she has never blinked when called upon to
 divert attention from her husband's latest outrage. Perhaps
 it was her marital obligation. But she regularly goes above
 and beyond the call of this duty.


 Hillary The Hotelier

 They may have temporarily taken down the "Vacancy" sign
 outside the Lincoln Bedroom, but Hillary will have to
 answer for the tawdry nature of the joint White
 House-Democratic Party fundraising apparatus, a rogue
 operation that she will no doubt benefit from during the
 2000 campaign. Riding shotgun on Bill's forays to Hollywood
 and East Hampton, Hillary vigorously chased hefty campaign
 donations while Justice Department bosses were bottling up
 their own probe into the administration's seamy cash grab.
 Her campaign white paper on the need for fundraising
 reforms should be quite amusing (and perhaps a collector's



 A Whitewater Primer

 The grandpappy of all Clinton Scandals, the original
 Arkansas land deal morphed into a hillbilly hydra. When one
 line of inquiry died, it seemed as if two others quickly
 sprouted. Here are the Hillary highlights:

 Friends In Low Places

 The Clintons initial transaction in 1978 with Jim and Susan
 McDougal -- the four of them borrowed $203,000 -- has been
 examined endlessly, and there is still no compelling case
 that they engaged in any illegality. They apparently lost
 money on the failed land development, a project run into
 the ground by Jim McDougal, a manic-depressive who screwed
 up every business he came near. But the Clintons lose some
 points for their choice of partners.


 Castle Grande

 Another Jim McDougal scam, Castle Grande was an intricate
 financial fraud disguised as a real estate development.
 Designed to bilk money from Madison Guaranty, a savings and
 loan McDougal owned, the Castle Grande sham eventually
 resulted in criminal convictions for McDougal, former
 Arkansas governor Jim Guy Tucker, and David Hale, an
 ex-municipal judge (and Ken Starr witness). While neither
 of the Clintons invested in this swindle, Hillary had been
 retained by McDougal to handle some legal matters relating
 to his S&L. In this capacity, she drafted an option
 agreement that, federal investigators would later claim,
 was used by McDougal to deceive bank examiners. And while a
 report from the Resolution Trust Company cleared Hillary of
 any wrongdoing in the pillage of Madison Guaranty, this
 remains a particulalry tawdry episode since it represents
 her connection to the national S&L scandal that cost
 taxpayers billions of dollars.


 The Missing Billing Records

 The full extent of Hillary's Castle Grande work was not
 known until January 1996, when an aide discovered long-lost
 billing records sitting on a table in the White House
 quarters. Though subpoenaed two years earlier by
 investigators, White House lawyers claimed not to be able
 to locate the documents, which showed that Hillary spent
 about 60 hours working for Madison Guaranty over a 15-month
 period in 1985-86. Before the records appeared, she claimed
 that her work for McDougal's S&L was "very limited" and
 told the RTC that she was not involved in the Castle Grande
 project. As for Hillary's claim that she had no idea how
 the billing records ended up on a table in the White House
 residence, the proper New York response would be: "You
 gotta be freakin' kidding me!"


 Ken Starr's Fantasy Indictment

 Though they never pulled the trigger, Ken Starr deputies
 prepared a draft indictment of Hillary in late 1996, after
 the billing records mysteriously surfaced. (Over the
 weekend, The New York Times reported that the independent
 counsel was contemplating issuing a stern report chastising
 the First Lady. Note: Add a toilet if Starr releases the
 dirt close to election day.) But this lands in the
 close-but-no-cigar file. Heck, it is probably a good bet
 that Giuliani is still drawing up these dream cases -- and
 he left the U.S. Attorney's office a decade ago. In fact, a
 search of Rudy's coat pocket would probably turn up the
 fantasy RICO indictment in United States of America v.
 David N. Dinkins, Alfred Sharpton, and Edward I. Koch.


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